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Strategy and Strategic Objectives for Travel and Tourism Organisations

Defining Strategy

Minztbergs 5 Ps: a plan a ploy a pattern of behaviour a position in respect to others a perspective

Elements of Strategy
Strategy is the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals (Chandler, 1952)

Components of Strategy
Determination of the basic long term goals
Adoption of courses of action Allocation of resources.

Strategy contains three things: Objective to arrive in London at a certain date and time To achieve this objective certain actions are necessary You need resources to make the actions possible.

Financial resources
Human resources Physical and operational resources Intellectual resources

Levels of strategic decisions

Strategic, tactical and operational decisions within an organisation differ from each other in terms of: Focus Level in the organisation at which they are made Scope Time horizon Degree of uncertainty complexity

Mission and Mission Statements

Purposes of a mission statement:
Druker (1974) points out that: defining the purpose

and mission of the business is difficult, painful and risky. But it alone enables a business to set objectives, to develop strategies, to concentrate its resources and to go to work. It alone enables a business to be managed for performance.

Effective Mission Statements

Clearly articulated
Relevant Current

Positive tone
Individuality Enduring Adapted

Contents of a Mission Statement

Indication of the industry
Realistic market share History of values and beliefs

Indication of ownership or control

Summary of geographical location Specific and highly context-dependent objectives

Air Mauritius


Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is a parastatal organisation established in 1996 by the MTPA Act. It is administered by a Board of Directors and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure. Objectives of the Authority

The objectives of the Authority are: a) To promote Mauritius abroad as a tourist destination by: i) Conducting advertising campaigns and participating in tourism fairs. ii) Organising, in collaboration with the local tourism industry, promotional campaigns and activities in Mauritius and abroad. b) To provide information to tourists on facilities, infrastructures and services available to them in Mauritius.
c) To initiate such action as may be necessary to promote cooperation with other tourism agencies. d) To conduct research into market trends and market opportunities and disseminate such information and other relevant statistical data on Mauritius. e) To advise the Minister on all matters relating to the promotion of tourism.


Setting Objective
Stockholder approach
Stakeholder approach Stakeholders and objectives


Internal and External Stakeholder

Internal Stakeholders:

Board of directors Employees at large Individual employees Trade unions/ associations Functional business areas Geographical areas


External Stakeholders:

Shareholders Creditors Suppliers Customers Trade Bodies Pressure groups Competitors Government Private Individuals International regulatory Bodies (IATA) Local community


Content of Corporate Objective

Importance of objectives
Corporate objectives Economic objectives

Social objectives
Growth or market share objectives Competitive advantage objectives


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