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For an advertisement to be effective it must be noticed, read, comprehended, believed and acted upon.

-Daniel Starch, 1923

For one who has no objective, nothing is relevant - Confucius

Abbreviation Defining Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results

Model by Russell H Colley

Task has to be accomplished among a well defined audience within a specified period of time

DAGMAR- Is a model of the purchase process beginning at a point where the prospect does not know that a particular brand exists in the market



Brand Comprehension & Image

Attitude (Conviction)


Concepts of DAGMAR
I] A Communication Task An advertising objective involves a specific communication task.

It is recognized that advertising is a mass paid communication that is intended to create awareness, impart information, develop attitude or

induce action
II] A Specific Task- Advertising goals should be specific 1. Measurable Task As far as possible, advertising objectives should be quantitative to facilitate measurement

Increase awareness of a store by 10%

Concepts of DAGMAR
2.Benchmark- Is a standard or point of reference which can be used to determine success or failure of an advertising campaign

Increase awareness of a store from the current level of 20% to 30%

3. Target Audience It is very important to define target audience in precise terms as target segments differ significantly

Increase awareness of a store from the current level of 20% to 30% among urban customers of Pune City

Concepts of DAGMAR
4. Time Period Time should be specified within which objectives must be achieved

Increase awareness of a store from the current level of 20% to 30% among urban customers of Pune City in next 6 months period
5. Written Goals - It is expected that goals must be in writing. Oral goals are not entertained

Limitations of DAGMAR
Sales Oriented Performance- DAGMAR approach is considered to be successful if the sales increase & it is considered as a failure if increase in sales is not achieved

Partial Assessment - DAGMAR approach assesses the impact of advertising campaign in a quantitative term, it does not explain how to improve qualitative representation Unsuitable for Small Advertising- Only large advertisers can allocate funds to collect the information about response

No Comprehensive study- It is not necessary that a consumer will go through the pre-defined steps in hierarchy model. - He/She may have impulsive purchaser. DAGMAR does not explain impulsive purchase

Areas where advertising objectives are Set

Introduction of Product

Countering Competition

Building brand image

Stimulate impulse buying

Supporting other sales promotion activities

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