Group Behaviour (OB)

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11 - Ashita Dalmeida 18 - Suraj Karra 21 - Pranita Shewale 59 - Sonali Pawar

Definition of a group
A group is two or more people with a common relationship. Thus a group could be co-workers or people meeting for lunch or standing at the bus stop. Unlike teams, groups do not necessarily engage in collective work that requires interdependent effort.

Definition of Group Behaviour

Behaviour of a group as a whole, as well as the behaviour of an individual as influenced by his or her membership in a group. Special forms of large group behaviour are: - Crowd (Hysteria) - Spectators (when a group of people gathered
together on purpose to participate in an event like theatre play, cinema movie, football match, a concert, etc.)

- Public

Reasons for Joining a Group

A major reason is that group membership often results in some form of need satisfaction on the part of the individual. Other reasons maybe: - Companionship - Survival and Security - Affiliation and status - Power and Control - Achievement

Stages of Group Development

Group Dynamics
Group Dynamics is defined as several individuals who come together to accomplish a particular task or goal. Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of a group.

Classification of Group Dynamics

Group Development
Classic Theory Social Exchange Theory Social Identity Theory

Group Types
Formal Informal

Group Development
Group Development

Classic Theory

Social Exchange Theory

Social Identity Theory

Group Types
Group Types

Formal Groups

Informal Groups

Command Groups

Task Groups

Functional Groups

Interest Groups

Friendship Groups

Reference Groups

Group Cohesiveness
Cohesiveness refers to the bonding of group members and their desire to remain part of the group. Generally speaking, the more difficult it is to obtain group membership the more cohesive the group.

Decision Making
Group decision making is also known as collaborative decision making It is a process where individuals collectively make a choice from the alternatives before them.

A Decision Making Model

Identify the decision to be made. Analyze the issue under discussion. Establish criteria. Brainstorm potential solutions. Evaluate options and select the best one. Implement the solution. Monitor and evaluate the outcome.

Decision Making Procedures

Decision by authority Decision by minority Decision by majority Decision by ranking Decision by unanimity

Advantages of Participatory Decision Making

Increased information and knowledge Increased diversity of views Increased acceptance of the solution Increased legitimacy

Group Tasks
Those working together to complete a job or task. Generally multi-disciplinary groups where members represent their command group. Ex.: Special study groups, project groups, ERP implementation task groups, etc.

Types of Group Tasks and Activities

1. Planning 2. Generating ideas 3. Making choices 6. Performing 7. Deliberating 8. Building Relationships 9. Providing social support

4. Negotiating
5. Competing

Analyzing a Group Task

Task difficulty Solution multiplicity Intrinsic interest Population familiarity Acceptance level Area of freedom Social complexity

Degree of Participation Influences the Task

The more a group member speaks, the more impact on the group and its task Some tasks influence how members participate sharing common information leads more participation.

Time Influences the Task

Time both enables and constrains Pace Time flexibility

Diversity Influences the Task

Use of different interaction styles can result in subgroup formation Diverse groups may require extra time to develop cohesion How a diverse group handles conflict and status issues is key Cultural distance
Integration of all differences gender, cultural, social, professional

Evaluating Task and Activity Outcomes

Decision quality Member satisfaction Group continuity


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