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SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancement (BSE) Release 04.

2 Transition Readiness Review

Merri Benjamin David Warren

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004


Introduction/Background BSE Requirements Software Changes Acceptance Testing Customer Evaluation SWSI Users Guide Training Status Current SWSI Software Status Delivery Plan Summary-Checklist Recommendation Wrap up

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Introduction/Background The purpose of the meeting is the SWSI Bulk Scheduling The objective of this TRR is to obtain SN Operations and
Enhancement (BSE) Transition Readiness Review (TRR). Customer agreement that the SWSI BSE can transition from development to operations as SWSI Release 04.2.

RFA forms are provided and will be accepted until December 9. With the current SWSI baseline, Release 04.1, SWSI customers
must submit their schedules or changes to their schedules, one at a time through their SWSI Client.

SWSI Release 04.2 contains the BSE which enables

submission of multiple schedule requests [SARs, SDRs, and RRs] from files.

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

BSE Requirements At the start of this software development task, several

meetings were held to discuss the functional requirements and desires of the SWSI for the BSE functionality. Bulk schedule input file formats were defined. (R/DCR) was held.

On July 7, 2004 a Requirements/Design Concept Review

10 RFAs were submitted and all dispositioned.
Action: Verify save function in submit path is identical to save
function in save path
Response: Data flow diagram was modified to better clarify save function

Action: Confirm unknown fields in input file are indeed dont

Response: A table was provided which listed the fields that are ignored by the parser.

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

BSE Requirements (cont)

Action: Eliminate Filter For button if its functionality remains
strictly associated with the save function.
Response: button was renamed to Filter and will serve as the real filter for the requests in the window.

Action: Consider changing labels to Start Creation Time and

Stop Creation Time
Response: The labels remain as Minimum Creation Time and Maximum Creation Time to maintain uniformity of the SN systems (e.g. SPSR).

Action: Add name of parsed file to tabular display of validation

Response: File name added to display

Action: Change the format of the date and time in the Start Time
Response: Date and time fields are displayed as DOY/HH:MM:SS.

Action: Re-address the minimum requirement for Client,

specifically, amount of RAM and hard disk required.
Response: BSE performance testing results indicate no changes to client requirements are necessary as a result of the client modifications.
SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

BSE Requirements (cont)

Action: Modify Tabular Display of Validation window to include the
name of the parsed file and provide number of valid/invalid requests.
Response: Window was updated to include file name and provides number of valid/invalid requests.

Action: Add additional filter criteria to filter functions.

Response: Additional filter criteria added (e.g., SIC, TDRS, Status).

Action: Monitor performance problems recently reported in the

baseline SWSI and characterize impacts to BSE and develop workarounds
Response: The SWSI development team aggressively investigated the performance problems being reported in Operations and determined a database purge script was not in the baseline. An automated purge script was delivered and subsequently, no performance problems have been reported. Additionally, a system performance and loading test was executed against the BSE delivery and no performance problems were noted.

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

BSE Requirements (cont)

DCN to SWSI System Requirements Document (SRD)

completed and changes approved by the SN CCB. The SWSI SRD has since transitioned to NENS responsibility.

High-level System Requirements

Allow SWSI customer to submit NCCDS bulk schedule add
requests (SAR), bulk schedule delete requests (SDR), and bulk schedule replace requests (RR).

Upon successful addition/deletion/replacement, SWSI will

provide a request ID for each request listed in the bulk request.

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

BSE Requirements (cont)

Design derived functional requirements

Bulk Schedule File Input Characteristics
An input bulk schedule file shall be able to contain a mixture of SARs, SDRs, and RRs. Each SAR, SDR, or RR embedded in the input file will be separated by a new line character. Comments lines shall be able to be inserted by starting the line with the special delimiter %%%. The input file shall be limited to 300K bytes and shall be supplied by the client. Users shall be able to select the input bulk data file via a standard file chooser. File validation shall be performed on the Client and validation results shall be available for user review and or saved for editing. User shall have the option to submit to Server the SARs, SDR, or RR which successfully passed Client validation or user shall have the option to abort bulk schedule request.

File Processing

Summary Filtering
User shall be able to filter Schedule Request Summary window by creation time. User shall be able to save filtered Schedule Request Summary to a file.
SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Software Changes Application Server

No modifications to Server applications or database schema Baseline system PR 4045 fix is implemented with the BSE. This fix

Client Displays

adjusts the data value of the display length of some service parameters from 4 to 3 and is needed to accommodate the validation checks that are implemented in the BSE Client enhancement. The fix has no impact to any user.

