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VEDIC EDUCATION ( 1500 B.C to 1400 B.


Dr. P. N. Prabhu, Education in ancient India was free from any external control like that of the state and government or any party politics. It was the kings duties to see that learned Pundits, pursued their studies and performed their duty of imparting knowledge without interference from any source what so ever.

Vedic system of education

Veda- means to know The ancient system of education were based on the Vedas.

Three steps of attaining knowledge

Knowledge may be gained by three steps, Shravana or hearing Manan or meditation Nidhidhyasan or realisation

Methods of Instruction

There was no classroom teaching. monitorial system pupil centered education Besides question Answer, Debate and Discussion, Story telling

Methods of teaching

The methods of teaching -Maukhik (oral and other method was based on Chintan (thinking or reflection). Correct pronunciation: Samhita Path(collection marg), Nad Path, Jua Path, and Gyan Path were practiced to keep the hymns entirely correct. Meditation. They realized the spiritual elements and their experience.

Status and Service of the Teacher

The status of teacher was very high. Teachers were regarded as Brahma Vishnu and Mahesha. The teacher student relationship was cordial and conducive.


Self disciplined No punishment Lived simple life Followed the rules of the brahmacharya ashram

Aims of education

Not knowledge as preparation for life in this world or for life beyond, but for complete realization of self for liberation of the soul from the chains of life both present and future. Religion-Literature and culture

Varna system and Education in Society

The Varna system in the Vedic age was based on ones work or duty (karma). In the Vedic period Rishis were mostly belong to Sudra Caste. During Vedic period one could choose a particular profession as he liked and accordingly his Varna was determined.

Agencies of education

Gurukula - teachers residence, students stay during the period of study and whole institution lived like a family. Parishad - these were bigger institutions, teachers used to teach different subjects. This may be compared to a college. Sammelan - means getting together for a particular purpose. Scholars gathered at one place for discussions and competitions.

The Predominant Facets

The ancient education system has been a source of inspiration to all educational systems of the world. admission policies (upnayan) monitorial system (Pittiacharya ) low teacher pupil ratio healthy teaching surroundings free schooling and college education sympathetic treatment role of punishment in discipline regulation governing student life

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