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Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France 1804 - 1815

Born on:15th august,1769 at corsicon city ofAjaccio. Enrolled military academy at brienne at the age of 10. At the age of 15 completed his graduation. Second Lieutenant in the Artillery Corps. He was named as LITTLE CORPORAL.

Characteristics of Napoleon Bonaparte

Determined Power Hungry Military Genius Dedicated to his Work Meticulous Self- Sufficient Demanding Highly Respected by

his Soldiers

Josephine & Napoleon

Napoleon truly loved Josephine While Napoleon was on his Military Campaigns she was unfaithful to him However, he did take her back for a period of time.

Military Strategies
Napoleon Bonaparte
Adapted to battle field Use tactics that would

work best Make offensive moves Keep the army wellsupplied and encourage them that they will win the fight!

Napoleons Tactics Military Genius

Divide and Conquer Split the enemy in two and flank them from one side. The enemy will be literally half the size after the one side is annihilated Reconnaissance Search for gaps Concentrate artillery fire on these gaps Napoleon increased the use of artillery

Napoleon Building an Empire

Annexed Land added areas to France Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy, and Germany Napoleon conquered most of Europe

Was this enough for Napoleon?

Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte

He took the crown off of the Pope and placed it on himself Symbolized that he does not owe his success to anyone

The Napoleonic Code Political Reforms in France

Equality of all in the eyes of the law No recognition of birthright (nobility) Freedom of Religion Freedom to find an occupation of choice Strengthened the role of the family
Emphasis on the husband/father as the head of

the family

Napoleons Downfall
Russian Campaign
Failure (500,000 lives) Lacked Supplies Harsh Russian Winter

Napoleon Exiled to island of Elba Forced to leave the throne to King Louis XVIII Escape from Elba last 100 days

Battle of Waterloo - 1815

Town in Belgium named Waterloo. British and Prussian forces crushes France Napoleon forced to exile in St. Helena

Napoleon the True Leader

Died on: 5th of may at island of St.Helena.

All men who value life more than the glory of the nation and the esteem of their comrades should not be members of the French army. If you should see for the moment uncertain of victory, your emperor will be on the front line. Control mans imagination & you control their heart and soul..


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