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Training & Development

Towards Building a Learning Organisation

Its All About Playing An .

Integrative and Transformational Role.

Training & Development defined


Current Jobs
Future Jobs

Objectives Improving Organisation Performance Enhance Knowledge & Skill levels

Training & Development

Direct link to business strategy

Cost or Investment?

Training Investment Leaders

@ 3.2% of Payroll

Motorola 1% of annual sales HP 5% of annual revenue

Focus Areas
Leadership Development
Customer Awareness Employee involvement /Motivation

Process improvement Change management.

Cross cultural awareness

Who is responsible?

TrainingA Process
Training Post Training

Training to be effective must be a continuous process

The Process Flow.

Training Need Identification (BTNI, MPDP) Validate Training Needs A,B,C Analysis

Identify & Understand Coverage

Classify Training

The Process Flow.contd

Select the Trainer, Discuss Methodology
Expectations from Participants Pre-Training material

Post Training Activity


Deliver Training

Pre-training Phase
To determine the relevance of training to the

employees job

To ascertain training will make a difference To link improved job performance to

Organizational goals

Training Delivery
Design an Induction Training Program for new

entrants What are the 3areas you would suggest are mandatory coverage Objective Familiarization to the organization Duration?

Training Techniques
Informational Presentation
Simulation Method Case Studies/Role

Plays/Games/In-basket exercise
On the job training Sensitivity Training Multimedia Training/E-Learning

Assessment Centers/Development Centers

360 Degree feedback/Multi-rater process

Measuring Training Effectiveness ROI of Training

ROI is a comparison of benefits to cost expressed as a percentage of the original investment.
It is a way of finding if the training met its goals to an extent that justified its cost
Link to business imperatives: Net sales per employee,

Gross profit per employee Clearly set objectives & continuous monitoring

Post Training Kirk Patrick Model

1 Training Reaction & Learning 2 3 4 5

Workplace Behavior & Results

Post Training Kirkpatrick Model

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends.

Training Trends..

Towards being a Learning Organisation

Towards being a Learning Organisation

Towards being a Learning Organisation

Winning Organisations must move from being just Learning Organinsation to being a Teaching Organisation.
Leadership Engine, Noel Tichy

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