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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

Evaluation Task 1

Weve taken screenshots from one of the first scenes from Grosse Pointe Blank, a film with a poison scene similar to ours.

This is similar to ours as they both have shots of the victims, innocently in their beds, unaware of what is to come. This conforms to the conventions of a thriller as one character is immediately set up as the victim.

Here is a shot from both our thriller, and from Grosse Pointe Blank where there is a close up of the assassins eyes. This is an example of how our thriller video conforms to the conventions of a normal thriller film the baddie is shown very clearly by the dark colours displayed in the background and the interesting shadows cast on the faces, which could be used to show the conflict between good and evil within.

These shots are used to establish the location of the event and where the assassin is. The shot below from Grosse Pointe Blank builds up the tension in the scene and leaves the audience wondering what the assassin is doing and what is about to happen. We have tried to recreate this tension with our shot and, as you can see, our shot is filled with the same eerie mise-en-scene that is typical of assassins.

These shots establish to the audience that the victim is in the room beneath the assassin which leaves the audience with a sense of foreboding as they began to understand what will happen.

This conforms with the conventions of a thriller as it leaves the audience wondering and increases the tension and builds suspense.

Both of the shots have a darkened background suggesting, not just a dark room but also a dark character on a moral level. They both have extreme close ups of the hands, showing they are professionals as what they are doing is tricky and it also tells the audience that they should pay attention. This conforms to the conventions of a thriller as it gives the audience clues as to what is about to happen, without telling them directly, therefore keeping the suspense.

These shots both show the helpless victim in a vulnerable position which makes us feel sympathy for the characters and therefore we feel attached to the thriller on an emotional level. The metaphysical aspect of this shot induces severe connotations of deep spirituality. This conforms to the conventions of a stereotypical thriller, foreshadowing a sinister event at the heart of our gruelling, bleak and some would say harrowing tale of woe.

These two shots here are very similar in that they both show the beginning of the sinister event at the heart of the thriller. The poison slowly making its way down the string is one of the most tense moments in the video and I think that we have managed to create the same amount of suspense that was created in the professionally made Grosse Point Blank. Both have dark backgrounds which represent the nature of the shot and the characters in the thriller.

These closing shots are an effective crescendo to the tension that has been building for a good minute. The suspense is immaculately presented and created for climatic satisfaction that leaves the audience in a state of shock and awe. This definitely conforms to the thriller genre.

Our shot here conforms to an archetypal film title shot as you can see below with a plain black background and relatively simple text.

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