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Agenda for 17 May

Announcements, etc. Team response to #23

Overview of Chapter 2 --- IT Foundations


For Monday

Introduction to MIS

Announcements, etc.

Discussion forum added Schedule change

No class tomorrow (Friday, May 18) Classes Monday Friday (May 21 25)

Questions on project topics?

Introduction to MIS

Roll Call Question

What is your MOST preferred communication method? What is your LEAST preferred communication method? Examples

SMS BB/Whats App IM/Google Chat Email Facebook Other

Introduction to MIS

Team Homework

As a team, choose a specific company Identify at least one decision that has to be made at each of the management levels. What data would be needed to make the decision? Briefly explain why the chosen level applies to each decision. Show your two ppt slides

Introduction to MIS

Introduction to MIS

Chapter 2 Information Technology Foundations

Technology Toolbox: Voice Input Technology Toolbox: Creating Effective Charts Cases: The Computer Industry
Copyright 1998-2004 by Jerry Post

Introduction to MIS


Are your computers and software out of date? What are the basic objects that computers process? How do

computers handle music and video?

What are the main components of a computer? Why is the operating system so important?

How does the Internet change the role of computers?

What are the main software applications used in business?

Introduction to MIS

Changing Technology Selections

Desktop: $400-2,000 Workstation: $2,000-7,000 PDA:$500 Laptop:$600-2,000 Cell phone:$200-700 Tablet:$1,000-2,000

Enterprise Server: $10,000-$1,000,000

Cray: $10,000,000+

Introduction to MIS

Technology Trends

Cost of workers increasing Cost of technology decreasing Capabilities increasing

Processing speed Storage capacity Types of data

text image sound video

Quality and reliability Communications

Introduction to MIS

Data Types
12 + 8 = 20

000001100 000001000 --------------000010100


This is a test


This is a test

84 104 73 115
0010000000000000000 0100000000000001001 0110000011000011011 0111111111111001111 1111111111111011111 1111111111100011111

pitch or volume


000001000 000001001 000010100

00101010111 11010101010 01010101010 11110100011 00101011011 00101010111 11010101010 01010101010 11110100011 00101011011


00101010111 11010101010 01010101010 11110100011 00101011011 00101010111 11010101010 01010101010 11110100011 00101011011

00101010111 11010101010 01010101010 11110100011 00101011011

Everything is 0 or 1

Introduction to MIS

How many letters are there in the alphabet? This is a trick question. You need to ask: Which alphabet?

U.S. and England

Latin-based characters: tilde, accent, umlaut, , , Asian ideograms, plus any language

ASCII and EBCDIC 127 characters => 7 bits/1 byte

Code pages and extended character sets 255 characters => 8 bits/1 byte Unicode All modern languages and most dead languages 1 character => 2 (or 3) bytes


List of Languages:

Introduction to MIS 10

Graphics Resolution
32 16



32/24 = (8/8)*(4/3)
Total pixels: 24*32=768

16/12 = (4/4)*(4/3)
Total pixels: 16*12=192

If the rectangles are measured in inches: 4 x 3 the resolution is 8 ppi and 4 ppi

Introduction to MIS


100 dots per inch

Resolution and Color

6 inches 6*100 = 600 dots per line

4 inches

400*600 = 240,000 pixels

How many colors per pixel? 16,000,000: 2^24 = 16,777,216 24 bits = 3 bytes: Red + Green + Blue (RGB) 3 bytes per pixel => 3*240,000 raw data bytes = 720,000

How many colors can the human eye distinguish? 100,000 10,000,000 ??
Introduction to MIS 12

RGB: Red Green Blue, 1 byte each (0-255 values) Visualize as lights: 255, 0, 0 is all red 0, 128, 0 is half green 255, 255, 0 is yellow 0, 0, 0 = black Hue CMYK: Cyan Magenta Yellow Key Used for printing (Key is black) Expressed as a percentage of pure color. 0, 0, 0, 0 = no color (white page) Saturation HSL: Hue, Saturation, Luminosity Used in video/television. x, 0, 0 = black Luminosity

Introduction to MIS


frequency (pitch)

Audio Samples


time amplitude (volume)

Did you know Excel speaks to you?



How many measurements per second?

Introduction to MIS


Video: Adobe Premiere

Video capture or animation

Video overlay Superimpose text Superimpose text Audio (2 channels) with volume fade.

