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The Management Environment

Module 1 LIS 580: Spring 2006 Instructor- Michael Crandall

Why do we care? What do managers do? Where did management come from? What kinds of management are there? Whats happening today?

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

Why Do We Care?
modern society has become a society of organizations In a society of organizations, managing becomes a social function and management the constitutive, the determining, the differential organ of society.
Drucker, 1986

In other words, youre in it whether you like it or not, so better to understand how it works in order to use it to your advantage
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Organization Defined
A group of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve the stated goals of the group. Characteristics:
Common purpose/goals Organizational structure

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

Management Defined
A person who plans, organizes, leads, and controls the work of others so that the organization achieves its goals.
Is responsible for contribution. Gets things done through the efforts of other people. Is skilled at the management process.

Management Process
Refers to the managers four basic functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

Mintzbergs Managerial Roles

Figurehead Leader Liaison Spokesperson Negotiator

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

The Manager as Innovator

The Entrepreneurial Process
Getting employees to think of themselves as entrepreneurs.

The Competence-Building Process

Working hard to create an environment that lets employees really take charge.

The Renewal Process

Guarding against complacency by encouraging employees to question why they do things as they doand if they might do them differently.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

Types of Managers

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

The Managerial Skills

Technical Skills
The need to know how to plan, organize, lead, and control.

Interpersonal Skills
An understanding of human behavior and group processes, and the feelings, attitudes, and motives of others, and ability to communicate clearly and persuasively.

Conceptual Skills
Good judgment, creativity, and the ability to see the big picture when confronted with information.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006

The Foundations Of Modern Management

The Classical and Scientific School
Frederick Winslow Taylor and Scientific Management
1. 2. 3. 4. The one best way Scientific selection of personnel Financial incentives Functional foremanship

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


The Foundations Of Modern Management (contd)

The Classical and Scientific School (contd)
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Motion Study
Analyzed physical motion and work processes to improve worker efficiency.

Henri Fayol and the Principles of Management

Defined the functions of management Published General and Industrial Management Advocated chain of command

G.Dessler, 2003

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LIS580- Spring 2006


The Foundations Of Modern Management (contd)

The Classical and Scientific School (contd)
Max Weber and the Bureaucracy
A well-defined hierarchy of authority A clear division of work A system of rules covering the rights and duties of position incumbents A system of procedures for dealing with the work situation Impersonality of interpersonal relationships Selection for employment, and promotion based on technical competence
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


The Foundations Of Modern Management (contd)

The Behavioral School
The Hawthorne Studies
Researchers found that it was the social situations of the workers, not just the working conditions, that influenced behavior at work.

The Human Relations Movement

Emphasized that workers were not just givens in the system. Workers have needs and desires that organizations have to accommodate.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X
Most people dislike work and responsibility and prefer to be directed. They are motivated not by the desire to do a good job, but simply by financial incentives. Most people must be closely supervised, controlled, and coerced into achieving organizational objectives.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y (contd)

Theory Y
People wanted to work hard. People could enjoy work. People could exercise substantial selfcontrol. Managers could trust employees if managers treated them right.

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


The Foundations Of Modern Management (contd)

The Behavioral School (contd)
Rensis Likert and the Employee-Centered Organization
Less effective organizations have a jobcentered focus: specialized jobs, emphasis on efficiency, and close supervision of workers. Effective employee-centered organizations build effective work groups with high performance goals. Participation is an important approach employed by high-producing managers.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Bridging the Eras: The Administrative School

Chester Barnards Zone of Indifference
A range of orders that a worker will willingly accept without consciously questioning their legitimacy.
Managers have to provide sufficient inducements (and not just financial ones) to make each employees zone of indifference wider.

Herbert Simon and Managerial Influence

Use the classicists command and control approach.
Foster employee self-control by providing better training, encouraging participative leadership, and developing commitment and loyalty.
G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


The Quantitative/Management Science School

The Management Science Approach
Operations Research/ Management Science
Seeks optimal solutions to management problems through research and the use of scientific analysis and tools.

The Systems Approach

The view that an organization exists as a set of interrelated subsystems that all contribute internally to the organizations purpose and success while interacting with the organizations external environment.

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


The Situational/Contingency School

Contingency View of Management.
The organization and how its managers should manage it are contingent on the companys environment and on technology. Tom Burns and G. M. Stalker
Mechanistic organizations Organic organizations

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Multi-Ontology Sense Making

David Snowden proposes that we look at the problem through multiple lenses Clearly more complex space than most management systems take into account
Kurtz, C. F.; Snowden, D. J. The new dynamics of strategy: Sense-making in a complex complicated From Pollard, D. How to Save the World. and March 24, 2005. world. IBM Systems Management Journal. Volume 42, Number 3, 2003.

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Fundamental Changes Facing Managers

G.Dessler, 2003

July 21, 2005

LIS580- Spring 2006


Two Books to Read

Reich, Robert B. The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism. Vintage, 1992.

Friedman, Thomas L. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux , 2005.
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