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Moshell Guide RV1


Alarm Handling
1.1 To print all active alarms, command is: al 1.2 To capture all error alarm event logs, comand: lgaevs 5h --> show logs for the past 5 hours 1.3 To get all restart error logs command: lhsh xxyy00 llog lhsh xxyy00 llog -l [event number] 1.4 To get trace error los from particular board, command: lhsh xxyy00 te log read where: xx=subrack number, MAIN subrack=00, MM1 subrack=01, MM2 subrack=65, MM3 subrack=73, MM4 subrack=89, MM5 subrack, or ETMOD subrack=97 yy=slot number example: 010200---MM1-subrack slot=2 1.5 To get all GCP errors run: lhsh [mesc_bord] mesc_counters_gcp all where mesc_boards are: 010200; 010300; 650200; 650300; 730200; 730300; 890200; 890300; Run Command 2-3 times to verify difference 1.6 To check all counters in MESC boards run: lhsh [mesc_board] mesc_counters -all run this command 3-4 times to verify changing in counters

Alarm Handling
1.7 Use below command to print all PM counters related to disturbances. Check there is no counters stepping too often.
pdiff all forced|fail|unsucc|rej|rele|err|overflow|down|unavail|lost|missing !^0|-1

(run 2 3 times)

TDM Related Commands

2.1 To chesk tdm term group state, command: st tdm 2.2 To display number of rejections pdiff tdm rej (run 2-3 times) 2.3 To display info for all TDM run:
lhsh [mesc_board] mesc_info_tdm -group_status 0

ATM Related Commands

3.1 To check signaling AAL5, NNiSAAL sate st aal5tp st nnisaaltp 3.2 To check user plan st Aal2PathVccTp st Aal2Ap ST=State

IP Related Commands
4.1 To display Gigabit Ethernet link state run: get gig link 4.2 To display IP interface state: st ipinterface 4.3 To check number of received IP datagrams discarded due to invalid header address run pdiff all pmIfStatsIpAddrErrors 4.4 To display state and configuration of IP interfaces run: Stir

IP Related Commands
Printout format, SIGTRAN interfaces: ----------------------------------This the first table in the printout, it shows the SIGTRAN interfaces, each one identified by a M3uAssociation. - the HostGpb column identifies the IpAccessHostGpb MO - the Sctp column identifies the Sctp MO - the M3uA column identifies the M3uAssociation MO. At the beginning of the string is the identity of the parent Mtp3bSp MO, then comes the identity of the M3uAssociatio n MO. A wildcard (.*) separates the two identities. - the Assoc column identifies the sctp association, given by the the gpb position and the association number. The association number can be used in the printout sctphost _info -assoc <assocnumber>. - the GS12MUP column shows the various states, where: G=IpAccessHostGpb, S=Sctp, 1=IpInterface1, 2=IpInterface2, M=M3uAssociation, U=User, P=ipac_ping (1=alive, 0=notali ve). The ping is done only when "sti" is run with the option "p". - the A column shows the associationState of the M3uAssociation, where: I=inactive, A=active, E=established, D=down. - the LocalInterface column shows the local interface, can be a IpInterface MO or a FastEthernet MO. In the case of FastEthernet, the letter "f" is appended to the inden tity as shown in the third line of the printout below. In brackets is indicated whether the chosen interface is interface 1 or interface 2. The association tries to setup on interface 1 but if that fails then it uses interface 2. - the RemoteInterface column shows which interface is used on the remote side, 1 or 2. - the LocalIp:Port and RemIp:Port columns show the ipaddress and sctp port of the association, for each side. - ther User column shows which application part is using this association. Could be GCP (Vmgw), Q.AAL2 (Aal2Ap), RANAP, RNSAP.

Hardware Related Commands

5.1 to display cabinet view run: cab 5.2 To display processor load in all boards run: cabl

Device Pool Related

6.1 to display Devise state: STD 6.2 To display Devise pool counters
lhsh [mesc_board] mesc_counters_device -all

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