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Prof. Yogesh Gurav

1. Explain why customers buy.
2. Classify customer buying motives.

YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Why the customers buy a particular product?

All people have needs and wants such as food , clothing & shelter etc. Needs and wants do change as per the life cycle stage of an individual


YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Buying Motives
Buying motive: -

Motive is a strong feeling, desire or emotion that makes a person to do something.

When a motive makes a person to buy a product, then it becomes a buying motive. In other words it can be described as all the desires, considerations & impulses that induces a buyer to purchase a given product.
YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Classification of customer buying motives.




Judgment Logic

Emotions Impulses

Can be
rational or emotional

YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Classification of customer buying motives.

Rational buying motive : These are the motives where a consumer takes a decision of purchasing a product by his head and means, i.e. after careful consideration & logical thinking about the product & the available resources. In rational purchases a consumer considers price, quality, durability, reliability & performance of the product.

e.g. profit potential or enhancement, quality of service, availability of technical assistance etc.
YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Classification of customer buying motives.

Emotional motives :Are those impulses which persuade a consumer to purchase a product spontaneously & without thinking about the consequences of this action or decision. It usually appeal to the buyers sense of ego, to display his social status, tendency to imitate others or to convey the feeling of love & affection to close friends & family members .

YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Classification of customer buying motives.

Patronage motives: - these are the motives which determine where or from whom the products are purchased. Further it can be classified as emotional & rational patronage motives. Emotional patronage motives: - are those impulses which motivates & persuades a buyer to purchase products from a specific shop . This type of motive is merely based on subjective reasons. e.g. hair treatment from a particular saloon, purchase of monthly provisions from a particular shop etc.
YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

Classification of customer buying motives.

Rational patronage motives: e.g. when a buyer solicits a particular shop after following a logical reasoning of mind then it is called as rational patronage motive. Big Bazaar.

YKG / CBMR / 2011 -12

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