BPR - Change Management

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Business Process Reengineering

Presented By

G. John Firmine

Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.
(Hammer & Champy, 1993)

Why Reengineering?
Demanding Sophistication Changing needs

Local Global

Technology Customer Preferences

Why Reengineering?
Complacency Resistance New Developments Fear of Failure

Implementing a BPR Strategy

Key Steps
Know What You Want
Make a Plan

Do It
Monitor Comprehend to achieve continuous change

Know What You Want

Clarify need for, and ability to, change.
Understand the needs of key stakeholders. Understand the competitive environment.

Clarify mission, goals, initiatives and objectives.

Clarify values statement and transition process.

Make a Plan
Prioritize objectives. Use project management techniques. Build effective change project teams.

Do It
Use hard techniques (visible leadership and transition devices). Use soft techniques to overcome resistance by motivating constructive behavior and resolve issues of power by shaping dynamics within the organizational context.

Monitor actions, i.e. progress of change projects and effectiveness of change management. Monitor results, i.e. impact on customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders.

Comprehend to Achieve Continuous Change

Achieve continuous change by monitoring results and adding new changes in project to maintain momentum, involving all levels of employees.

Understanding The Dynamics Of Change Process Include cultural change programme. Empower cross-functional project teams throughout the stages. Use workshops and trained facilitators. Generate new training. Use a variety of communication devices.

Contributing Factors In Business Process Re-engineering Perception and awareness of managerial cadre of BPR. Commitment of top management. Bottom up acceptance of process re-engineering design is the key to implementation success. Benchmarking is a contemporary tool to process re-engineering.

Information technology, computers and communications play an important role. Process re-engineering is top-down directed. Continuous quality improvement is a necessary prerequisites for the more intense process of reengineering. Organization redesign is necessary in support of process re-engineering.

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