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(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad) Ankireddy Pally X Roads, Keesara, R.R.Dist.-501301 March, 2012

Space Mouse
By, K.ANUSHA, 08R51A0446.

Mouse used to move cursor and activate.

Mouse sends senses of hand to computer.

Mouse acts as 2D controller.

Space mouse acts as 3D controller.

How does the Space Mouse works ?

A ball is present inside the mouse. Two rollers are present inside the mouse. The rollers are connected to a shaft. The shaft spins a disk.

On either side of disk INFRARED sensor and LED are present. An on-board processor chip reads pulses from sensor. Pulses are changed to binary data.

Space Mouse
Developed by the DLR institute of robotics and mechatronics.
( DLR- Deutsches Zenturum far Luft-und Raumfahrt).

It is designed to manipulate devices in 3D environment.

We can zoom, rotate , shift and pan models.

Can explore and navigate designs as natural as in real world.

It can be used as a conventional mouse. It is wear resistant and drift free. It just needs few mill amperes of current.

It replaces all electronic activities like analogous signal processing, computational evaluation.

Earlier detection of errors.

Cost savings in design.

Interactive motion controller. Ease of use. Drawing time is reduced. Improved Design comprehension is possible.

Space Mouse Plus

Award winning product in 3D motion controller field. Precise interactive motion control of 3D graphic objects up to 6 degrees of freedom(dof). Increases productivity.

Magellan- The European Spacemouse

It is designed as flat as possible. Has contactless measuring system providing 6 dof. Works with standard serial interfaces. No additional power supply is needed. Space-proven, highly reliable product .

Double productivity of object manipulation in 3D applications. Calibration free sensor technology Fingertip operation for maximum precision and performance. Settings to adjust sensitivity to user preference.

Drawing times is reduced by 20%-30%.
Increasing overall productivity. Detection of design errors is fast. In 3D applications Magellan is used in conjunction with a 2D mouse.

World's first 6dof ,3D web navigation device. Creates a new way of real time application.
Allows user to "fly through" in a seamless and intuitive way .

First real robot in space.

Used for design of visual mouse.

Serves as an intuitive man-machine interface. Used for 3D manipulations in 6 dof. Used in urban development, chemistry, biology and entertainment.


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