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* Graafian follicles

The normal ovary in premenopausal women contains small cysts. The images show two normal ovaries with several anechoic, simple cysts consistent with Graafian follicles.

Kista yg berasal dr folikel de

Graaf yg tidak berovulasi Ukuran 3-8 cm atau lebih On ultrasound follicular cysts present as simple unilocular, anechoic cysts with a thin, smooth wall. There should be no enhancing nodules or other solid components, no enhancing septations, and no more than physiologic ascites.

* Kista berisi cairan berwarna

merah kecoklatan

* The characteristic circular

Doppler appearance is called the 'ring of fire'.

On ultrasound hemorrhagic
ovarian cyst presents as an unilocular thin-walled cyst with fibrin-strands or lowlevel echoes and good through transmission.

The ultrasound images show the right and left ovary:

on both sides there is what appears to be a solid lesion.

hypoechoic cyst with diffuse low level echoes.

* In both ovaries there are multiple cysts. shows an invasive

uterine mass, consistent with invasive molar pregnancy.

* The characteristic ultrasound

appearance is that of a cystic mass, with a hyperechoic solid mural nodule, which is called a Rokitansky nodule or dermoid plug

* shows the 'tip-of-the-iceberg' sign: acoustic shadowing from the hyperechoic

part of the dermoid cyst.

* Classic low attenuation consistent with fat in a right sided

cystic teratoma at CT

At imaging a serous

cystadenoma is most often unilocular and anechoic, and may look like a simple cyst. Mucinous cystadenomas are most often multilocular with thin (< 3 mm) septations.

Radiographic features , US:

Anechoic Sharply marginated, smooth walls

Enhanced through-transmission

* hypoechoic and with or without internal echoes * There is a zone of increased echo recording deep to the mass.

Penyakit ini diturunkan inheritas dan biasanya dijumpai pad pasien berumur di atas 40 tahun

Gejala : hematuria, proteinuria, hipertensi, sakit pinggang, nyeri abdomen

* Pada pemeriksaan CT scan dibuat potongan transversal dan

koronal pada kedua ginjal. Dibuat potongan 5-10 cm. Pada gambaran CT tampak kista pada kedua ginjal di dalam parenkim atau di sentral

Multicystic kidney. Longitudinal ultrasound scan of the multicystic kidney showing the classical appearance of multiple cysts of varying sizes with very little surrounding parenchyma, occupying the whole of the kidney.

CT scan menunjukkan kista luas di kedua ginjal, kista telah hampir sepenuhnya menggantikan parenkim ginjal.

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