New Features in SQL Server 2008: Hanoi University of Technology

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New Features in SQL Server 2008

Vu Tuyet Trinh

Hanoi University of Technology

SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Data Platform

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Productivity Challenges
Translating logical database schemas to business objects

Incorporating diverse data access syntax for multiple data sources

Creating and maintaining large, complex applications

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Productivity Solutions



Visual Studio

Conceptual data model Faster development Improved maintainability

Data is a first class object Data source neutral syntax Compile-time validation

Design time IntelliSense Full cycle team development EDM and LINQ integration

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Comprehensive Data Platform Challenges

Accessing data in diverse stores throughout the enterprise

Implementing complex data processing functionality

Extending the reach of data applications

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Comprehensive Data Platform Solutions

Broad Connectivity Rich Programmability Your Data, Any Time, Any Place

ODBC, OLE DB, and ADO ADO.NET & Entity Framework XML, JDBC, PHP

Native query syntax (LINQ) Conceptual data model (EDM) SQL Server integrated CLR

Range of data access options Support for occasionally connected solutions

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

ADO.NET Entity Data Model (EF)

Easy to understand conceptual data model Easy to design and develop applications Easy to maintain applications Get started quickly with the automatic creation of entities Data programming better with IntelliSense

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft


MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Scalability Challenges
Storing high volumes of data

Supporting diverse types of data

Building scalable applications and services

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Scalability Solutions
Enterprise-Scale Data Store Broad Data Type Support Application Scalability

SQL Server 2008 Editions to suit all requirements Robust data management that grows with your business
MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Relational data CLR types Spatial data Filestreams XML

ADO.NET Entity Framework Service Broker SQL Compact Edition Visual Studio Team System

A New Statement: MERGE

Allows you to merge two tables together based on a set of criteria Useful for synchronizing data Great for consolidating in a Data Warehouse

MERGE DataTable2 AS mainData USING (SELECT ID, DataValue FROM DataTable1) otherData ON (mainData.ID = otherData.ID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Msg = 'MATCHED' WHEN TARGET NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (ID, DataValue, 'TARGET NOT MATCHED') WHEN SOURCE NOT MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Msg = Books Online: 'SOURCE NOT MATCHED'; Query above referenced MS. SQL Server 2008 from Ben Halls Blog Microsoft GO

Developer Business Intelligence

Reporting Service in 2008 Built-in forms authentication Report Server application embedding Office integration

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Pipeline

Data Integration packages Scale more effectively

Making use of available resources and managing the largest enterprise-scale workloads by using all available processors. SSIS increases the performance of lookups to support the largest tables.

SSIS Persistent Lookups

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

New Data Types

Spatial data

Geography & Geometry Data Type


New Date&Time



MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Application Extensibility Standard Format Support

Sourcing geographical data

Industry-standard formats for import/export

Well Known Text (WKT) Well Known Binary (WKB) Geographic Markup Language (GML)

Integration with GIS and geospatial data solutions

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Application Extensibility Data Programmability

Consume spatial data through ADO.NET

Call spatial data type methods from .NET code

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

Integrate with external locationaware applications such as Virtual Earth

Take advantage of comprehensive spatial support
geometry and geography data types Methods for spatial operations

Store spatial data with Build high performance spatial business data Spatial indexing solutions

Industry-standards Extend and integrate geospatial compatibility Comprehensive applications

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

programmatic library

SQL Server 2008

Microsoft Data Platform

MS. SQL Server 2008 Microsoft

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