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What Jobs Did People Do in Castles?

Medieval Life
When William the Conqueror came to England, he introduced a way of life called Feudalism. This split people into two groups those who had money, land and status, and those who did not the peasants. The castle was the most important place in an area people would live by the castle, and villages and towns would grow. The area covered by the castle and land owned by a lord was known as a manor.

The Feudal System

The king gave land to the lords.


The lords gave some of their land to the knights.

Knights The knights agreed to protect the lords and the king.

Peasants / Serfs
90% of the people were classed as peasants or serfs. There were 2 types the free peasants (who worked as carpenters, bakers, blacksmiths etc., and serfs who had to work for the lord without pay, but he let them live on the land without paying rent.)

The Lord
The land in England was divided up into manors by the king, and given to Norman Nobles. Nobles, or lords were in charge of the manor, and carried out the laws of the country. The lords spent most days managing and organizing their castles and land. A manor would include farming land, pasture land for animals, and a village surrounding the castle grounds.

The Knights
Knights were professional soldiers (this means they got paid to fight). They had to make a promise to fight 40 days a year for their lord. The lord in return, would give the knights land. The knights and their families would live in the tower, and be served by the servants, just like the lord. They would spend time training during the day, and possibly hunting or inspecting their own lands.

The Squires
Squires would be boys over the age of 14 who had come to the castle to train as knights. A knight would be put in charge of them, training them in how to use a sword, how to ride a horse, and the art of chivalry (shi
vuhl ree qualities such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women).

The boys could become knights when they were 21 this means they could be training for 7 years.

The Lady
The Lady of the castle would spend her day supervising the ladies-in-waiting, the chambermaids, the spinners, weavers, and embroiderers. They would also keep her company. The ladies were also in charge of educating the young pages who came to the castle before they trained as knights.

Ladies-in-waiting and Chambermaids

The chambermaids looked after the rooms of the lord and lady. They would keep them clean and empty the chamber pots. The ladies-in-waiting would keep the lady entertained, and look after her.

All the other people living in or around the castle were known as peasants, or serfs. They were split into two groups farmers, or craftsmen. The farmers would work in the fields, tending the plants and animals. The craftsmen were trained by their parent, or another craftsman. They would make their goods to sell, but had to give money to their lord.

The Soldiers
A group of soldiers included knights, guards, watchmen, menat-arms, and a porter to open the door. They were all skilled in different fighting methods crossbowmen, archers, swordsmen, or lancers. The knight was in charge of the soldiers in the castle. They were well paid, and lived within the bailey, inside the castle walls. They would spend their days patrolling the surrounding areas, covering up to 30 miles in a day.

Kitchen maids/Cooks
These people had the job of providing all the meals for the people living in the castle. The kitchen staff would usually sleep on the kitchen floor. It might have been uncomfortable, but it was probably warm!

Spinners, Weavers and Embroiderers

These people had the job of providing all the clothes for the people living in the castle.

Other people living in the castle

STEWARD: He was the person left in charge when the lord was away. He had to know everything that went on in the castle and estates. BUTLER: He would be in charge of the wine and beer. CHAPLAIN: He looked after the chapel, supervised building projects, and also gave spiritual advice to others. CHAMBERLAIN: He was in charge of the hall, and was the lords personal servant. MESSENGER: He carried letters and messages. WATCHMAN: The head of security.

Other people living in the castle

PORTER: He was in charge of the main castle door. (Porte in French means door) KEEPER OF THE WARDROBE: The wardrobe was the room in the castle where the lord and lady would dress, and store their clothes. The keeper would be in charge of the tailors and laundress. GARDENER: He was in charge of growing the plants and herbs. JESTER: He would perform and be silly to entertain people. CHANDLER: He would make candles. MARSHAL: He would be in charge of the stables LAUNDRESS: She would wash all the clothes and linens belonging to everyone living in the castle.

COBBLER: He made and repaired shoes ARMOURERS: These were in charge of making sure the soldiers weapons were in good order. COOPERS: Made barrels BLACKSMITH: Made things out of iron, including swords. SCRIBES: These were usually monks, who had been taught to read and write. POTTER: They made pots for cooking and storage. PHYSICIAN: They would perform surgery. PAINTER: He was in charge of keeping the castle painted. FLETCHER: He made bows and arrows.

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