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Parazitologie potravin a parazitologick laboratorn metody ZS 2010 IV.

Tasemnice jako pvodci parazitz

Prof. MVDr. Betislav Koudela, CSc. stav parazitologie FVL Veterinrn a farmaceutick univerzita Brno

Upozornn Tento soubor obsahuje obrzky z knih a internetu, u nich nebylo dno o souhlas autora i nakladatele. Je uren vhradn pro intern potebu v rmci ppravy ke zkouce z pedmtu Parazitologie potravin a parazitologick laboratorn metody. Jeho en je zakzno.

Struktura pednky pvodci onemocnn tasemnicemi a jejich biologie humnn infekce tasemnicemi - tniza epidemiologie/epizootologie cysticerkzy/tnizy

metody detekce tasemnic

hygiena potravin legislativa smovn problematiky cysticerkzy/tnizy v EU

Co jsou tasemnice ? prothl endoparazit v zavacm traktu obratlovc segmentovan (segmenty=proglotidy, lnky=strobila) parazit

pchytn orgny na pednm konci=scolex

d Pseudophyllida (trbinovky): 2 terbiny (bothrie) d Cyclophyllida (kruhovky): 4 kruhov psavky a vnec hk (rostelum)

bez trvic trubice, absorpce ivin tegumentem pohlavn systm: hermafrodit zral lnek je naplnn vajky

sloit vvojov cykly

Tda Cestoda - tasemnice - obecn sloit vvojov cykly Pseudophyllida (trbinovky): vajko - koracidium (onkosfra se 6 hky) - procerkoid (1. MH) plerocerkoid (2. MH) - tasemnice (DH) Cyclophyllida (kruhovky): vajko (onkosfra se 6 hky=hexacanth) - larvocysta (MH) - tasemnice (DH)

Morfologie tasemnic - trbinovky

Bothriocephalus sp. Diphyllobotrhrium latum

Morfologie tasemnic - kruhovky

Taenia solium

Taenia solium

Taenia pisiformis

Echinococcus granulosus

Tasemnice lovka

Diphyllobothrium latum kulovec irok Morfologie dospl tasemnice u lovka a 25 m dlouh, a 4000 progotid, u zvat do 4 m, lnky irok 1-2 cm lokalizace: tenk stevo Morfologie vajek ovln, lutohnd barvy, s vkem - operkulum velikost 70 m Vvojov cyklus vajko, ve kterm se vodnm prosted lhne koracidium 1. MH: kori - procerkoid 2. MH: ryby - plerocerkoid (1 cm) DH: lovk a ostatn ryborav savci

Diphyllobothrium latum

Diphyllobothrium latum

Diphyllobothrium latum Patologie Dg. koprologick diagnostika avitaminza B12 konzumace nedostaten tepeln opracovanch ryb cirkumpolrn rozen (Skandinvie, Sibi , Kanada, Aljaka) asi 9 mil. infikovanch osob (?), u lovka subklinicky deficit vitaminu B12 u ryb mon akumulace plerocerkoid plerocerkoidy se mohou akumulovat tak v predtorskch rybch=paratenit hostitel

Diphyllobothrium latum v Evrop

Ostatn stebinovky Spirometra spp. Vvojov cyklus vajko, ve kterm se vodnm prosted lhne koracidium 1. MH: kori - procerkoid 2. MH: ryby - plerocerkoid (1 cm) DH: ryborav masoavci

Sparganza plerocerkoidy Spirometra spp. v podko a svalech jihovchodn Asie

Bothriocephalza plerocerkoidy Bothriocephalus spp. v tln dutin u kaprovitch ryb Ligulza plerocerkoidy Ligula instestinalis v tln dutin u kaprovitch ryb

emenatka pta Ligula intestinalis

emenatka pta Ligula intestinalis - plerocerkoid

Ligula intestinalis vliv na reprodukci mezihostitele

Testes neinfikovan plotice

Testes infikovan plotice bez spermi

gonadotrophin-releasing hormones (GnRHs) funguje u exp. infikovanch drpatek reverzibiln inek tak u ostatnch obratlovc ?

