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Programming the Microprocessor

A Course in Microprocessor Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Indonesia

Data Conversions
Describes conversions between binary and ASCII Binary data are removed from a register or memory and converted to ASCII for the video display

Data Conversions (contd)

Converting from Binary to ASCII Conversion from binary to ASCII is accomplished in two ways :
by the AAM instruction if the number is less than 100 or by a series of decimal divisions (devide by 10)

Data Conversions (contd)

The algorithm for converting from binary to ASCII code is :
Divide by the 10 and save the remainder on the stack as a significant BCD Digit Repeat step 1 until the quotient is a 0 Retrieve each remainder and add a 30H to convert to ASCII before displaying or printing

Example 7-27 illustrates a program that uses the procedure DISP that processes the binary value in AL (0-99) and display it on the video screen as decimal

Data Conversions (contd)

Converting from ASCII to Binary The algorithm for converting from ASCII to binary is :
Begin with a binary result of 0 Subtract 30H from the character typed on the keyboard to convert it to BCD Multiply the result by 10 and add the new BCD digit Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the character typed is not an ASCII-coded number

Example 7-29 illustrates a procedure (READN) used in a program that implements this algoritm

Data Conversions (contd)

Displaying and Reading Hexadecimal Data Reading Hexadecimal Data
see Example 7-30

Displaying Hexadecimal Data

see Example 7-31

Using Lookup Tables for Data Conversions A lookup table is formed in the memory as a list of data that is referenced by a procedure to perform conversions is used XLAT instruction

Data Conversions (contd)

Converting from BCD to 7-segment Code
Example 7-32 illustrates a lookup table that contains the 7-segment codes for the numbers 0 to 9

Using a Lookup Table to Access ASCII Data

Example 7-33 shows a table that references ASCIIcoded character strings located in the code segment

Disk Files
Data are found stored on the disk in the form of files The disk is organized in four main parts :
the boot sector the file allocation table (FAT) the root directory the data storage

Disk Organization Fig. 7-2 illustrates the organization of sectors and tracks on the surface of the disk Fig. 7-3 shows the organization of data on a disk

Disk Files (contd)

Files are usually accessed through DOS INT 21H function calls
There are two ways to accesse a file using INT 21H : uses a file control block uses a file handle

Sequential File Access All DOS files are sequential files

Disk Files(contd)
File Creation
A file is created by the INT 21 H function call number 3CH The file name must be stored at a location addressed by DS:DX before calling the function CX must contain the attribute of the file (or subdirectory) created An ASCII-Z string is a character string that ends with a 00H or null character Example 7-37 lists a short procedure that creates the new file on the disk Table 7-5 lists and defines the attribute bit positions

Disk Files(contd)
Writing to a File
Before writing to a file, the file must have been created or opened The file handle is used to refer to the file whenever data are written Function number 40H is used to write data to an opened or newly created file. In addition to loading a 40H into AH, we must also load BX = the file handle, CX = the number of bytes to be written, and DS:DX = the address of the area to be written to the disk ( see Example 7-38 and 7-39)

Disk Files(contd)
The File Pointer
It is a 32-bit number that addresses any byte in a file Once a file is opened, the file pointer can be changed with the move file pointer function number 42H A file pointer can be moved : from the start of the file (AL=00H) from the current location (AL=01H) from the end of the file (AL=02H) The distance moved by the file pointer is specified by registers CX and DX

Disk Files(contd)
Register BX must contain the file handle before using function 42H to move the file pointer Example 7-40 shows a procedure that opens a file, moves the file pointer to the end of the file, writes 256 bytes of data, and then closes the file Fig. 7-5 shows how this is accomplished by creating a second file (see Example 7-41)

Random Access Files

Creating a Random Access File (see Example 7-42) Reading and Writing a Record (see Example 7-43)

Example Programs
Calculator Program This program demonstrates how data conversion plays an important part in many application programs (see Example 7-44)
Numeric Sort Program Fig. 7-6 shows five numbers that are sorted with a bubble sort Example 7-45 illustrates a program that accepts 10 numbers from the keyboard (0-65535)

Interrupt Hooks
Hooks are used to tap into or intercept the interrupt structure of the microprocessor a special keystroke, called a hot key, can be detected when we hook into the keyboard interrupt Whenever the hot-key is typed, a terminate and stay resident (TSR) program that performs a special task, can be accessed see Example 7-48

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