Portfolio Assessment

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They are collections of work, different from a single timed impromptu essay or a class essay carried out over

a semester. They are purposeful in that they demonstrate, exhibit or provide evidence of achievement, improvement, the writers self reflection, the writing process and the writers growth.

The degree to which these characteristics are evidenced in portfolios largely depends on their purpose. Shows student progress (Gronlund, Norman E.,& Keith Waugh C. Assessment of Student Achievement. )

1. A portfolio is a form of assessment that students do together with their teachers. 2. A portfolio represents a selection of what the students believe are best included from among the possible collection of things related to the concepts being studies.

3. A portfolio provides samples of the students work which show growth overtime.
4. The criteria for selecting and assessing the portfolio contents must be clear to the teacher and the students at the outset of the process.

is continuous and ongoing is multidimensional is selective is reflective has clearly defined criteria

Documentation Portfolio
Process Portfolio

Showcase Portfolio
Evaluation portfolios Product oriented portfolios

Documentation portfolio. The goal of documentation portfolios (also known as working portfolios) is to highlight development and improvement over time. Process portfolios it is concentrate more on the journey of learning rather than the final destination or end products of the learning process.

Showcase Portfolio this type of portfolio is especially compatible with audio-visual productions, including photographs, videotapes, and electronic records of students' works. Evaluation portfolio this type of portfolio documents tests, observations, records, or other assessment artifacts required for successful completion of the course.

Product oriented portfolios are collections of work a student considers his or her best and it demonstrates the mastery of a learning task or a set of learning objectives and contains only the best work.

1. Deciding on the purpose of the portfolio

a. Enhance learning assign grades, or some combination b. Best work representative products, growth or learning progress, or evaluation.

2. Decide on what type of items will be placed in the portfolio a.Best work b.Representative portfolios c.Growth or learning-progress portfolio 3. Decide who will select the items to include in the portfolio a. Teacher b. Student c. Teacher and students collaboration

4. Establish procedures for evaluating or scoring the portfolio

a. Specify the evaluation criteria b. Provide specific standards c. Decide on a holistic or analytic approach 5. Promote student involvement in the process

Portfolios can encourage students to become reflective learners and to develop skills in evaluating the strength and weaknesses of their work. It can provide a mechanism for studentdirected conferences with parents.

Portfolio can help students take responsibility for setting goals and evaluating their progress. It can provide teachers and students with opportunities to collaborate and reflect on student progress. It can be an effective way of communicating with parents by showing concrete examples of student work and demonstrations of progress. Portfolio provides students with opportunity to show what they can do.


Scoring portfolio in a reliable manner is difficult Conducting portfolio assessments properly is a time-consuming and demanding process.


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