Friday, 6 December, 2002, 12:07 GMT Tapeworm could provide unisex Pill.

Typy larvocyst u kruhovek cysticerkus - mchek vyplnn tekutinou s invaginovanm scolexem naruby strobilocerkus - mchek vyplnn tekutinou s invaginovanm scolexem+strobila cysticerkoid - pevn cysta se scolexem, u bezobratlch coenurus - mchek s tekutinou, germinativn membrna=vce scolex hydatida (echinococcus) - tekutinou vyplnn cysta s germinativn vrstvou s velkm mnostvm skolex, dceinn cysty

Zkladn typy larvocyst tasemnic

Echinococcus granulosus mchoil zhoubn

Morfologie dospl tasemnice 3-6 mm dlouh, sloen ze 4 proglotid lokalizace: tenk stevo Morfologie vajek ovln, lutohnd barvy, s hexantem (6 hk) velikost 30-40 m Vvojov cyklus vajko MH: kopytnci, lovk hydatida hydatidza DH: psovit elmy (pes, vlk, akal, dingo, hyena) nkolik kmen dle MH (druh?) s rznmi biologickmi vlastnostmi ti typy cykl: sylvatick, synantropn, domestikln

Echinococcus granulosus

Echinococcus granulosus

Echinococcus multilocularis tasemnice li

Morfologie dospl tasemnice 2-4,5 mm dlouh, sloen ze 4-5 proglotid lokalizace: tenk stevo Morfologie vajek ovln, lutohnd barvy, s hexantem (6 hk) velikost 30-40 m Vvojov cyklus vajko MH: hlodavci (Microtus), lovk alveokokus (alveokokza) DH: lika (1-50%), ojedinle pes a koka tasemnice z borvek..

Echinococcus multilocularis

Echinococcus multilocularis

Echinococcus u lid (EU)

Echinococcus u domcch zvat (EU)

Echinococcus multilocularis u liek (EU)

Taenia saginata tasemnice bezbrann

Morfologie dospl tasemnice max. 12 m dlouh bez rostela a hk lokalizace: tenk stevo Morfologie vajek
ovln, lutohnd barvy, velikost 30-40 m Vvojov cyklus vajko MH: skot a ostatn velc pevkavci - cysticercus bovis cysticerkza skotu = ezy vka pi porce DH: lovk

Taenia saginata

Cysticercus bovis, uher hovz, boubel hovz

Uhivost (cysticerkza) historie

Vesmr 1. nora 1891, s. 96 Tasemnice, kterou lovk z hovzho masa dostv, jest vak mnohem hor ne ona z masa vepovho a protoe prv hovz maso asto pipravuje se na rychlo, j se i syrov maso na polo peen, mly by hospodyn zvlt na uhivos jeho dti si pozor. V t pin jest pozoruhodnm pokynem, co shledal nsledkem zkoumn svho zvrolka dr. Hertwig na berlnskch jatkch ve 389 ppadech uhivch kus hovzho dobytka. Tm shledal, e uhry vyskytly se u tchto kus ve 360 ppadech ve svalech vykacch, v 11 v srdci, v 10 v jazyku, ve 3 ve svalech krnch, v 1 ve svalech prsnch a ve 22 ppadech porznu v celm tle. Dle toho jest patrno, e zvltn pozornosti poteb jest pi prav masa z hlavy.

lovk jako DH - teniza/teniza patients are frequently asymptomatic, however, gastrointestinal discomfort including diarrhoea, flatulence and abdominal pain is sometimes observed these "worms"can actually move independently and be the reason for various disorders such as appendicitis, or biliary tract obstruction often the segments (proglottids) move spontaneously through the anal opening and cause pruritus

Diagnostika tenizy

wherever possible, direct observation of the parasite and clear taxonomic identification is still the best option
however morphological diagnosis requires skills and training in parasitology and is not always possible, specifically as in the case of taeniid eggs, which are morphologically identical; or difficult to obtain or to differentiate, as is the case of T. saginata and T. solium adult proglottids in practice some carriers may not be aware they are infected as their tapeworm infection may be old in which case the tapeworm may only produce a limited number of proglottids at infrequent times in faeces

