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DETERMINATION: Lucy has strong determination to keep her job as secretary of Ross and Bannisters despite the supernatural

forces that tries to fail her. Miss Broomes spirit lingered in the room where Lucy works and demands her to leave but she shows no signs of giving up. Lucy is steadfast in defending her position as the secretary and she battled fearlessly with the spirit of Miss Broome who haunted the typewriter that Lucy was working on. Due to her strong determination, she managed to hold on to her job at the firm. FAMILY LOVE AND CARE: Lucys mother is a responsible lady who takes care of Lucy and her brother despite of the hard life they have to go through. She manages to keep the bond of family love by forgiving Uncle Bert and accepting him back into the family. Lucy also regretted for being rude to Uncle Bert when she sees his shaking hands and miserable eyes, she apologizes and maintain the family bond. Lucy loves her mother and shares her happiness with her mother when she was successful of obtaining a job as a secretary.


COMMITMENT AND LOYALTY: Lucy and Miss Broome are both committed and loyal to their profession. Lucy takes her work seriously and does the job of typing which was given to her successfully. She has to face the battle with Miss Broome who is still attached to her work even after her death. Lucy did not give up even when Miss Broome demanded her to leave. Miss Broome was so possessive towards her job and also extremely loyal towards Mr. Bannister. Lucy managed to convince her that the late Mr Bannister needs her so she left the office in order to continue her service to Mr Bannister in the after life. LONELINESS: Miss Broome has no friends and family members, so she commits herself to her job seriously and made the office her home. She became so attached to her position in the office and the feel of possessiveness went beyond the grave. Uncle Bert also felt the loneliness in life and became so dependable on his sister, Mrs Beck.

THE SUPERNATURAL: Supernatural is being above or beyond what is unexplainable and natural by natural law. The character of Miss Broome in this story is presented as an ethereal entity. Her spirit lingered in the office where she used to work and haunts the new young secretaries who are supposed to replace her. She writes nasty messages and tries to drive away those who were choose to replace her. She instil the fear and eerie feelings in their hearts to frighten them. COMPASSION: The theme of compassion is revealed in the final confrontation between Lucy and Miss Broome. After hearing about Miss Broomes life history from Harry Darke, Lucy became sympathetic and understanding. She interacts with the spirit of Miss Broome through typing on the typewriter and finally she managed to convince her of leaving the place. She told her that Mr Bannister needs her in the afterlife and the spirit left in peace. Compassion is also revealed by Mrs Beck to her brother who is lonely and needed a place called home. Lucy also had compassion towards her Uncle Bert and sympathize him as he is a lonely person who has no place to go.

Moral Values
Perseverance is important in facing challenges. We should not give up easily in life. We should have perseverance to be successful. This moral value can be learned from the main character, Lucy Beck. Lucy was determined to get a job. She persevered to keep her job although the ghost of previous secretary, Miss Broome kept giving her problems. We should also have courage. We should not run away from challenges and problems in life. Lucy had to confront Miss Broomes ghost in the story. She showed her fighting spirit when she refused to run away like the other young secretaries. She confronted Miss Broome and fought to stay on her job. We also can learn the moral value of compassion from the story. Lucy learned to accept her uncle although she did not have good opinion of him in the past. She felt sorry for Miss Broome and managed to calm her down. This shows that she was a compassionate person.

In order to be successful in life, we need to have a positive mind set On our journey to success, we need to have high level of positive self esteem In communication, be compassionate not aggressive as compassion heals while aggression causes hurt. Appreciate and compliment others accordingly Preserve the family ties and unity through understanding and forgiving Do not judge a book by its cover We should not underrate people and their creativeness or abilities.

Point of view
The writer narrates the story in the third person or omniscient point if view. Gives insight into feeling, thoughts and action of the character. Describes the feeling of Miss Broome before and after she retired, and her spirit took possession of the type writer.

Tone, mood and atmosphere

The story is written in light hearted tone. It is presented in an entertaining way, with element of drama and suspense. The atmosphere changes thorough the story. It starts off from a fell-good atmosphere when Lucy graduated from college and attain a job as secretary. Her getting of job is a pleasant surprise for both Lucy and her mother, and Lucy was looking forward to her first day at work. The atmosphere then shifts to one which is mysterious. On her first day at work, Harry Darke was behaving strangely and made subtle remarks about Miss Broome's spirit. The atmosphere changes again when Lucy started doing her work. This time round, which is more dramatic. Lucy was challenged by Miss Broome who wanted her to leave. Lucy refused to give in and leave the job. The story ends on a light atmosphere, as Lucy made peace with Miss Broome and convince her to leave in peace.

Language and style

The language used in the story is simple and straightforward. The story is easy to understand as it follow a chronological order from when Lucy left the college, applied and got a job, to her first few days in her office.

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