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6 sigma

Sigma is a measurement that indicates how a process is performing Six Sigma stands for Six Standard Deviations (Sigma is the Greek letter used to represent standard deviation in statistics)from mean. Six Sigma methodology provides the techniques and tools to improve the capability and reduce the defects in any process.

Six Sigma Results

Defects are eliminated Production and development costs are reduced Cycle Times and Inventory Levels are reduced Profit Margin and Customer Satisfaction are improved

Cost Poor Quality

Inventory Scrap Rework/Repair Downtime Redesign Excess Inspection Excess Inventory

External Costs
Warranty Retrofits Service Calls Recalls Lost Sales Long Cycle Times

Components of Cost of Poor Quality

People (Indirect Labor) Rework Inspection Material Handling Maintenance Setup Excess Overtime Labor Variance off standard People

Defects Scrap Rework Defects Warranty & Recalls Returned Good Handling

Inventory Raw Material Holding Cost WIP holding cost Finished Good Holding

Maintenance Maintenance Repairs Rearrangement

The Goals of Six Sigma

Improved Customer Satisfaction Defect Reduction/Elimination Yield Improvement Reduced COPQ Improved Process Capability Stretch Goals Target 6 Sigma standards

DefineDetermines the project goals and deliverables to customers (internal and external). MeasureIdentifies one or more product or service characteristics, maps the process, evaluates measurement systems, and estimates baseline capability. AnalyzeEvaluates and reduces the variables with graphical analysis and hypothesis testing and identifies the vital few factors for process improvement.

ImproveDiscovers variable relationships among the vital few, establishes operating tolerances, and validates measurements. ControlDetermines the ability to control the vital few factors and implements process control systems


Typical dish

A dabbawala (Marathi: ); also spelled as dabbawalla or dabbawallah; literally meaning ("box person"), is a person in India, most commonly found in the city of Mumbai, who is employed in a unique service industry whose primary business is collecting freshly cooked food in lunch boxes from the residences of the office workers (mostly in the suburbs), delivering it to their respective workplaces and returning the empty boxes back to the customer's residence by using various modes of transport.


Hon. Mahadu Havaji Bacche Educated only up to Class 2 Started the Dabbawala System with a handful of 35 Dabbawala in 1890

Hon. Dhondiba Medge Educated only up to class 4 Framed the Rules and Regulations of Dabbawala

This service originated in 1880. In 1890, Mahadeo Havaji Bachche and Ananth Mandra Reddy started a lunch delivery service with about 100 men. In 1930, he informally attempted to unionize the dabbawallas. Later a charitable trust was registered in 1956 under the name of Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Trust. The commercial arm of this trust was registered in 1968 as Mumbai Tiffin Box Supplier's Association. The present President of the association is Sopan Laxman Mare. Nowadays, the service often includes cooking of food in addition to the delivery

Initial Coding System used colored threads to mark 7 Islands Then Utilized thrown away cotton waste from tailors. Now using colour markers. E:: Code for Dabbawala Street at residential station VLP:: Residential Station Ville Parle 3:: Code for Destination station. E.G :- Church gate 9:: Code for Dabbawala at Destination. Ex: Express towers ( Building name) 12:: Floor no. in the building.

s.w.o.t analysis

Key Elements of Quality :Customer, Process and Employee

Delighting Customers performance, reliability, competitive prices, on-time delivery, service, clear and correct. Outside-In Thinking Leadership Commitment Training courses are offered at various levels: Quality Overview Seminars: basic Six Sigma awareness.

Team Training: basic tool introduction to equip employees to participate on Six Sigma teams. Master Black Belt, Black Belt and Green Belt Training: in-depth quality training that includes high-level statistical tools, basic quality control tools, Change Acceleration Process and Flow technology tools. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Training: prepares teams for the use of statistical tools to design it right the first time.

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