Teniza (T. saginata) v R v minulm a tomto tiscilet

1993 68 1994 68 1995 49 1996 32 1997 30 1998 39 B68 Teniza Rok 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 65 28 27 19 20 11 13 26 7 3

Opaten pi tenize

vasn terapie
zajitn devitalizace vajek z uvolnn tasemnice osvta zamezen konzumace tepeln neopracovanho masa

Teniza rizikov faktory consumption of undercooked beef containing viable cysticerci meat not submitted to or not found contaminated by the current meat inspection methods underestimation by general practitioners of the importance of this kind of infection, maybe due to underdiagnosis if diagnosed, therapy might not be sufficient to break the cycle immediately because eggs are not destroyed and are released in the environment

Skot jako MH - cysticerkza/uhivost clinical signs are related to the numbers and distribution of cysticerci usually cattle show no clinical signs at all vesicles (cysticerci) in cattle will mainly develop within striated muscles

Cysticerkza/teniza v nkterch zemch EU

Cysticerkza skotu v R systematicky sledovno od roku 1935 1964-1974 - 2 a 9% 1974-1977 - kolem 2% 1977-1984 - 1,66 a 1,81% 1984-1990 - kolem 1,5 % 1990-1992 - kolem 1,3% v roce 2001 672 ppad .... v roce 2008 152 ppad v roce 2009 155 ppad

Cysticerkza skotu rizikov faktory

tapeworm carrier on the farm

poor hygiene of farm staff (e.g. handling of bovine feed, or hand milking with egg-contaminated hands) defecation by man in places frequented by cattle, or in cattle feed production areas application of human sewage slurry on pastures or highly permeable soils with possible contamination of water-bearing surface and drinking water tapeworm eggs in effluent water from sewage treatment plants

Diagnostika cysticerkza skotu according to Directive 64/433/EEC as last amended, routine meat inspection include the following procedures: bovines over six months of age are inspected individually at the abattoir by two deep cuts in the external and one deep cut in the internal muscles of mastication the cut surfaces of the muscle and the tongue are inspected visually the pericardial surface of the heart is inspected, then the heart muscle incised lengthwise to open the ventricles and to cut through the intraventricular septum

Opaten pi cysticerkze skotu

when one or more cysts are found there is a requirement for further cuts with specific reference to predilection sites e.g. diaphragm and inspection of offal
if a carcass has a generalised infestation the carcass and the offal are declared unfit for human consumption with a localised infestation there is a requirement to store the carcass at a temperature not exceeding -7 C for not less than 21 days or at a temperature not exceeding -10 C for not less than 14 days before release for human consumption

Vliv zpracovn masa na cysticercus bovis

Nov pstupy pi diagnostice cysticerkzy skotu

There are three diagnostic tools

robust, sensitive and specific tests for serum antibodies to the parasite. Presence of circulating antiparasite antibodies, however, whilst indicating exposure to the parasite, cannot be taken as proof of a current viable parasite infection in a particular animal tests aimed at secretory products of live cysts or tegumental antigen, i.e. serum antigens, from viable cysticerci or adult tapeworms. It offers the advantage of indicating a current infection diagnostic PCR tests to distinguish both species on actual samples of the parasites themselves

Opaten EU pi cysticerkze skotu vchozi stav

there is a need to improve the epidemiological knowledge concerning this infection in the EU in man
the prevalence figures of bovine cysticercosis that have been published in the various EU Member States vary between 0.01- 6.8% these prevalence figures are the results of routine slaughterhouse inspection, which is an underestimation of the real prevalence by at least a 3-10 factor. This is due to the relative low sensitivity of the visual inspection methods prescribed in EU Directives and thus reliable data of prevalence figures in cattle are lacking

Opaten EU pi cysticerkze skotu

awareness of taeniosis/cysticercosis among medical doctors,

veterinarians, meat animal producers and the public should be developed through appropriate information and education an epidemiological surveillance of human cases of taeniosis should be undertaken abattoir testing of animal cysticercosis should be improved, through the sensitivity of the use of antigen detection tests reporting of T. saginata infection should be done in a standardised manner at EU level as a part of the table to stable concept animal rearing system should be re-evaluated in order to produce cysticercosis free animals in a qualify controlled system

Cysticerkza skotu a legislativa

Vyhlka ministerstva zemdlstv 375/2003 Sb.

