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What is System?

-A system is a group of interrelated components that function together to achieve a desired result/goal (Outcome).

Characteristics of a system
The system definition suggests some characteristics that are present in all systems: Organization
Organizations tell about structure and order. Organization is the arrangement of components, which helps to achieve objectives.

Interaction refers how each component functions with other components of the system.

Interdependence means that parts of the organization or computer system depend on one another. One subsystem depends on the input of another subsystem

Integration refers to the holism of systems. Integration is concerned with how a system is tied together.

Central objective
The last characteristics of a system are its central objective. Objective may be real or stated.

Elements of a system
Input & Output a major objective of a system is to produce an output that has value to its user. Inputs are the elements the enter the system for processing . Processor the processor is the element of a system that involves the actual transformation of input into output . Control the control element guides the system. It is the decision making subsystem that controls the pattern of activities governing input , processing and output. Feedback Control in a dynamic system is achieved by feedback. Output specification determine what and how much input is needed to keep the system in balance.

Within which an organization operates.

Boundary & Interfaces

System should be defined by its boundaries the limits that identify its components, processes and interrelationship when it interface with an other system.

General Depiction of a System

input boundary


subsystem output


Systems Development Life Cycle

The systems development life cycle (SDLC), a.k.a. software development life cycle : - Provides overall framework for managing systems development process. - SDLC is a systematic procedure of developing an information system through stages that occur in sequence. - It consists of a set of steps or phases in which each phase of the SDLC uses the results of the previous one and lead to specific deliverables.

Phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle

Systems Planning and Selection
- Investigation and determination of scope - Produce detailed project schedule - Identification of need - Feasibility Analysis
-Technical Feasibility : is the project technically possible? -Economic Feasibility : can the business afford to carry out the project? -Organizational Feasibility : will the new system be compatible with existing situation?

Systems Analysis
Primary objective: to understand and document the information needs and processing requirements of the new system - Gather information (e.g. interview, read, observe etc.) - Analyze and understand the problem & business needs. - Study of current procedures and information systems Determine requirements

System Design
Objective: to design the solution Uses specifications from the systems analysis to design alternative systems. Compare alternatives & Recommend best alternative Describes desired features and operations in detail. Design the application architecture Design the user & system interfaces

System Development
Build the system to the design specifications Programming
The real code is written here

System Implementation
- Convert from old system to new system. - Compile final documentation. - The construction, installation, testing, and delivery of a system into production.

System Operation & Maintenance

- Periodic evaluation and updating. - Upgrades or enhancements to expand system capabilities - Simple program error correction

SDLC Phases
Systems Planning and Selection

System Operation & Maintenance

Systems Analysis

System Implementation

System Design

System Development

SDLC With Prototyping

- Prototyping-based methodologies perform the analysis, design and implementation phases concurrently. - All three phases are performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system is completed. - A prototype is a smaller version of the system with a minimal amount of features. Which is a part of the actual system -The first prototype is shown to the users and the project sponsor, who provide comments, which are used to reanalyze, re-design, and re-implement a second prototype that provides a few more features

Prototyping-based Methodology

- Provides a system for the users to interact with, even if it is not initially ready for use. - The users can interact with the prototype to better understanding what it can and cannot do rather than attempting to understand a system specification on paper. - Errors can be detected much earlier as the system is mode side by side. - Possibility of developing a system that more closely addresses users needs and expectations

- Often the prototype undergoes such significant changes that many initial design decisions prove to be poor ones. - Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the system may expand beyond original plans.

Information-gathering tools
Information-Gathering Tools are simply ways of organizing and analyzing information. There is no standard procedures defined when it comes to the gathering of information. However, an important rule that must be followed is the following: information must be acquired accurately and methodically, under the right conditions and with minimum interruption to the individual from whom the information is wanted.

information can be gathered by using following tools -Review of Literature - Interview - On-site observation - Questionnaire Each tools has special functions depending on information needed !

Information can be gathered by interviewing top-level management, middle level management and operational staff. *** Book

Before starting the interview the analyst must make a list of people to be interviewed and in what order, plan and note down a list of questions to be asked.

There are some guidelines to ensure a successful interview: Preparation: produce an interview schedule and interview guides. Execution: conduct the interviews Review: write up the interview notes

Guideline of an interview
1. Get an appointment from him/her. 2. Explain the purpose of the interview. 3. Indicate how long the interview usually takes. 4. We have to set the question earlier. 5. Address terms of confidentiality. Note any terms of confidentiality. (Be careful here. Rarely can you absolutely promise anything. Courts may get access to information, in certain circumstances.) Explain who will get access to their answers and how their answers will be analyzed. If their comments are to be used as quotes, get their written permission to do so. 6. Be a good listener. We cannot interrupt him/her. 7. Question cannot be confusing. 8. Tell them how to get in touch with you later if they want to. 9. Don't count on your memory to recall their answers. Ask for permission to record the interview or bring along someone to take notes.

Advantages -Provides depth of detail -Higher reliability of data

Disadvantages time consuming
requires skilled interviewer advance preparation is needed

Review of Literature
These are a very good starting point for gathering information. Procedural manuals can give a good picture of the system to be studied: how the existing system works, what are its assumptions, what information flows in, and what flows out, what dependency there is on the external system, if any. Problems that one can encounter here are the lack of updated manuals or documents, or sometimes the need for possession of the correct documents. Advantages
available information Less Economical


can be difficult to access the right information can be hard to retrieve exactly what we want records may be incomplete, inconsistent or inaccurate.

On Site Visits and Observations : The main objective of an onsite visit is to get as close to the real system as possible. It is important that the person who visits on site is a keen observer and is knowledgeable about the system and the normal activities that occur within the system. When a person observes a system, the emphasis is more on observing how things are done rather than giving advice as to what is wrong or right or passing judgment. There are various observation methods used:.

Direct or Indirect: The analyst can observe the subject or the system directly. E.g.: How do the workers perform a job on the factory floor? An indirect form of observation is done using some devices like video cameras or video tapes which would capture the information. Structured or Unstructured: In a structured observation the specific actions are recorded. E.g.: Before a shopper buys a product, how many related products did he see before selecting the final product? An unstructured method would record whatever actions would happen at a given point of time.

Questionnaire is a self-administered tool that is more economical and requires less skill to administer than the interview. At any point in time, unlike the interview, feedback from many respondents can be collected at the same time. Since questionnaires are usually selfadministered it is critical that questions be clear and unambiguous. - a form containing set of questions for the collection of statistical information, or direct information from specific people like a survey,

Fill-in-the-blanks Questions: They seek specific responses.

Yes / No Questions: They just seek one value either true or false or Yes or NO. There is no mixed response. Ranking Scale Questions: The respondent need to rank the responses into a certain scale. For e.g.. to a question you might be asked to rate a service from a level 1 to 5. Multiple-Choice Questions: They ask for a specific answer choices.

Advantage / Disadvantage: Literature review: Advantage: 1. Information are available. Disadvantage: too much information so that it is hard to find out the important information. Interview: Advantage: 1. In case of complex analysis it is very efficient. 2. Less Economical Disadvantage: 1.difficult to get an appointment. 2. It may not give time to the respondents. Hence they may not get enough time to think and give their opinion on an issue. 3. Too conduct any interview we have to be trained. System Analysis And Design (Elias M.Awad)

thank U all

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