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Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills
Ideas, concepts or issues talked about or spoken to a group or audience Skills required to give a good presentation can be developed

Preparation is the Key

Presentation Skills

Preparation/ Planning is the first step on the ladder to success

Aspects in the development of a good presentation Subject Centered (Material) Audience Centered (Audience) Self Centered (Self)

I want (who) to (what) (where, when and how)

because (why)

Presentation Skills
Helpers Who is your audience? What do you want to present (content)? Why do you want to present (purpose)? Where will you be presenting (place)? How do you want to present (words to be used or not, slides to be used)

Presentation Skills
Preparation: Audience Analysis What is the audience interested in What does the audience want What does the audience already know and needs to know What are their needs, expectations from this presentation How will the audience benefit from this presentation

Presentation Skills

Structure the content in line with the audiences needs What do you want to tell the audience? What is your objective? Prepare keeping in mind the time allotted Anticipate the questions and prepare Collect material from a variety of sources Arrange points logically and sequentially Prepare handouts as well

Presentation Skills
Structuring the presentation 2 to 2.5 mins--- opening/beginning 20 to 21 mins--- middle section 2 to 3 mins --- closing/end 5 mins --- questions

Three Principles of Presentation

May Ought/Should Must

Presentation Skills
The Begining Should be carefully designed Get attention - shock, humour, question, story, facts &figures - well rehearsed yet natural Motivate audience to listen - listen to their needs

Presentation Skills
Preparation Structure Sequence should be logical & understandable Interim summaries- Recaps Value of visual aids-flip charts, handouts etc. Use the 4 Ps Position Possibilities Problem Proposals

Presentation Skills
Prepare Closing Last 2 to 2.5 minutes are as critical as the first five minutes for a successful presentation Summarize- highlight important points Suggest action- what to do and when, where and how to do it

Presentation Skills
Stage Fright Everyone has it to some degree Can be used constructively Key issue is not elimination of fear Instead channel the energy it generates for an effective presentation

Presentation Skills
Effective Delivery Be active - move Be purposeful - controlled gestures Variations vocal (pitch, volume, rate) Be natural Be direct dont just talk in front of the audience talk to them

Group Facilitation
Verbal Communication- barriers Speaking too fast Using jargon Tone and content Complicated or ambiguous language Not questioning Physical State of the audience

Presentation Skills
Sensitivity to the audience

see the audience Take non-verbal feedback -congruent and incongruent body language Modify to meet audience needs Dont just make it as a presentation

Presentation Skills
Handling Questions

Do not get confused You are not supposed to know everything Anticipate and keep answers ready Sometime questions themselves give you a lead to highlight your point of view

Visual Aids

Why Use Visual Aids? Creating the Design Choosing the Appropriate Diagram

Visual Aid Checklist

Why Use Visual Aids

It has been said that people generally remember:
20 percent of what they hear 30 percent of what they see

50 to 85 percent of what they see and hear

Two Types of Visual Aids


Words used to outline and summarize your presentation.

Images to illustrate key concepts or numerical data.

Selecting the Visual Aid Medium


Computer Presentations


Selecting the Visual Aid Medium

Handouts - an easy and inexpensive way to create visuals. Presentations - easy to create and alter. They can be used as transparencies or computer generated onscreen presentations.
- combines use of text, graphics, video, and audio.



Anatomy of a Good Graphic

Let the content suggest the visual elements and colors of your presentation.
Choose visual images that clarify your content and aid in understanding. Dont use original art, clip art, or photos that are vague. It is better to have no visual images than to have visuals that distract.

Factors Affecting Photosynthesis

Light Intensity Temperature Water Supply Nutrients

Creating the Design

When formatting your visuals consider:

Color Format Balance Readability

Warm colors come forward off the page and are very dominant.

Warm & Cool Colors

Reds, oranges, and yellows are warm colors and should be Violet Orange used to indicate strength, energy, and action. Use warm colors for titles and text.


Violets, blues, and greens, are cool colors and are appropriate for background Yellow colors because they generate feelings of relaxation and passiveness.

Blue Green

Cool colors recede and make very good

Format & Balance

Format - the shape and size of your visual.

Balance - the arrangement of elements on your visual.


44 point font size (bold)

30 point font size (bold)
24 point font size (bold)
18 point font size (bold)
12 point font size (bold)

Using Special Effects

Choosing the Appropriate Diagram

Bar Graphs Flow Charts Line Graphs Maps

Organization Charts

Pie Charts Tables

Bar Graph
Retention Rates
People remember:
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 50-85% 20% 30%

of what they hear

of what they see

of what they hear & see

Flow Chart
Five Process Steps
Raw Material Input
Process Time

Finished Goods

.5 min/u .75 min/u .75 min/u 1.0 min/u .5 min/u

Line Graph
Fruit Sales: 1980-2000
80 75 70 64 26 Fresh Frozen Canned 50 40



60 27 13 1995

40 22 20 3 0 1980

25 5 1985

1990 Year


Proposed Test Market


Organizational Chart




Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit

Frozen Fruit
Fruit Pies

Pie Chart
2009 Sales
Blueberry 9%

Apple 54%

23% Cherry

2007 Sales
Fruit Flavor Total Percentage Apple 5400 54 Cherry Blueberry Lemon 2300 23 1400 14 900 9

Visual Aid Checklist

Does each visual emphasize important information? Does each visual emphasize only one concept? Are the visuals prepared consistently? Are the headings descriptive but concise? Is the lettering bold and large enough? Has color been used sparingly? Do the visual aids improve the presentation?

Presentation Skills
Visual Aids While using a over head projector face the audience while talking Point with a pen Appropriate lighting Watch the colours Ensure clear visibility 10 lines, 10 words per line


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Annual presentation of reports. Launching a new product or service. Starting a training course/session. Presenting a new business plan. Making a marketing/sales proposal. Making a contribution to a conference/seminar. Diversification of a business. Demonstration of a new technique of work/equipment/machinery. Study of progress/downfall of the organisation or of the competitors.

10. At the time of interview or promotion, if asked by the management for such a presentation.


Presentations have three major elements: 1. Presenter/Speaker 2. Audience 3. Specific content:





Consider the occasion and objective.

2. Make audience analysis. 3. Get acquainted with the environment/location.

4. Decide the manner and mode of presentation.

5. Plan out the presentation : Script. 6. Visual aids, handouts, feedback forms. 7. Rehearse the presentation.

8. Consider personal aspects: physical appearance and body language.

9. Overcome nervousness. 10. Making the presentation.


These are as follows: A. Why

B. Who
C. Where D. When E. What F. How.

Presentation Skills
So to conclude : Always prepare Channelize you fear Interact with your audience

Thank you

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