53 Maso a orgny jatenho skotu, u nho byla zjitna slab uhivost nebo toxoplazmza, se ped uvolnnm do vroby upravuje a) psobenm teploty mnus 10 C a ni v hloubce svaloviny po dobu alespo 48 hodin, b) uchovvnm pi teplot mnus 10 C po dobu nejmn 144 hodin, jde-li o maso o tlouce do 30 cm, a nejmn 240 hodin, jde-li o maso o vt tlouce, nebo c) naloenm na sucho nasolench kus o hmotnosti 2,5 kg do solnho lku o hustot 1,160 g/cm3 (20 B) po dobu nejmn 20 dn.

Taenia solium tasemnice dlouholenn

Morfologie dospl tasemnice max. 2-4 m dlouh rostelum s dvma adami hk lokalizace: tenk stevo Morfologie vajek
ovln, lutohnd barvy, velikost 30-40 m Vvojov cyklus vajko MH: prase - cysticercus celullosae MH: lovk, autoinfekce - cysticercus racemosus DH: lovk

Taenia solium

Taenia solium

Taenia solium cysticercosis

Taenia solium cysticercosis

Cysticerkza prasat v EU cysticercosis in man seems to be eradicated in most of the EU, although small foci in Spain and formerly Eastern Germany may exist however, Poland do have significant, albeit low incidence of human T. solium and cysticercosis

0.006-0.6% of the pigs in some areas of Spain are infected with cysticercosis
0.0003% of the pigs in Poland

Cysticerkza prasat v EU

Taenia solium v USA like Europe, the USA was considered as virtually free of T. solium. More than 35 years ago this was called "a testimony to underdevelopment"
of 42 cases observed in the USA from 1857 to 1954, only 3 were autochthonous in non-endemic areas imported cases, i.e. cases acquired in a foreign country, are observed among internationally mobile persons, returning tourists, soldiers or immigrants

Taenia solium v USA more than 900 cases were diagnosed through 1986 in the USA it was readily apparent that during the late 1970s there was a significant increase in diagnoses of neurocysticercosis

59% of the patients were Hispanic

control to estimate more than 1,000 cases were currently diagnosed each year in the USA, with an increasing frequency in children

Teniza rizikov faktory

consumption of undercooked pork containing viable cysticerci

meat not submitted to or not found contaminated by the current meat inspection methods
underestimation by general practitioners of the importance of this kind of infection, maybe due to underdiagnosis if diagnosed, therapy might not be sufficient to break the cycle immediately because eggs are not destroyed and are released in the environment

Nvrh opaten EU pi cysticerkze prasat extensively reared (free-roaming) pigs should be examined individually for cysticercosis with the antigen detection method, in addition to post mortem inspection sero-surveillance at the farm level conducted for other diseases (such as swine vesicular disease or Aujeszky disease) should include specific T. solium antibodies detection swine cysticercosis should be a notifiable disease

Doporuen EU

an early warning system should be set up at EU level to be able to tak adequate measures as soon as such infection in man and/or pigs is observed
cysticercosis-free husbandry should be encouraged T. solium/taeniosis/cysticercosis cases should become notifiable to enable investigations at the farm/production level and favour interruption of the parasitic cycle

inclusion of the larval cestode infections among the diseases of public health importance in the European programme of surveillance of communicable diseases would fulfil this requirement

Dal zdroje informac

Volf P., Hork P. a kol.: Paraziti a jejich biologie. Triton 2007, 318 s.
Hui Y. H. et al. Foodborne Diseases Handbook, Marcel Dekker Inc. 2001, vol. 2, 516 s.

OrtegaY.: Foodborne Parasite. Springer 2006, 289 s.

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