An Introduction To Marketing Research: Sonia Singh Ssingh6@amity - Edu Amity Business School

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Amity Business School

Sonia singh Amity Business School

An Introduction to Marketing Research

Amity Business School

A voyage of discovery; A journey; An attitude; An experience; A method of critical thinking; A careful critical enquiry in seeking facts for principles It is what a research is

Career Opportunities in Marketing Research

Amity Business School

Marketing research analyst Marketing information manager Project manager Director of market research Research account manager Research analyst Methodologist

Minute Maid Quits Trying to Free OJ

Amity Business School

Minute Maid attempted to market orange juice as more than a breakfast drink. They failed in their attempt, but succeeded in re-discovering their original market. With a renewed emphasis on marketing orange juice as a breakfast drink, sales have steadily risen. Who thinks they were right to try.

Amity Business School

Learning Objectives (Module-I)

Introduction to MR Why study MR Applications of MR When to do MR Limitations of MR

Amity What is marketing research? Business School

Marketing research: is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem. (Burns & Bush)
is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through informationinformation used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve the understanding of marketing as a process. (AMA)

Marketing Research

Amity Business School

Function of Marketing Research is to link an organization to its market through information Identify and define marketing opportunity and problems Generate, redefine and evaluate marketing actions Monitor marketing performance Improve understanding of marketing as a process

Participants in marketing research activities

Amity Business School

Information Users
General management
Planning Marketing and sales managers Product managers Lawyers

Information Suppliers: Inside Company

Marketing research department
Sales analysis group Accounting department Corporate strategic planning

Information Suppliers: Outside Company

Research consultants
Marketing research suppliers Advertising agencies

Marketing research provides information to Amity Business School help implement

The Study of Marketing The Use of the Marketing Concept Marketing Strategy Lets look at each of these in turn

Marketing research provides information to Amity Business School help implement

Marketing: process of all activities necessary for the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives

Marketing research provides information to Amity Business School help implement

Marketing Concept: the business philosophy that holds the key to achieving organizational goals consists of determining the benefits sought by target market members and delivering these benefits more effectively & efficiently than competitors. This is to be done at a profit.

Marketing research provides information to Amity Business School help implement

Marketing Strategy: consists of selecting one or more segments of the market as the companys target market(s) and designing the proper mix of the 4Ps

Amity Business School

Key Point: To practice marketing; to

implement the marketing concept; to carry out a marketing strategy, managers must make informed decisions. Many decisions require additional information and marketing research may be needed in order to supply that information.

Amity What is online research? Business School

Online research: the use of computer networks, including the Internet, to assist in any phase of the marketing research process including development of the problem, research design, data gathering, analysis, and report writing and distribution

Amity What is online research? Business School

Web-based research: research that is conducted to evaluate various facets of Web applications; may use traditional methods as well as on-line research methods in conducting research on Web-based applications Online survey research: collection of data using computer networks

Amity Marketing Information System Business School

Marketing Information System (MIS): a structure consisting of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

Components of an MIS

Amity Business School

Internal Reports System existing organization/company reports and records (sometimes called accounting information system) Marketing Intelligence System everyday info about pertinent developments in the environment

Components of an MIS

Amity Business School

Decision Support System (DSS) collected data that may be accessed and analyzed using tools and techniques that assist managers in decision making (playing what if?). Marketing Research Systemprovides information not available from other systems. When specific problem must be solved, marketing research may be needed. This is project-based not continuous as with other systems.

Science or Art?
Objectivity of Investigator
Unbiased Procedural integrity Accurate reporting

Amity Business School

Accuracy of Measurement
Valid and Reliable Meaningful and useful Appropriate design (sample, execution)

Open-minded to Findings
Willing to refute expectations Acknowledge limitations

Managing the Research Process Good research

management motivates decision makers to use research information
Determinants of whether research data were used conformity to prior expectations clarity of presentation research quality political acceptability within the firm lack of challenge to the status quo

Amity Business School

Role of Marketing Research in Managerial Decision Making

Four Stages of Market Planning Process
Situation analysis Strategy development Marketing program development Implementation

Amity Business School

Situation Analysis
Analysis of
Market environment

Amity Business School

Market characteristics
Consumer behavior

Research Approaches
Organize information obtained from prior studies (secondary)

Focus groups

Strategy Development

Amity Business School

Market Research Provides Information to Assist Management With Three Critical Decisions
What business should we be in?
How will we compete? What are the objectives for the business?

