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Encountering God in our Life

Chapter One: Revelation and Faith


Our total response to Gods revelation A personal decision and commitment A gift that lives and grows through prayer and worship It leads us to faith in the world

Paradoxical Characteristics of Faith

Certain yet obscure Free, yet morally obliging Reasonable, yet beyond natural reason An act, yet a process A gift, yet our doing, personal yet ecclesial

Certain, Yet Obscure

Personally committed loving knowledge based on the convincing signs of God

Revealing Himself in Jesus Christ Present to us in His Church through

Word Service Fellowship Sacrament

Certain, Yet Obscure

It does not mean everything is clear and obvious

God is Mystery

He is more than we can ever fully comprehend Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the assurance of what we hope for, being certain of what we cannot see.

Free, Yet Morally Obliging

God, by loving us the most

Has the greatest claim on us, and yet Leaves us and keeps us most free

Reasonable, Yet Beyond Natural Reason

Only rational creatures can believe Yet faith is a grace that illumines our minds

See Isaiah 7:9 See John 8:12

An Act, Yet a Process

A single, personal decision for Christ

Eternal life is this: To know you, the only true God, and Him you have sent, Jesus Christ (John 17:3)

An Act, Yet a Process

A life-long process, an enduring way of life within the Christian community, the Church

The life that I now live is not my own, Christ is living in me. I still live my human life, but it is a life of faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

A Gift, Yet our Doing

A grace from God, yet something we do

John 6:44; 1 Corinthians 12:3

The gift of faith demands our free cooperation with others

Romans 10:17; Mt. 28:20; Act 2:42,4:25

A Gift, Yet our Doing

A grace from God

Revealing Himself through salvation history Grace of the Holy Spirit: illumination and inspiration

A Gift, Yet our Doing

The gift of faith demands our free cooperation with others

Hearing/discerning Gods presence to us

Events in our lives, companions, thoughts, yearnings, fears, etc.

Personal, yet Ecclesial

Christ is personal savior to us

Not as private individuals As members of a community of salvation Never private/individualistic A sharing in the faith of the Christian Community

Faith is


As the exemplar of the Faith

Personal submission and obedience Exercise of faith

Luke 2:41-52 (Astonishment: Beginning of faith) Taking up the cross Lack of understanding (1 Cor. 13:12) Search for meaning (Kept all things in her heart)

Faith Seeks Understanding

Faith intervenes not to do away with reason

Nor to ease its capacity for action But in order to make the human being

Understand and appreciate that in these events

It is God who acts and makes this happen

Faith Seeks Understanding

Authentic faith does not rely on feelings (fideism) nor on reasons alone (rationalism) They complement one another

To arrive at a concrete profession and expression

Through actions of ones belief and conviction in life

Faith Seeks Understanding

Human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps (Proverbs 16:9) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7)

Faith Seeks Understanding

Human beings attain truth by way of reason

Enlightened by faith, they discover

The deeper meaning of all things The deeper meaning of their existence

Act of Faith: Our Response

The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1) Implies a personal encounter with God that leads to trust, confidence, surrender, and love

Act of Faith: Our Response

The woman suffering from hemorrhage (Matthew 9:20) The Two Blind Men (Matthew 20:29) The Widows Son (Luke 7:1) The Father with the Possessed Son (Mark 9:24)

Act of Faith: Our Response

It involves a complete response to Gods invitation of life and love, which is essentially a free act. Our faith leads us to an encounter with God.

Act of Faith: Our Response

In order to live our faith, it must touch our:

Mind (Believing) Will (Doing) Heart (Trusting)

Act of Faith: Our Response

Faith as Believing (Mind: To Know)

Accepts the truth dimension of revelation

Through revealed truths of the Gospel and Tradition We come to know Gods truth by

Assenting Meditating Living out the truths that Christ has exemplified and taught

Act of Faith: Our Response

Faith as Trusting (Heart: To Entrust)

An act of trust and confidence to Gods will Authentic Christian faith is a life that:

Embraces the conviction of Gospel truths Active commitment to Gods will Personal trust and self-offering of Christian worship

Act of Faith: Our Response

Faith as Doing (Will: To Act)

As the body is dead without Spirit, so Faith, without deeds, is deed (James 2:26) The person of authentic faith is one who hears the Word of God, keeps it, and embodies this faith in deeds

Act of Faith: Our Response

Misconceptions of faith as doing

Conceiving in terms of prayer and worship, and forgetting Christs essential command of loving Him and the Father in loving one another (John 15:12) If anyone says he loves god yet hates his neighbor, he is a liar (1 John 4:20)

Act of Faith: Our Response

Misconceptions of faith as doing

Common moralistic approach-reduces faith to a list of dos and donts

Needs to be checked by sound doctrine and liturgical practices

Act of Faith: Our Response

It is an act taking place within the Church Our personal response is supported and sustained by the faith of the community

While at the same time, our faith-response to the growth of the communitys faith

Act of Faith: Our Response

Our faith grows and matures through our active participation in the community We celebrate our faith by coming together in table fellowship (Eucharist)

Act of Faith: Our Response

We are being reminded of our Christian vocation

To continue living our professed faith in our everyday lives

As witnesses of Gods love and justice

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