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Its impact on countries through the world

It is an original African-based religion and an avenue that is used to protest political cruelty subtlety. (hence the term Babylon) It is not always seen as a religion but a livity or movement. It began in part as a social stand against whites and the middle-classes, whom the Rastafarians saw as oppressors.

It is said that all the religious and magical movement like Obeah (black magic or private practitioner hired for a specific purpose), Myalism (cult group devoted to religious activity), Baptist (mixture of Myalism and Christianity), and Methodist (supported the cause of slaves) all contributed to the birth of Rastafarianism. The movement was greatly inspired by the black journalist who was exile to America and later became the founder of the United Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.) in the 1914. The association aims to create a African identity

Coupled with the hope of returning home to Africa. This today forms the essence of the Rastafarian Movement, (Back to Africa). Marcus Garvey, who was also seen as a prophet, prophesied the crowning of a black king in Africa. Shortly after his prophecy a black King was in fact crowned on November 2nd 1930 name Ras Tafari Makonnen under the name of Emperor Haile Selassie I. In the 1930 this movement known as Rastafarianism arose among the black slums of Jamaica.

BELIEF Rastas established six principles that the movement is rooted on, these are: 1. A hatred for white race 2. The complete superiority of the black race 3. Revenge on the wickedness of the white people 4. The negation, persecution and humiliation of the government and legal bodies of Jamaica 5. Preparation to return to Africa 6. Acknowledging Emperor Haile Selassie as the supreme being and only ruler of black people. NB These have changed a little over the years.


LOCKS- it represents the Lion of Judah. It also shows the contrast to the straight blond look of white people.


COLOURS-red, gold and green this is seen on their flag. It is taken from the Garvey Movement and form the background of Ethiopian flag. The Red stands for the Rastas church triumphant but also the blood of the martyrs of Rastas. The Green represents the beauty and vegetation of Ethiopia, the promise land and the Gold symbolizes the wealth of the homeland that shall be regained.


HERB- marijuana or ganja is commonly smoke in a ritualized form and is said to be used as medicine. On the contrary Rastas does not use this herb for recreation. It is believed to aid understanding and meditation.

DEVELOPMENT The first branch of Rastafari established in Jamaica in about 1935 by Leonard Howell. His lifestyle led him to be a victim of police brutality. He developed the six principles and the hope of repatriation. He is also said to be the reason why Rastafarians have decided to remain leaderless. 1960s and 1970s Haile Selassie first visited Jamaica. The development of Reggae music in the same period makes it synonymous with Rastafarians. The work of Bob Marley got its exposure to the rest of the world around that time in his music.

Bob Marley is one of the most important figures in Rastafarian movement. In 1975 Haile Selassie died which discouraged many Rastafarians. Benjamin Zephaniah a poet and playwright talks about his visitation to Rastafarian communities in the hills and slums of Spanish Town and Kingston to the modern day London and Birmingham. Communities were also seen in Ethiopia. Rasta continues to be a movement of resistance in the 1960s for people in the Caribbean and

Britain black community. Rastafarianism has spread to even New Zealand and Japanese Rasta are in Tokyo. Rastafarian is said to be approximately two million followers throughout the world and a host of fans. In 1996 the International Rastafari Development Society was given consultative status by the United Nations. Rastafarian culture was explored and promoted in a plethora of academic studies in Jamaica and abroad.

In the 1970s popular reggae singers like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh expressed Rastafarian ideas in their song lyrics this help in the spreading of Rasta culture throughout the Caribbean, the United States, England, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Latin America. In the 1980s it has become secular

Cameroon- made up of French and English speaking communities like Canada. As a result, people with various belief tend to flourish there. Before their independence in 1961 small communities of Rastafarians were discovered. Ivory Coast- presidential candidates seek votes from the Rastas there. Ghana-many Rastafarian place of worship Japan- Japan Splashes or open air reggae concerts. Rasta shops selling natural foods, reggae recordings and other Rasta related items.

Malawi- there is a Rastafarian community Other countries include Sudan, United Kingdom (in 2001 had 5000 Rastafarians living there) and United States.

The movement Rastafarianism thou started in the 1930s in Jamaica among the poor class people living in slums and ghetto areas this movement has managed to spread to many countries world wide. Rastas influence has caused nationals in extra regional territories to have a liking for many of their symbols from the wearing of the locks to the smoking of the ganja. Many communities have been established both by Jamaicans who migrated and nationals who hear about the religion and endorsed it.

The ideology of the movement does not remain stagnant to one set of people but even to the whites in the world. Today the wearing of the locks is accepted by many professionals. The Spread of Rastafarians owes much to rise of reggae music.

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