Chapter 34-3

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Chapter 34-3

The Excretory System

Function of Nephron Filtration

afferent arteriole

Bowmans Capsule

Convoluted Tubule


Descending Loop Ascending loop


efferent arteriole

Loop of Henle

To Ureter

The nephrons filter the blood and remove wastes

A glomerulus is a capillary tuft surrounded by Bowman's capsule in nephrons of the kidney.. The glomerulus is the main filter of the nephron

Bowmans Capsule

Blood is transported into the Bowman's capsule from the afferent arteriole Within the capsule, the blood is filtered through the glomerulus and then passes out via the efferent arteriole. Meanwhile, the filtered water and aqueous wastes are passed out of the Bowman's capsule into the proximal

Loop of Henle
This long tubule reabsorbs a lot of the remaining electrolytes electrolytes (Elements in the blood, such as potassium and sodium) and water from the urine that remains after leaving the proximal tubule. It is also important in helping to dilute or concentrate the urine later on.

Collecting Tube

Collecting ducts run through the medulla and are surrounded by loops of Henl. The liquid in the collecting ducts (ultrafiltrate) is turned into urine as water and salts are removed from it. It is called a collecting duct because it collects the liquid produced by lots of nephrons.

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Parts of the Excretory System

The organs of the excretory system include the lungs and the skin,

The Liver
The liver is a vital part of the excretory system, and the human body. It regulates glycogen storage, plasma protein synthesis, and drug detoxification. The liver secretes bile, a base used for breaking down fats. Therefore, it helps get rid of unneeded wastes in the body. It changes toxic ammonia, which is a poisonous gas , to urea, a harmless fluid. The kidney filters urea(a mix of sugar and waste) into a liquid called urine. The liver is the largest gland in the body.

Excretory System
however the kidneys are the main excretory organ in the body

The outer portion of the kidney is called the RENAL CORTEX and the middle would be the RENAL MEDULLA and the innermost part is the RENAL PELVIS

Each kidney contains approx. 1,000,000 filtering units called NEPHRONS Video on Nephrons

Kidneys (video clip on urinary system) The

kidneys are the 2 organs which filter out waste products, excess water and salts from the blood.

Kidneys Disorders
Infections kidney infections usually start in the bladder. If your resistance is low, germs from the bladder can travel up the tubes (ureters) that lead to the kidneys treatment is generally antibiotics

Kidneys Disorders
Nephritis Inflammation of the glomeruli which can lead to inflammation of the entire kidney

Kidneys Disorders
Kidney Stones A kidney stone is a hard mineral and crystalline material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. May pass out with flow of urine

Kidneys Disorders
Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys.

Kidney Disorders
Kidney Cancer. In adults, the most common type of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma, which begins in the cells that line the small tubes within your kidneys.

Kidney Treatments
Kidney Dialysis Dialysis treatment replaces the function of the kidneys, which normally serve as the body's natural filtration system. The treatment removes waste products and excess fluids from the bloodstream, while maintaining the proper chemical balance of the blood. There are 2 types of dialysis ..

Kidney Treatments
The first treatment involves circulating the patient's blood outside of the body A filter known as a dialyzer (artificial kidney), and a dialysis machine that monitors and maintains blood flow and administers dialysate. Dialysate is a chemical bath that is used to draw waste products out of the blood.

Kidney Treatments
The second type: A catheter is surgically inserted into the patient's abdomen. During treatment, the catheter is used to fill the abdominal cavity with dialysate. Waste products and excess fluids move from the patient's bloodstream into the dialysate solution. After a waiting period of six to 24 hours, depending on the treatment method used, the waste-filled dialysate is drained from the abdomen and replaced with clean dialysate.

Kidney Treatments
Kidney Transplant Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney either from a living donor or a cadaver.

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