New Bulk Schedule Requests option on menu under NCC Scheduling New displays under NCC
Select Bulk Schedule Request Data File pop-up Summary of Bulk Schedule Request File window Schedule Add Summary Request Detail for Entry # xx window Schedule Delete Summary Request Detail for Entry # xx window Replace Summary Request Detail for Entry # xx window Service Detail window

New Schedule Request Filter window for Schedule Request

Client Software

Summary New Active Schedule Filter window for Active Schedule Summary

Peer Code Walkthroughs were performed.


Bulk [SAR / SDR / RR] file parsing and validation routines

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Acceptance Testing

Since the system is hosted at WSC, client-side environment is

defined as desktop PCs (Windows and Unix) with internet access.

Client tested on platforms with

Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP Solaris 7, 8 Linux (Red Hat 7.3)

The Open IONet client-side test environment for the system

located at GSFC, Building 13 and WSC.

The Closed IONet client-side test environment for the system

located only at WSC.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Acceptance Testing (cont) Acceptance Test Plan generated and contained two test suites
BSE specific functionality and performance testing. SWSI Regression Test (SWSI Regression Test 001)

BSE specific tests contained 4 groups of testing with several

test cases within each group. Each test case designed to verify the high-level and derived functional requirements. A Verification Case Requirements Matrix (VCRM) is provided in the Acceptance Test Plan.
and Request ID extraction function. Group 3 Verify validation functions for Bulk Schedule SARs, SDR, and SRR . Group 4 Performance and Loading tests

Group 1 Verify Client download and installation Group 2 Verify new GUI screens and Bulk Schedule Submission

All run for the record test cases were executed with Beta04. All tests cases executed against Beta04 passed. A final Test
Report was completed on 11/19/04.
SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Customer Evaluation Early versions (Beta02 and Beta03) provided to SWSI

customers for evaluation.

Made suggestion to improve validation corrections by asking for an edit-on-the-fly capability Suggested Deselect All button for filter screens

GP-B Scheduler and NOM SWIFT NOM SP&M

"Overall, the SWSI terminal has done an excellent job of verifying the content of our requests and has given very useful error messages which helped us fix our data. After adjusting the values to meet the expected values, the message parsed successfully and has been transmitted."


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

SWSI Users Guide

The Users Guide was updated and reviewed, and used by the
Test Team during Acceptance Testing.

DCN 002 to the Users Guide is complete and submitted to SN

CCB for review and approval. CCB review is scheduled for December 7, 2004.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Training Status

Some SN Operations staff provided initial Beta evaluations

and supported BSE Acceptance Testing.

Test Team will initiate training with appropriate Operations

Support Personnel

Initial instructions and sample test files provided to interested

SWSI customers during testing phase. Test support and Operations support personnel will provide technical assistance to all SWSI customers, as needed.

Updated SWSI Users Guide provides detailed instructions

with screen snaps of the operation of the BSE function. BSE scheduling is provided in Section 8.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Current SWSI Software Status

All problems noted in earlier Beta versions were fixed and

there are no open BSE PRs against Beta04.

If accepted for transition to Operations, Beta04 will be

delivered as SWSI Release 04.2 and replace Release 04.1.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Delivery Plan BSE Release Delivery

Issue Network Advisory Message (NAM) Upon transition approval, the Release 04.2 client will be made available for download from the website Customers will upgrade client at own downtime but expect all users to download and use new client by 1/31/05. Zero SWSI server downtime but Operations will restart SNIF and Isolator to activate PR change 04.1 client is compatible for users not urgently needing BSE functionality WSC OPS will provide support No Failover testing necessary since no server changes No back out of delivery has to happen as 04.1 and 04.2 SW can coexist on client

Sustaining Engineering
Status Quo

Next release (05.1) to correct 04.1 PRs prioritized by SERB

SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

SWSI I&T environment will remain at GSFC. SWSI falls under the purview of the SERB. CDS used as the discrepancy management system.

Summary - Checklist All requirements verified in testing- No software rework


System Requirements Document and Users Guide updated. Some training has taken place and SN Operator training will
be provided by the SWSI Development and Test Team.

SWSI Development and Test Team will provide Customer

assistance, as needed.

A delivery plan is provided. CM processes developed during

Release 04.1 will be used.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004


We recommend that the 04.2 SWSI Bulk Scheduling Enhancements be accepted and transitioned into SN Operations.


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

Wrap up

Review and assignment of Action Items

RFA Form available on Documentation page at Submit RFAs to the TRR Chairperson only. RFAs due by December 9th

Closing remarks


SWSI Bulk Scheduling Transition Readiness Review 12/02/2004

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