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From Chapter 7 of Curriculum 21, Tim Tyson writes:

As the school principal, I could now issue an unprecedented challenge: "Students, if you do exemplary work, the very best of the best, I will consider placing your work into global distribution." This is a challenge that every educator should offer students. Never before has such a possibility existed for schools. Indeed, every person on the planet with Internet access has the capacity to see the work of Mabry students. Students can have a global voice, can connect in meaningful ways on a planetary scale.

What Tim Tyson is suggesting is the exact message of Upgrade Your Curriculum:

Engagement and Learning go hand in hand Student Centered work creates mental velcro Amplification is crucial to Modern Preparation

What does this look like in practice?

How it begins:
New Audiences

Learning Extensions: Beyond the classroom interaction. Connections to authors.

Learning Extension

International Collaboration Opportunity

Amplification creates opportunities for learning to become a global conversation.

This conversation allows students to work for different audiences, tasks, and purposes, while revising and editing based on feedback from a global cadre of commenters, with varying levels of

Created a product.

Amplifies product on YouTube.

Discussion begins around potential mistake. Video not remade, but annotated. Product launched new learning, versus being end moment.

Close Reading

Taking Ownership

Logic/Critical Thinking

Original Work
Comment Clarification Revision

We can create

of learning where all of the following can be social, amplified, and invigorating for students:
Reading Responding Notating Annotating Collaborative Conclusion Making Collaborative Projects Writing Presentations Revising Editing Nuancing Content / Extending Content


Comment from CEO

Response from author to commenters

Link to Flat Classroom Project:

Social Construction of Meaning:

Pose Questions ~ Shared resources ~ Citations ~ Conversations

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