Project Initiation: Radian Z. Hosen September 2012

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Project Initiation

Radian Z. Hosen September 2012

PM Process Groups vs PM Knowledge Areas

process Initiating knowledge Planning Executing Monitoring & Control Closing

Time Cost Quality

Human Resource
Communication Risk Procurement Integration

Process Groups Interact in a Project

Level of process interaction Monitoring & Control Planning Executing

Initiating Closing


Project Boundaries
End users

Monitoring & control planning

Project deliverable s

Project initiator/ sponsor

Project inputs



Project record s

Proces s assets

Project boundaries

Initiating Process Group

Develop Project Charter Develop preliminary project scope statement

Apa Project Charter itu ?

Dokumen yang secara formal mengakui dimulainya proyek dan juga mencakup penugasan Project Manager dan Teamnya serta berisi asumsi-asumsi yang diambil dan hambatan-hambatan yang mungkin timbul. Dikeluarkan oleh divisi diluar team proyek dan atau oleh atasan yang berwenang dan akan membawahi Team Proyek.

Bagi Kontraktor, Project Charter adalah Dokumen Kontrak lengkap dengan dokumen terkait lainnya yang dikompilasi pada Project Launching Statement
Dalam Project Charter : Tujuan proyek didefinisikan Diskripsi proyek ditetapkan Project Manager ditunjuk dan disahkan Initial Target Dates and Budget diindikasikan
RZH 2008

Alasan timbulnya Project Charter

Market demand Business need Customer request Technological advance Legal requirement Social need

Contents of a Project Charter

Requirements that satisfy customer, sponsor, & other stakeholders needs refer to chapter about stakeholder Business needs, high level project description, product requirements Project purpose/justification Assigned project manager & authority level Summary of milestone schedule Stakeholder influences Functional organization & their participation Organizational, environmental, & external assumptions & constraints Business case justifying the project Summary of budget

Stakeholder Analysis

Project Charter

Risks & Constraints

Inputs for Developing a Project Charter

Contract Project Statement of Work that indicates: business need, product scope description, strategic plan Enterprise Environmental Factors: organizational culture & structure, industrial standards, infrastructure, existing human resources, marketplace conditions Organizational Process Assets: formal companys procedures & database

Role of the Executive in Project Selection

A prime responsibility of senior management is the selection of projects using two basic parts of processes:
Feasibility study to determine whether the project can be done, to validate that the project meets feasibility of cost, technological, safety, marketability, & ease execution requirements Benefit-to-cost analysis to see whether the company should do it, to validate that the project will provide the required financial & nonfinancial benefits.

Preliminary Project Scope Statement

Project & product objectives Product / service requirements & characteristics Product acceptance criteria Project boundaries Project requirements & deliverables Project constraints Project assumptions Initial project organization Initial defined risks Schedule milestones Initial WBS Order of magnitude cost estimate Project configuration management requirements Approval requirements

Tools to select projects

Scaling model Checklist Scoring model

FS versus BC Analysis
Feasibility Study Basic question Life cycle phase PM selected Analysis Can we do it? preconceptual Not yet qualitative Cost Quality Safety Ease performance Economical legal Executive decision criteria Strategic fit Benefit-Cost Analysis Should we do it? Conceptual Identified Quantitative NPV Discounted cash flow Internal rate of return Return on investment Probability of success Reality of assumptions Reality of constraints A certain positive margin

Critical factors for go/no go Technical

Points Penting di Tahap Inisiasi

Contract Settlement Project Specification Settlement Project Procedures Settlement Project Kick Off Team Building

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