Marketing Program Development

Programs embrace specific tasks

Amity Business School

Action program usually focuses on a single objective in support of one element of overall business strategy

Starts with decision to proceed to a new program or strategy Commitment to objectives, budgets and timetables

Amity Business School

Specific measurable objectives must be set for all elements of marketing program "Did the elements achieve their objectives?" Should the marketing program be continued, discontinued, revised or expanded?"

Situation Analysis Strategy Development

Understand the environment and the market Amity Business School Identify threats and opportunities Assess the competitive position
Define the business scope and served market segments Establish competitive advantages Set performance objectives.

Marketing Program Development

Product and channel decision Communication decisions Pricing Personal selling decisions
Performance monitoring Refining strategies and program


Factors Influencing MarketingAmity Business School Research Decisions

Relevance Type and Nature of Information Sought

Availability of Resources

Cost-benefit Analysis

Amity Business School

Marketing Research
An investment to reduce uncertainty Can help guide decisions on
Whether to enter Product characteristics Promotional strategy Positioning

Must weigh costs and benefits of research

Money Time spent

No perfect method tradeoffs between methods

What Decision Makers Want From Amity Business School Marketing Research
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Should maintain client confidentiality Should be honest Should be punctual Should be flexible Should deliver according to project specifications Should provide high quality output Should be responsive to the clients needs Should have high quality-control standards Should be customer oriented in interactions with client 10 Should keep the client informed throughout the project

Amity Business School

Applications of Marketing Research

Traditional Applications: 4P (product, price, promotion, Place)

Applications of Marketing Research

Amity Business School

Contemporary Applications: Competitive Advantage, Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction Emerging Applications: database marketing, Relationship Marketing

Phase in New Product Research Business School Amity

Concept generation

Concept evaluation & development

Product evaluation & development

Testing & marketing program

New Product ResearchAmity Business School

Need identification
Perceptual maps Trends analysis Benefit structure analysis Diary analysis Focus-group Lead User analysis

Concept identification
To monitor the environment systematically Information acceleration

Amity Business School

New Product Research

Product evaluation & development
Use Testing Predicting trial purchase- ESP model Pretest marketing- ASSESOR model
Advantages of laboratory test

Test marketing
To gain the information & predict the programs outcome

Amity Business School

Pricing Research
Approaches: Gabor & Grainger method, Multi-brand choice method Pricing strategies (Randomly discounting, Second market discounting, Periodic discounting, Price signaling, Penetration pricing, Geographic pricing, Premium pricing, Price bounding, Complementary pricing)

Amity Business School

Distribution Research
Warehouse and retail location
Center-of-gravity simulation Computerized simulation models Trade area analysis Outlet location research

Number and location of representatives

Sales effort approach Field experiments Computerized models of sales force size & allocation

Amity Business School

Promotion Research
Advertising research
Budge decision Media research

Sales promotion research

Retailer promotions Trade promotions Consumer promotions

Amity Business School

Competitive Advantage
Marketing strategy (ex: Porter five forces analysis) Market-based /Process-based assessment

Amity Business School

Brand Equity
Research questions:
Brand loyalty Name awareness Perceived quality Brand associations Other brand assets: patents, trademarks, channel relationships, etc.

Measuring brand equity

Amity Business School

Customer Satisfaction
Measurement process Issues in questionnaire design and scaling TQM (Total Quality Management), QFD (Quality Function Deployment)

Amity Business School

Database Marketing
Elements of a database Ways to gather customer data A customer/ prospect database Value-added database
Enhancement Analysis/ modeling Identify most profitable customers Validating prospect profiles

Amity Business School

Database Marketing
Customers are easer retain than acquire Determine their lifetime value Developing relationships with customers E-commerce

Amity Business School

Relationship Marketing
Three keys:
Marketing database Deliver differentiate messages to targeted households Track the relationship

CRM, data mining

Difficulties of Achieving Scientific Amity Business School Studies in Marketing

Investigator is deeply involved in the use of the results. Imprecise measuring devices Very complex and interrelated subject matter Difficulty using experiments Influence of the measurement process on results Time pressure for results

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