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Understanding value education CH1

Required Characteristics of a Manager

Choose to lead. Be the person others choose to follow. Provide vision for the future. Provide inspiration. Make other people feel important and appreciated. Live your values. Behave ethically. Set the pace through your expectations and example. Establish an environment of continuous improvement. Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally. Care and act with compassion.

What is value
Values are the socially approved standards of behavior applicable in local ,national and global environment Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful when we have to trade off meeting one value over another.

One can have professional ethics, Ethics tend to be codified into a formal system or set of rules which are explicitly adopted by a group of people. Ethics are thus internally defined and adopted, . If you accuse someone of being unethical, it is equivalent of calling them unprofessional and may well be taken as a significant insult and perceived more personally

Ethics is understanding the difference between right and wrong, and then doing the right thing. Most ethical dilemmas in the workplace are not simply a matter of "Should Ram steal from Shyam ? or "Should Shyam lie to his boss?" Many ethicists assert there's always a right thing to do based on moral principle, Others believe the right thing to do depends on the situation -- ultimately it's up to the individual. Many philosophers consider ethics to be the "science of conduct."


To correctly identify aspiration in terms of personal, family ,professional and global situations. Requirement based proper planning Aspirations to be fulfilled in reference global values Values become basis or foundation for behavior Values should complement skills by being guide to set goals. Methods and skills to achieve goals should be in consonance with values. Values and skills should complement each other.


The best leaders exhibit both values and ethics in the leadership style and actions every single day. A lack of trust is a problem in many workplaces. People don't know what they can expect. If leaders have identified and shared their values, living the values daily, visibly will create trust. To say one sentiment and to do another will damage trust .

Leaders who exhibit ethical behavior powerfully influence the actions of others.

Choose Your Leadership Values that are most important ,for the organization to work smoothly.

To say one sentiment and to do another will damage trust - possibly forever Leaders who exhibit ethical behavior powerfully influence the actions of others. Choose Your Leadership Values Leader, should choose the values and the ethics that are most important ,for the organization to work smoothly. Leader should live them visibly every day at work because living your values is one of the most powerful tools available to you to help you lead and influence others.

Emphasis will shift on knowing rather being knowledgeable It will cater the formation of qualities to help students become decent human being
Student will be able to read more than mere words Student will enhance the art of written expression by expressing what is in their mind and heart so as to teach ,persuade or move the person who reads their words to think and reflect about life and their part in it.

Significance of these values in Profession

Students will emerge: As a tolerant and humble professionals Honest and dedicated workers Owners of the community Hard strivers to make world a better place

Significance of these values in Social Field

Student will be able to: Emerge as a truth seeker Develop good listening skills to the others point of view Communicate well Emerge as more ethical leaders for the society

Significance of these values in individual life

Students will be able to: Emerge as a humble human being Practice the religious values, education and ethics in their lives Think for the mankind instead of being selfish Practice respect for human rights and democratic principles Learn to transform for much better visions

: Decide your highest aspiration?

: What is your highest aspiration? A. Wealth B. Fame C. Knowledge D. Popularity E. Integrity


After the aftermath of major corporate failures and questionable accounting practices, American Accounting Association President G. Peter Wilson said that in the classroom, educators need to increasingly emphasize the value of integrity, Wall Street Journal article, Psychology professor Steven Davis says that cheating by high school students has increased from about 20 percent in the 1940s to 75 percent today. Students say cheating in high school is for grades, cheating in college is for a career. If students lack ethics in high school and college, then there should be little surprise that they lack ethics in their careers. Greed and over-reaching ambition often end in disastrous personal consequences.

BASIC GUIDELINES Values should be universally applicable.

Should be rationally proved

Values should be natural and verifiable Values should encompass all dimensions of living and people around Should lead to harmony

Need for Value education in professional education Difference between Value and Ethics and how they fit in with each other.

How to prioritize the valuables to you.

Practice Session-1
Do you want to live a goal oriented life or spend your life without any purpose?
Is it possible to have a definite goal in your life?

Do you have a definite goal?

List out all your goals which you want to achieve in your life .

A Tentative List of wants

Jaguar Car Happiness A great house Big Bike Take care of my parents A good laptop Get a top MBA Own a golf course Not get angry Knowledge To be a well known person Become a politician Roam the world Have great food Be healthy Protect Nature Be promoted quickly Peaceful life Be loved A Nikon Digital SLR A good guitar

More money
Clean city Peaceful society Respect Better mobile Good friends DJ Turntable

Practice Session-1
Try to find out how you have decided your goals. You will find out that your goals are normally decided by one of these:
Society Family Peer pressure

Do you want to be able to decide your goals on your own right or want to chase the goals, decided by someone else?

Practice Session-1
You can explore that if you set right goals on your own right, life becomes more fulfilling and satisfying. You should be able to differentiate between right and wrong to set the right goals. Now the question arises what is the basis for deciding right and wrong. How do you differentiate between right and wrong?

