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MATHEMATICS GRADE 1 (Third Grading Assessment Matrix)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates the understanding of addition and subtraction up to 100. Performance Standard: The learner is able to illustrate addition and subtraction of whole numbers.

Levels of Assessment

How will I score? Knowledge LC* Illustrates Paper and One (15%) Pencil tests point addition as putting together and is subtraction as taking given away, comparing and for adding up. every correct answe r.

What will I assess?

How will I assess?

How will I score? Process LC* Illustrates the Oral/Group One /Skills (25%) relationship of joining Activity point is sets to addition of given whole numbers. for LC* Illustrates that every addition and correct answer. subtraction are inverse of operations.

Levels of Assessment

What will I assess?

How will I assess?

Levels of What will I assess? Assessment Understandin LC* Identifies and g (30%) construct equivalent number expressions using addition and subtractions. Product LC* Identifies and /Performance create patterns to (30%) compose and decomposes numbers using addition.

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations. Participati on

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer. One point is given for every correct answer.

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates the understanding of addition and subtraction up to 100. Performance Standard: The learner is able to compute the sums and solve addition problems.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC* Adds Paper and (15%) two one-digit Pencil tests numbers with sums up to 18 using the order and zero properties of addition.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC* Adds Paper and (15%) two to three Pencil tests one-digit numbers horizontally and vertically with sums up to 18.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC*Adds Paper and (15%) three one-digit Pencil tests numbers having sums up to 18 using the order and grouping properties of addition.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC* Adds Paper and (15%) numbers with Pencil tests sums through 99 without or with regrouping.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Process LC* Uses Oral/Group /Skills (25%) expanded Activity form to explain the meaning of addition with regrouping.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Understandin LC* g (30%) Mentally adds two to three 1-digit numbers with sums up to 18.

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Understandin LC* Mentally g (30%) adds a 2-digit number and a 1digit number with regrouping including money with sums up to 99 using appropriate problem solving strategy..

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Product LC* Solves one Group activity /Performance step word (30%) problems involving addition of whole numbers including money with sums up to 99 using appropriate problem solving strategy.

How will I score? 1 pt no solution 2-3 pts with solution/wr ong answers. 4-5 with solution and correct answer.

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates the understanding of the concepts of halves and fourths and applies them in dividing a whole or set equality. Performance Standard: The learner is able to visualize, model and represent the concepts of halves and fourths using whole objects and sets.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer. Process LC* Divides a Oral/Group One point /Skills (25%) whole into halves Activity is given for and fourths. every correct answer.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC* Visualizes Paper and (15%) and identifies Pencil tests and of a whole objects.

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Understandin LC* Divides the g (30%) Elements of a set of objects into two groups of equal quantities to show halves of sets. LC* Divides the Elements of a set of objects into four groups of equal quantities to show fourths of sets.

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Product LC* Given /Performance half of a region (30%) or a set, draws the whole region or set.

How will How will I I assess? score? Group 1 pt no activity solution 2-3 pts with solution/wron g answers. 4-5 with solution and correct answer.

Content Standard: The learner demonstrate the understanding of 2-D and 3-D shapes through identifying, classifying and constructing figures using cut-outs and concrete models. Performance Standard: The learner is able to explore the properties of 2- and 3- dimensional figures. The learner is able to model and represent 2- and 3- dimensional objects.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Knowledge LC* Identifies, Paper and (15%) Pencil tests names and describes the four basic shapes in 2- and 3dimensional objects: square, rectangle, triangle and circle.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I How will I Assessment assess? assess? Process LC* Compares Drawing /Skills (25%) and classifies 2- Pictures and 3dimensional figures according to common attributes.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Understandin LC* Draws the g (30%) four basic shapes.

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations. Product LC* Constructs Participation /Performance three(e.g. group (30%) proj.) dimensional objects using manipulative materials.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer. One point is given for every correct answer.


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates the understanding of simple patterns. Performance Standard: The learner is able to identify and create number and attribute patterns. The learner is able to complete number and attribute patterns.

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer. Process LC* Makes Drawing One point /Skills (25%) patterns of shapes, Pictures is given colors and numbers. for every correct answer.

Levels of What will I assess? Assessment Knowledge LC* Identifies and (15%) explains simple repeating patterns.

How will I assess? Paper and Pencil tests

Levels of What will I Assessment assess? Understanding LC* Finds and (30%) complete patterns of one or two of the following attributes, Shape, Size, Color, Number, Orientation. Product LC* Determine /Performance the next term (30%) (figure/number) in a given sequence and give a reason.

How will I assess? Apply what has been learned in real life situations . Participat ion

How will I score? One point is given for every correct answer.

One point is given for every correct answer.

PAG AANALISA NG IKATLONG MARKAHANG PAGSUSULIT SA MATEMATIKA 1 KNOWLEDGE OBJECTIVES: *Identifies and of a whole objects. *Divides the elements of a set of objects into two groups of equal quantities to show halves of set.


and of a whole

objects. Draw the four basic shapes. Identify the basic shape. Identify the simple repeating pattern.

10. Gumuhitngmalakingbilog at kulayanitongasul. 11. Gumuhitngmalakingparihaba at gumuhitngmaliitnatatsuloksaloobnito. 12. Gumuhitngparisukat at isulat ditto angpangalanngguro. 13.Gumuhitnglimangmaliitnabilognamagkaka dikit. 14.Kulayananghugisng pinto.


one to two digit number with the minuend up to 99 with regrouping. Solve word problems involving subtraction using appropriate problem solving strategy. Panuto: Subtract the following:


Si Fatima ay may 23 namanok. Tatlongmanokangnamatay. Ilanangmanoknanatirakay Fatima? What is asked?______________ What are given?_____________ What is the operation to be used ? What is the number sentence?_______________ What is the answer?_________________




Objectives Visualize and identify and of a whole object. Divides the elements of a set of objects into four groups of equal quantities to show fourths of a set. Identify name and describe the four basic shapes in 2 and 3 dimensional objects.square,rectangle, triangle and circle.



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