Presentation For Indiana Surveyors

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IDEM Watershed Assessment and Planning Branch

Watershed Assessment and Planning Branch

State agency with CWA authority to implement programs to protect and restore water quality

Watershed Assessment and Planning Branch

CWA requires monitoring to determine if waters are meeting WQ standards and to report on their status every two years Support other CWA programs such as the drinking water and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting and compliance and nonpoint source grant program restoration activities

Watershed Assessment
Biological, chemistry, and habitat studies
Identification and prioritization to focus resources

Probabilistic stratified random approach to site selection Targeted Intentional selection of sampling sites based on specific monitoring objectives Fixed A targeted approach that does not change from season to season

Indiana Nonpoint Source Program

Goal is to remove waterways from the 303(d) list Program priorities include:
Watershed Management Planning in areas with waterways on 303(d) list Implementing IDEM approved WMPs Planning or implementation in areas with an approved TMDL WMP implementation in the East Fork White River Basin Wabash River Basin WMP planning and implementation in the Little CalumetGalien Basin

CWA 319(h) & 205(j) Grants

EPA funded, IDEM administered grants Watershed Planning Plan Implementation Reduce nonpoint source water pollution Address impaired waterbodies

How you can be a part of the process

Work with Watershed Specialists
Find local groups Be a member of the steering committee

Work on stream/ditch assessments

Allowing volunteers to walk streams Provide you with invaluable information

Watershed Restoration
Best Management Practices Cost-share Demonstration Projects Education and Outreach Ordinance Development In-depth Assessment of Waters

Cost Share Programs

Grants provide funds to cover up to 75% of costs for projects in defined critical areas
Critical areas are defined in the Watershed Management Plan creation process Areas where the greatest impact on water quality

Streambank Stabilization
Bioengineering focus Must address excess flow leading to instability Schedule must be sufficient for necessary permits

Natural Channel Design

Engineering changes to mimic natural conditions Meanders Planting trees Replacing woody debris Floodplain connection

2-Stage Ditches
Current 319 grant with The Nature Conservancy
Entire Wabash River watershed and some other counties Up to 75% of cost ($7.50 max per linear foot) 8 projects total 1 completed and a few more underway Clinton, Delaware, Gibson, Hamilton, Howard, Knox, Morgan, Posey, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Vanderburgh

Contact Kent Wamsley - 574-9467491

Tom Reeve
Project Manager/Outreach Coordinator Office of Water Quality Indiana Department of Environmental Management 100 North Senate Avenue MC 65-44 Shadeland Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251

Phone: (317) 308-3218 Fax: (317) 308-3219 E-mail:

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