NTSC Video, full screen, 30 fps: 3 MB/sec (compressed)

Introduction to MIS


Intel Processor Speeds by Year

Intel Processor Performance
SysMark 2004
400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00


Introduction to MIS

19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07


RAM Costs
Cost of RAM


$ / MB

1 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007

0.1 Note log scale
Conclusion: RAM is free. 0.01 2007: $59 for 1024 MB/800 MHz $0.057/MB
Introduction to MIS 17

Quad Core CPUs: Parallel Processing

+ =

11 24 32 15 27 33 57 84 ___________________

Are 4 parallel processors four times faster than 1? Crucial assumptions:

There are multiple processors. Task can be split into as many parts as there are processors. Coordinating results does not take more time than processing.
23 +54 xx xx +92 yyy

Introduction to MIS


Cache Memory
Processor Cache on Processor

Needed Might need Read ahead

Cache Memory
Processor is faster than disk drive. Reads ahead and stores several pieces of the file into cache memory. Pulls data from cache as needed. Cache is used as a buffer between two devices of different speeds. Disk>RAM, RAM->Processor

Disk Drive

Introduction to MIS


Input: Keyboards

There have been increasing complaints about injuries caused by repetitive typing tasks. Several manufacturers have experimented with new keyboard designs (like this one from Microsoft) that are claimed to relieve physical stress.
Introduction to MIS 20

Input: Multi-touch
Jeff Han Presentation February 2006 time: 9:31

Introduction to MIS


Input: Scanners



Hand-held Page Flatbed Text and Graphics Columns Proportional v Fixed Fonts Training v Preprogrammed

Optical Character Recognition

Gray scale and colors

OCR reads pixels and converts to letters and words. But mistakes arise.

Text In Bitmap Pixels

Introduction to MIS


Input: Voice


Microsoft Office includes a decent voice input system. It must be trained so that it adapts to your speech patterns. It is not perfect, but is relatively fast. It works best if you speak in full sentencesenabling the system to choose words based on context.

Speak in complete sentences

Speak in complete sentences.

Introduction to MIS


Output: Printers

Quality (resolution: dots per inch)

Ink Jet Laser Typeset/offset press

300 - 720 dpi 600 - 1200 dpi 2400 dpi

Speed (pages per minute) Cost manufacturers cartridges are expensive!

Printer Laser: B&W Laser: Color Ink jet: Color Initial Cost (dollars) 300 50,000 500+ 100 - 500 Cost Per Page (cents) 0.6 3 5 75 10 - 150 Quality (dots/inch) 600 1200 600 1200 300 720 Speed (pages/min.) 4 8 17 100+ 0.5 8 0.1 - 4

Introduction to MIS


What is a Server?

Reliability Easy backup Easy maintenance Multi-user Scalability

Product family consistency (Sun) Server Farm (Microsoft)

Introduction to MIS


What is a Client/Browser?

Display device/standards User interface Data collection Wireless

Smartphones Tablets

Introduction to MIS



Hardware standards? Operating systems

Bal anc e Sheet f or 199 Cas h Rec ei v abl es I nv ent or i es Tot al Cur r ent As s et s 33, 87, 15, 136, 562 341 983 886

Unix, Linux Windows-NT Mac-OS

Ac c ount s Pay abl e Not es Pay abl e Ac c r ual s Tot al Cur r ent Li

Net Fi x ed As s et s Tot al As s et s

45, 673 182, 559

Bonds Com m on St oc k Ret ai ned Ear ni ng Li abi l i t i es + Eq

Software & Data

Binary incompatibility File compatibility & conversion

Leading software Limited standards (e.g., ASCII)

Error reading file Invalid format.

Introduction to MIS 28

Software Categories

Operating System Utilities Programming Languages and Tools Application

General purpose examples

Word processing Spreadsheets Graphics Accounting Tax preparation Games CAD-CAM

Single purpose examples

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

Introduction to MIS


Paperless Office?
Paper Production
400 350 World USA Canada

Million metric tons

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Paper and Paperboard Note leveling off in the U.S. and Canada.
Source: Matches UN FAO data Introduction to MIS 30

1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Open Software Issues

Operating Systems: Linux (and others) Applications

Sun Star Office (and others) Moodle learning management system Sugar Customer Relationship Management Google apps (

Many open questions:

Total cost? Service and support? Training? Upgrades? Security?

These can be religious issues for some. The Internet solved many of the issues with the client platform, can it solve the application battles?

Introduction to MIS

Cloud Computing and Storage

Where does it happen? What are its advantages? What are its risks?

Top 10 cloud storage services

Introduction to MIS


Group Exercise

Do the following exercises (pp 116-117):

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Problem 4 5 6 7a-c 9 10 11

Introduction to MIS



Dizzy from the acronyms? Try Chapter 3: Telecomm & Networking

Prepare to discuss Industry Summary on p. 186 Use your industry as a basis

Tonight title pages are due, upload to moodle! Now complete Quiz 1 in teams

Introduction to MIS



Complete Team Quiz: Chapter 2 before 21:05 In groups

Introduction to MIS


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