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Issues Relation To Recruitment In SMEs

Presented By: Prashant Das Shreyansh Agarwal

Among BRIC nations and the US, India is the second largest home market for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) SMEs face certain challenges pushing them far behind their counterparts. One of such critical challenges is the Human Resource (HR) Challenge, encompassing attraction and retention of the right manpower.

Problems Related To Recruitment In SMEs

The growing talent crises Ineffective advertisement Selective perception Preference drift No clarity of roles and responsibility Limited openness to new medium & channels Lacking the spirit of innovation

Extreme cost pressure Ineffective screening process Dominance of entrepreneur

The growing talent crises:

In today's economic scenario, the growth and development of any organization, be it an MNC or a SME is directly proportional to the employee's growth. Therefore, a severe talent crunch can impact any organization's bottom line and growth.

Ineffective advertisement
1 Mainly done through hoarding on the gates of enterprise. 2 Advertisement is issued in local newspapers

Due to unclear and ambiguous job discription:

If a person is not knowing what job he has to perform then his performance will be hampered, this may also lead to people dont identify themselves with the job and leave the job.

Limited openness to new medium and channels

SMEs seem to be less inclined towards adopting modern methods of hiring, which is why candidates often complain to have less information about the available job opportunities across the board .

Lacking the spirit of innovation:

Innovation is critical for the growth of SMEs and for grabbing the attention of potential candidates. Candidates should feel the urge to join the organization because of its capability to innovate and stand out from the crowd.

Extreme cost pressure:

SMEs are at a disadvantage in their ability to offer competitive packages

Ineffective screening process:

There is no point hiring without a rigorous screening. Organizations will be wasting both time and effort in interviewing incompetent candidates .

Selective perception:

Post Recruitment Challenges for SMEs

Though attracting the right talent remains a key challenge for SMEs, there is the other set of post hiring challenges that deals with developing and retaining the talent.

No Systematic Approach to Develop and Engage a Quality Workforce:

There is a lack of systematic effort in devising, executing and managing a diversity program. SMEs require determining skills gap and employees needs.

Ineffective Retention Process for the Existing Manpower:

SMEs seldom offer a detailed orientation programme to new joiners. This leads to a lack of communication about company's vision and mission. Employees find a dearth of opportunities to learn and grow within the organization.

Solution To Problems Regarding Recruitment:

Recruit candidate from multiple sources SMEs require marketing their talent hunt as they market their products and services. An HR must get into the role of an efficient marketer; who taps into multiple resources for most effective results. Similarly, successful talent acquisition too needs organizations to tap into multiple candidate sources and discover innovative ways to present themselves as an employer brand in order to distinguish themselves.

Establishing a Presence on Job Portal :

Being an online platform, job portals have been highly successful in abridging the gap between employers and prospective candidates. It renders an opportunity to businesses to post their openings and to candidates to post their professional profiles. Job portals lay a strong emphasis on updated, complete and authentic information about both companies and candidates, which makes both the parties confident about each other. They serve as a secure platform for employers to connect with talent and vice versa.

Adopting Social Media for Effective Recruitment

Networking is the single most powerful tool to accelerate and maintain success for any individuals and organizations, alike. Social media offers tremendous hiring opportunities for SMEs to not only build their brand but also search for talent. Out of an estimated 2 billion internet users worldwide, almost 25% are on one social network or the other which is a phenomenal user base of 500 million individuals active on the internet network!, says

Managing Development and Retention of Employees:

SMEs must realize the importance of an effective employee retention plan to sustain their leadership and growth and development in today's competitive marketplace .

Proper screening process: there should be proper

screening process candidate and strong engagement of

Continuous Innovation:
Smes Must Adopt New Inventions And Follow Continuous In Their Working Style , Marketing Management And HR Recruitment.

Consult Correctly :
Hr Fraternity Should Consult Correctly With The Line Manager That What Type Of Employee They Want In Respect Of Qualification Knowledge And Skill.

Specified Roles And Responsibility :

Clearly stated roles and responsibility to each and every worker will lead to smooth Functioning of work in the organization.

To summarize, SMEs are required to narrow down on the right resource after a meticulous consideration of the position that is required to be filled. HR functions deal with different dynamics when contributing to SME growth plan. While the organization plans to follow a successful trajectory, there is a need for both HR and senior management executives to discover change agents for successful hiring.

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