Career Planning

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Career Planning & Development


Planning and Development Succession Planning Plateaued/Mid-Life workers

Career Planning
Career Planning means helping the employees to plan their career in in terms of their capabilities within the context of organizational needs. A career can be defined as all the jobs occupied by a person during his working life. Career anchors are certain attitudes formed early in life, which guide people throughout their career like managerial competence, technical competence, search for security, desire for creating and developing something new, and freedom of independence.

Career Stages
Preparatory stage Entry stage Early career stage Midcareer stage Late career stage

Career Development
Career Planning Workshops Career Counseling Determining Individual Needs Self-Management Training Mentoring Networking

You And Your Career

Jobs are no longer as secure for managers as they used to be

organizations still try to develop and retain good employees employee loyalty and commitment are still important provide training and other learning experiences employees perform work with greater responsibility

Companies offering employability to workers tend to be more successful

You And Your Career

Two models of career paths

traditional model - peoples careers advanced through promotions up the hierarchy within a single business function current model - career progress likely to include lateral moves across functions

Be both a specialist and generalist

specialist - expert in something generalist - knowing about a variety of business functions so that you can understand work with different perspectives
provide concrete, identifiable value to the firm

Organizational Careers: Vertical Path

CEO Sales Marketing Finance Operations HR Legal Accounting/ MIS

Organizational Careers: Horizontal Path

CEO Sales Marketing Finance Operations HR Legal Accounting/ MIS

You And Your Career (cont.)

Be self-reliant
take responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your career regardless of where you work think and act like an entrepreneur
look for opportunities to contribute in new ways generate constructive change

Be connected
establish many good working relationships be a team player with strong interpersonal skills all business is a function of human relationships
competitive advantage depends upon you and other people

You And Your Career (cont.)

Actively manage your relationship with your organization

view yourself as an employee
model for just getting by contributions likely to be minimal

two ways to think about the nature of the relationships between you and your employer

two-way, mutually-beneficial exchange relationship

think about how you can contribute and act accordingly figure out new ways to add value organization likely provide full and fair rewards, support further personal development, and offer more gratifying work environment

Two Relationships: Which Will You Choose?

#1 You as a passive employee #2 You as an active contributor in a productive relationship

Employer Your Organization

You You

Managerial Action Is Your Opportunity To Contribute


Your Organization

Managerial Actions 1. Delivering Strategic Value 2. Building a Dynamic Organization 3. Mobilizing People 4. Learning and Changing

Plateaued Employees/Mid-Life Career Crisis

At certain stage, upward mobility stops for many employees. This is called plateauing and is inescapable in view of the pyramidal organization structures. It takes place at the age around 40 years. Measures/strategies to reduce plateaued mobility: Mentors could be assigned the task of altering expectations of such employees Additional career ladders could be established to retain some valuable resources Giving them importance by assigning them to some important tasks Assisting them to choose a new career

Succession Planning
Succession may be from internal employees or external people. Succession from internal employees is advantageous to the organization as well as to the internal employees. Organization can buy the employees loyalty and commitment, belongingness, shared feeling of development along with the organization by promoting the internal employees. Employees get the benefits of growth in the organization, organizations should also search for outside talent in certain cases like when competent internal people are not available.


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