Practice Session-1
Is it again based on social norms, traditional sayings, scriptures, great people etc? There is also a popular assumption that right and wrong are always relative and situation dependent. Is it possible to absolutely differentiate between right and wrong on your own right? Try to chalk out your achievements and shortcomings so far in life.


Self Exploration as A Process for Value Education

This is a process to look with in. Human behavior can be understood only in the context of global surrounding. We observe things around but rarely look inside.


To get involve in the process of dialogue between what we are and what we really want to be. It is a process of evaluation through investigation. Process of knowing universe through knowing self. Recognizing the existence of self in the context of every single unit in the existence. Realizing own conduct and character and living accordingly. To establish harmonic relation with self and with existence.

The contradiction between the existing and desired self is within us . The contradiction seen outside is mostly a reflection of with in and we rarely check the relevance of the given belief to us and never try to do any thing to rectify . EX.Belief is living basically a struggle for survival and we plan our life accordingly We never try to challenge the existing irrational beliefs. Despite all the gains and achievements this discomfort persist. There is a continuous contradiction between What we say, we do ,we want and this leads to unpleasant outcome. We do not do anything to resolve this conflict and to achieve harmony


SELF EVOLUTION THROUGH INVESTIGAION Self exploration is the process of reaching to desired self. Self exploration leads to self evolution to make us better. Exploration leads to evolution which further makes us comfortable.


Knowing self properly leads to better understanding of the surrounding. We need to question self that Do I want it for my self?

Am I satisfied in my present state ?

How to know the self? This need to know is self instilled . After knowing self we better understand the surrounding .


The basic problem is that with out exploring the self we start understanding the world so the contradiction of with in starts getting reflected on the world . First need to be sure about the self then start looking outside. Do we understand the details of our relation with different social units around us. Lack of proper understanding leads to adjustment ,behavioral and emotional problems.

First need to understand self than others and our relations with them and how to rectify.
We live in different relationships with personal, social and professional, global and environmental etc.

KNOW CONDUCT, CHARACTER AND LIVE ACCORDINGLY Human being by nature want harmony, certainity and stability. Proper understanding of self leads to balanced behavior with surrounding. We can only plan better if we are clear about our needs , desires, and expectations.

HARMONY WITH SELF AND EXISTENCE Dialogue with self leads to the harmony within. Harmony within motivates for better relation with surrounding and ultimately to harmony with nature.


Self exploration should be done to: Find out Desire Formulate Programme or process to fulfill the desire.

Every thing we do is related to some desire we need to be aware about the purpose as well as the process to be appropriate.

NATURAL ACCEPTANCE Acceptance should come as:- Natural:--Natural acceptance does not change with time or place its your feeling others can not govern it. Consistency:-- Live according to the proposal should not be a discrepancy between practice and preachings.

We rarely evaluate assumptions and beliefs rather keep it to self as something personal and invest our useful to protect and preserve and get stressed in result. We live with the assumptions and beliefs through out .

Need to evaluate to become : Assured Satisfied Generalised ( Time, Space & Individual)

We need to undergo self-exploration because we want to find out what is valuable to us, and secondly we want to understand our relationship, our participation with the things around us. Self-exploration is 1) a process of dialogue between what you are and what you really want to be. 2) a process of self-evolution through self-investigation. 3) a process of knowing oneself and through that, knowing the entire existence. 4) a process of recognizing ones relationship with every unit in existence and fulfilling it. 5) a process of knowing human conduct, human character and living accordingly. 6) a process of being in harmony in oneself and in harmony with entire existence. 7) a process of identifying our innateness (Swatva) and moving towards Self-organization (Swatantrata) and Self-expression (Swarajya).

The content of self-exploration is exploring into two fundamental questions: what our basic aspiration is and the program to fulfil this basic aspiration. Process of self-exploration involves two things, firstly, verifying on the basis of natural acceptance, and secondly, validating experientially by living accordingly. When the proposal is verified on both the bases, it leads to realization and understanding. Understanding is assuring, satisfying and universal with respect to time, space and individual. Natural Acceptance does not change with time, individual or place and is not tainted with our pre-conditionings. It is innately present in each one of us and we can always refer to it.

The Program to Fulfill Basic Human Aspirations

Basic Requirements for Fulfillment of Human Aspirations To find out what our happiness and prosperity depend on, lets start with a very simple exercise. Lets make a list of everything we want today and see what these wants or aspirations in turn depend on.

Here is a set of proposals

Physical facilities are necessary for human beings Physical facilities are necessary for human beings and they are necessary for animals. Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but not complete for humans

Besides physical facilities, we want relationship. By relationship, we mean the relationship we have with other people, or human beings: father, mother, brothers and sisters, our friends, our teachers; we desire good relationships with all of them. When we have a problem in these relationships, it troubles us, we are bothered by it. So we have identified two categories of our needs so far: Relationship and Physical facilities.

