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Allanigue, Ellea Ann L. Ambatali, Waldemar Antonio, Jose Vien Arenas, Theodore Samuel F.


determine the difference between men and women smooth muscles To differentiate the smooth muscle in reproductive organs and that in other tissues To state the myoplastic second messenger involved in excitation-contraction coupling in the myometrium


identify the source of Ca++ mobilized in response to action potentials in smooth muscles To explain how an increase in myoplasmic Ca++ concentration produces contraction in myometrial smooth muscle


explain why force is not sustained and why the myometrium relaxes between phasic contraction To explain why myometrial contractions are much slower than cardiac contractions


muscles- major component of hollow organs Myometrium - the muscular wall of the uterus (made up of smooth muscle)


do not have uterine smooth muscles unlike women. Men and womens urogenital system came from the same embryonic origin which is the mesoderm.

Childbirth includes both labor (the process of birth) and delivery, it refers to the entire process as an infant makes its way from the womb down the birth canal to the outside world. Childbirth usually begins spontaneously, about 280 days after conception, about 280 days after conception, but it may be started by artificial means if the pregnancy continues past 42 weeks gestation. The average length of labor is about 14 hours for a first pregnancy and about eight hours in subsequent pregnancies. However, many women experience a much longer or shorter labor.


muscles in the reproductive organ (myometrium) and the smooth muscles of other tissues (GIT, bladder, rectum, blood vessels, airways) have the same contractile activity and properties in general.

Single unit and multi unit smooth muscle groups create the two distinct muscular groups of the functional categories. Single unit smooth muscles are held together via electric adjacent cells by which are responsible for synonymous function. The electrical synapse of these muscles creates numerous gap junctions. This means the muscle fibers act as a single unit. In contrast, the multi unit smooth muscle fibers have limited, if any, gap junctions. The cells rely on individual stimulation and respond to the individual stimulation on an independent basis.


muscles and skeletal muscles vary greatly when considering neural control. A skeletal muscle is created with one conjunction of a single somatic nerve fiber.


component of hollow organs -may increase resistance to flow (blood vessels) -may alter dimension (bladder, uterus) Contraction thick filament regulated Able to remain contracted for long periods at low energy cost


contract in response to electrical or hormonal signals Neurotransmitters Composed of smaller and shorter fibers Has the same principles of contraction as in skeletal muscles


in intracellular Ca++ concentration stimulates most of the smooth muscle contractions. It is the same in all muscles

major source of activator Ca++ for phasic contractions is the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca++ diffusion (inward) through voltagegated channels is the major cause of depolarization. Ca++ entry from the extracellular space can contribute to activation.

crease in Ca++ Ca++ binds to calmodulin Calmodulin-Ca++ complex Calmodulin-Ca++ complex binds to myosin kinase Myosin kinase phosphorylates crossbridges with PO4 (from hydrolysis of ATP) Phosphorylated crossbridges are able to attach to thin filaments and cycle generate contraction


the burst of action potentials, the myoplasmic Ca++ concentration is reduced to low values by Ca++ pumps and Na+/Ca++ exchangers.


dissociates from calmodulin, and myosin kinase reverts to its inactive form. cross bridges are inactivated enzymatically through the removal of the PO4 group by myosin phosphatase.


cardiac contraction is basically a twitch associated with a single action potential contractions of physically active single-unit smooth muscles are basically short tetani associated with a burst of action potentials.



of myosin expressed in smooth muscle have intrinsically lower rates of ATP hydrolysis and crossbridge cycling. regulation by phosphorylation allows further reductions in cycling rates in latch.



Women have a uterus, as opposed to men, who dont. Single unit. Randomly arranged in figures of 8 around blood vessels for expulsion of fetus and resistance to flow. Inotisol triphosphate



#4. #6.


Phasic contractions for blood flor towards fetus, so fetus wouldnt be impeded of blood flow. Decrease in blood flow after expulsion of fetus (to prevent hemorrhage). Latch mechanism. intrinsically lower rates of atp hydrolysis and cross bridge cycling.


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