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Community Health Project Bope-Poddala

Group 8 33rd batch 2012

Group 8

Group 8

Introduction of community
26 houses 116 population Mulana-Narawala,Poddala, Galle,Sri Lanka.

Group 8

Male 61 Female 55 Sex ratio 110.9%

Group 8

Age distribution
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Infants Pre schoolers School children Adults ( 15-64) Elders

Group 8

Age pyramid-our community

95-99y 90-94 85-89y 80-84y 75- 79y 70 - 74 y 65 - 69 y 60 - 64 y Axis Title 55 - 59 y

50 - 54 y
45 -49 y

Males Females

40 - 44 y
35 - 39 y 30 - 34 y 25 - 29 y 20 - 24 y 15 - 19 y 10 - 14 y 5-9y 0-4y -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Group 8

Age pyramid- Sri Lanka

Group 8

Dependency ratio
< 15 yrs 25 > 65 yrs 10 Dependent persons 35 Economically productive persons 81 Dependency ratio 43.20%

Group 8

Median age of population

Total : 30.5 years Male : 28.5 years Female: 43.9 years (2012 nov) This is a young population. High GR . So population may increase in size faster

Group 8

Literate Illiterate 90.09% 9.90%


Group 8

Health Problems
Prevalence of non communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, bronchial asthma, arthritis

One case of malnutrition.

Group 8

Visually handicapped people.

Group 8

Addiction to betel chewing and alcohol

Group 8

Action plan
Referring patients for appropriate clinics. Advice them to follow up treatments. Make peoples aware about the consequences of the diseases. Educate mothers about the current methods of introduction to weaning foods. Advice community regarding importance of good nutrition and hygiene.
Group 8

Socio economic problems

Majority of females are unemployed. There is a one family without permanent income Alcoholics Lack of street lamp facilities. No steady income. Some families do not have enough protection. One family has to share toilet with a neighboring house.

Group 8

Action plan
Community should be advised about consequence of alcoholism. Guide females to involve in self employment. Ask Provincial Council to put street lamps

Group 8

Environmental problem
No organized garbage disposal method. No planned drainage system. Marshy lands. Mosquito menace. Stray dogs. Monkey menace.
Group 8

Garbage disposal

Stray dogs
Group 8

Action plan
Encourage them to have garbage pit and its advantage Shramadana campaign to make drainage system and clean them. Encourage people to destroy mosquito breading places. Inform Provincial Council or relative authority to vaccinate stray dogs. Inform Wildlife Department or relative organization to take appropriate action for the monkey menace.
Group 8

Behavioral problem
Recognize two mentally disorders cases. A case of domestic violence. A case of mentally dispersed female. Isolated from community.
Group 8

Action plan
Counseling, (Doctor/priest-temple) Find cause for isolation and improve their attitudes.

Group 8

Other problem
Two cases of subfertility. The distance between well and toilet not enough in some cases. Roads are narrow and damaged.

Group 8

Action plan
Refer the sub-fertile couples to sub fertility clinic Invite PHI to check the quality of well water Chlorinate the well water and advice to drink boiled-cooled water

Group 8

Group members
Nisansala Nisshanka Palihawadana Pamoda miss Pathiravasam Piyasiri Prabhawitha Prasad Premakeerthi Premasiri Premasiri Premawansha Iresha PDP HGY DK IGM AR KHDS LGC LGJ WAPR NPTE UWAHN KT PV
Group 8

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