In Relationship Mutual fulfillment: We want to have mutually fulfilling relationships. [You can verify this for yourself]. If there is a problem in relationship, we feel uneasy, it bothers us. Even if we are interacting with someone, and something we said or did offends them, it makes us uneasy; i.e. we want mutual fulfillment in relationship. Both us and the person we interact with, need to feel fulfilled, need to feel satisfied from the interaction. You can check this in your daily life as well.

From Physical Facilities Prosperity in us, enrichment in nature : Lets ask ourselves, Do I want to live with a sense of prosperity or with a sense of deprivation? The answer is, I want to live with a sense of Prosperity ,it means the feeling of having or being able to have more physical facilities than is needed. (We had drawn a distinction between prosperity and wealth, wherein we saw that just having wealth is not sufficient for prosperity. For ensuring feeling of prosperity, identification of need for physical facilities is also essential, over and above having wealth. Further, feeling of prosperity will lead to sharing with the other, becoming an aid by enriching the other. Deprivation will lead to exploiting the other. This is a simple test of prosperity).

What Is Our State Today?

In Relationships Ask yourself this question: Am I able to have such fulfilling relationships all the time today? What is the answer? Our answer is Sometimes I have good relationships, sometimes I dont. Or perhaps, mostly I have good relationships, and sometimes I dont. or vice-versa.

We thus seem to have quite a problem in our hands on both these fronts: Relationship with humans: We are unable to have fulfilling relationships all the time: in family, outside family, and as a society in the world at large Physical Facilities: We want to feel prosperous, but end up working only for accumulation of wealth. We want to enrich nature, but are exploiting it, destroying it.

In Relationships What could be the possible reason for the issues we have in relationships? Lets ask the question in another way: Do I understand human relationships? Do I know what the other persons expectations from me are? The answer is, I mostly dont, OR I am not sure about this OR It depends, It changes from time to time, etc. This seems to be our problem. We seem to be interacting with a lot of people, we keep getting ourselves into trouble in our relationships, but we dont seem to understand the first thing about relationships- The expectations! It may seem like a trivial thing, but it is very important

From Physical Facilities Again, we can see here that we have assumed that accumulation of wealth is the only thing we need and the rest shall be taken care of. As we have seen, this is an incorrect assumption. Having wealth is necessary, but not sufficient for prosperity. We have also made numerous assumptions about our interactions with nature, that we can exploit nature, that nature is present solely for our consumption and so on and so forth. It is easy to see today, with the widespread havoc we are causing in nature, that this assumption is incorrect.

From the above, it is easy to make the following inferences: We largely operate on the basis of assumptions today. These assumptions can be right, or they can be wrong, and we are mostly unaware of our own assumptions! Since we are not even aware that we have assumptions, we have obviously not verified these assumptions for ourselves. We havent checked if our own assumptions are naturally acceptable to us. As a result most of our interactions with people and with physical facilities lead to problems.

Today, we can see that there are two kinds of people in the world:
1) Those that do not have physical facilities/wealth and feel unhappy and deprived Thus, such people can be said to be materially deficient, unhappy and deprived or Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra The short form for this can be written as: SVDD! 2) Those that have physical facilities/wealth and feel unhappy and deprived! Thus, such people can be said to be materially affluent, but unhappy and deprived or Sadhan Sampann Dukhi Daridra The short form for this can be written as: SSDD! Check, where do you stand- at 1) or 2)

Both these are states we dont want to be in! We want to move from this to (verify this) 3) Having physical facilities and feeling happy and prosperous. Such people can be said to be materially affluent, happy and prosperous or Sadhan Sampann Sukhi Samridh The short form for this can be written as: SSSS!

To ensure that we are of the 3rd category as described above, we need the right understanding! Thus, we can conclude the following: We need to work for all three, and this is the order in which we have to work is 1) Right Understanding 2) Relationship 3) Physical facilities Working with this order, we are able to ensure mutual fulfilment with human beings and mutual prosperity with the rest of nature. Right understanding + Relationship = Mutual fulfilment Right understanding + Physical facilities = Mutual prosperity

Let us see if we can find out the expense of our living from the point we discussed earlier, which is, our need for 1) Right Understanding 2) Relationship 3) Physical Facilities It becomes clear to us that our state of happiness or unhappiness depends on the above three aspects. If we have the right understanding, then we can be happy in ourselves, have fulfilling relationships with humans and have mutual prosperity with nature. If we do not have the right understanding, then we have problems in these levels. Thus, our happiness depends on these levels.

Practice Session-2
Is technological development always a boon?

List out the problems caused or aggravated by technological developments.

Here is a list of some of such problemsEnergy shortage Natural resource depletion Environmental pollution Global warming Ozone depletion Deforestation Soil degradation Nuclear proliferation Arms race Terrorism Criminalization of politics Large scale corruption, scams Breakdown of relationships Generation gap Depression & suicidal attempts

Practice Session-2
These problems broadly fall in two categories:
Threats to survival of life on earth
Threats to human happiness and peace

What are the possible causes of these techno genic maladies? Does technology have the solution for these problems or something else is required to have a check on these?

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