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Group Performanence Decision Making Leadership Stress Health & safety

It is suggested that teams go through 5 basic stages of development Forming The members of the group get to know each other and try to set up some ground rules about behavior Storming conflicts arise as various members of the group try to exert leadership and the groups methods of operation are being established Norming conflicts are largely settled and a feeling of group identity emerges. Performing the emphasis is on the tasks at hand

Adjourning the group disbands BELBIN came to the conclusion that teams need a balance of different types of people

The chair not necessarily brilliant leaders but they must be good at running meetings ,being calm strong but tolerant The plant someone who is essentially very good a generating solutions to problems ideas and potential The monitor evaluator good at evaluating ideas & potential solutions and helping to select the best one

The shaper rather a worker who helps to direct the teams attention to the important issues The team worker skilled at creating a good working environment e.g.. By jollying people along The resource investigator adept at finding resources in terms of both physical resources and information The complete finisher concerned with completing tasks

The company worker a good team player who is willing to undertake less attractive tasks if they are needed for team success
To be a good team member you must be able to
Time your interventions Be flexible Keep the common goals of the team in mind all the time

Some work yields better results if carried out as a team while some things are slowed down if the work is compartmentalized on an individual basis- IBM Manager Categories of group task

Additive task-result of each participant are added to get the final result
Eg team clearing snow

Compensatory tasks the judgments of individual group members are pooled so that errors of some are compensated for by the inputs from others Disjunctive tasks there is only one correct answer. The effectiveness of the group depends on

Someone coming up with right answer The others recognizing it as being correct

A decision refers to a choice made between alternatives Decision making in organizations can be classified into two broad categories problem solving and opportunity exploitation.


Repetitive & routine, and have a definite procedure for handling them.

or structured decisions


decisions have long been supported by computers of structured decisions have been addressed mathematically with Management Science models



or unstructured

decisions Rules and relationships not defined Problem is not routine

Nature of Decisions Strategic planning - the long-range goals and policies for resource allocation Management control - the acquisition and efficient utilization of resources in the accomplishment of organizational goals Operational control - the efficient and effective execution of specific tasks


Heuristics(Rule of thumb)

May be misleading They may be based on stereotypes


of Commitment

Once you have made a decision it is increasingly difficult to change it even if it is wrong

Information Overload
Too much information so not able to make a decision

How significant is the decision? How important is subordinate commitment? What is the level of the leaders expertise? If the leader were to make the decision alone at what level would subordinates be committed to the decision? What level is the subordinates support for the team or organizations objectives? What is the members level of knowledge or expertise relative to the problem? How skilled or committed are group members to working together?

virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team or GDT) is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology.


of virtual teams communicate electronically and may never meet faceto-face. Virtual teams allow companies to procure the best talent without geographical restrictions

The ability to create an environment where individuals willingly apply their unique abilities to a common mission. Leadership is about the relationship between leaders and their team

A leader lives in each of us

Directive autocrat make decisions alone , close supervision of implementation . Permissive autocrat-makes decision alone, subordinates have autonomy in implementation Directive democrat makes decisions participatively , close supervision of implementation Permissive democrat makes decisions participatively , subordinates have autonomy in implementation

Formal Vs Informal Structures Staff Vs Line Departmentalization Egoless Programming Chief Programmer Team


programming is a style of computer programming in which personal factors are minimized so that quality may be improved.

To ensure quality, reviews of code by other programmers are made. The concept of egoless programming emphasizes that such reviews should be made in a friendly, collegiate way in which personal feelings are put aside. Structured walkthroughs are one way of making such a formal review

Works best for complex tasks Open communication channels allow information to flow freely to team members Greater conformity that helps in consistent documentation Team members have greater job satisfaction

projects take a longer time to complete programmers attempt riskier solutions to solve a software problem simple tasks made more difficult by open communication channels

A programming team which is organized around a chief programmer who is an expert programmer. The other team members have other, specialized roles, such as librarian, which support the chief programmer in his primary task of designing and coding the software.

The concept is similar to that of a surgical team in which a surgeon who performs the operation is supported by medical staff such as an anaesthetist and nurses

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat.

Reasons of stress Role ambiguity Role conflict Relaxation techniques Deep breathing. Muscular tensing and stretching. Try twisting your neck around each way as far as it is comfortable, and then relax. Try fully tensing your shoulder and back muscles for several seconds, and then relax completely.

Repetitive stress injury (RSI) Occupational disease Muscle groups are forced through repetitive actions with high-impact loads or thousands of repetitions with low impact loads

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) Type of RSI Pressure on the median nerve through the wrists bony carpal tunnel structure produces pain

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) Eyestrain condition Related to computer display screen usage Symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, and dry and irritated eyes

Techno stress Stress induced by computer use Symptoms include irritation, hostility toward humans, impatience, and enervation

Correct Posture For Using Computers

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.


Stretch once an hour Exercise throughout the day - Make sure you move your hands, legs, back, and neck every 10 minutes throughout the day Maintain a good working posture Keep the keyboards at a comfortable position Use mobile and size-adjustable chairs Seating: Opt for a chair that provides adequate support to your back, legs. Keep the phone at your reach

Top management must be committed to Safety policy Deployment of a safety officer and the support of experts in particular technical areas An adequate budgeting for safety cost Consultation on safety


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