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REDUCE Fatigue Incident Frequency Rate (FI FR)

Adrianus D Denastri Ramli Beniardi M Meiliza Sigit Saputro

2911 2615 2911 2624 2911 2627 2911 2639 2911 2647

Project Background
Fatigue related incidents are still of major issue within KPC operations. Fatigue has caused serious incidents including fatality, potential fatality and high cost property damage. Various programs have been conducted but FI-FR has not been reduced significantly. Change of shift crews roster from 8 hrs to 12 hrs may increased the risks of fatigue. No practical standard fatigue guidelines across KPC.

Project Summary
Reduce Fatigue Incident Frequency Rate (FI-FR) to 0.5 per million man hour Eliminate Potential Fatality incident due to fatigue

For MOD, MSD, and Mining Contractors (CMD)

Review and programs will include MOD, MSD and Mining Contractors. No major capital expenditures

Benefit of The Project

This project will provide potential of reducing costs of incident and saving of property damage loss up to: $ 180,750.00 - annualized from history of:
Operation PTDH Mining Ops TCI Mining Ops Pama Mining Ops KPC MSD Ops KPC MOD Ops Time Periode 2007-Apr 2009 2007-Apr 2009 2007-Apr 2009 2007-Apr 2009 Jan-Apr 2009 Loss due to Fatigue US$53,676.00 US$ 15,300 US$ 200,587.00 US$ 10,102.00 US $ 20,299.00

Fatigue Incidents Record 2007-2009

Historical FR (Before Project)

Project of Reducing FI FR was introduced on midsemester 2009. Based on historical FI FR from 2003 until 2009: - Average FI FR was about 0,88 per million working hours - Moving Range was about 0,55

Link data for historical FI FR : link

Chart Limit Before Project

Range Limit Before Project

PARETO of Fatigue Incident Root Causes


Fatigue Incidents 2007-2009


Number of incident





Not reporting Sleep disturbed when fatigue

Domestic activities



Rest time not used

New employee

Survey Result: Why Not Reporting

40.0% 35.9% 35.0% 30.0% 25.8% 25.0% 21.4% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 19.0% 14.4%

Malu/takut/khawatir penilaian buruk Tidak mengetahui aturan wajib lapor bila fatigue Laporan fatigue tidak ditanggapi pengawas 1 bulan terakhir pengawas tidak menanyakan fatigue Terpengaruh kebiasaan/rekan kerja

Note: MOD all respondents are aware on requirement for reporting when fatigue

Survey Result : Alarming Facts

90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 51.3% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 22.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 78.0%

1 bulan terakhir pernah fatigue tetap bekerja 1 bulan terakhir > 3x fatigue tetap bekerja


1 bulan terakhir tidak pernah melapor saat fatigue Tidak selalu bisa tidur minimal 6 jam setiap hari

Survey Result: Sleep Disturbance

18.0% 15.9% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 5.5% 4.6% 6.2% 11.3% 15.0% 14.9% 13.3% 11.5%

Domestic activities Hobbies Second jobs Travelling Social activities Uncomfortable room Family Environment Others

Survey: Positive Feedbacks

92.0% 91.4% 90.6% 90.0% 89.4%

Merasakan pengaruh positif fatigue alarm Prosedur fatigue saat ini sudah baik Manfaat fatigue check pada jam kritis Tindakan disiplin meningkatkan kesadaran


86.0% 84.0% 84.0%



Proposed Solutions & Progress

No 1 Action Improve Awareness: - Trainer Training: Fatigue for Spouse - Trainer Training: Fatigue for shift workers - Sticker: Ngantuk Lapor! - Training and refresher for Spouse - Training and refresher for shift workers Progress 100% 90% 100%
On going -

On going Improve implementation of fatigue check by supervision pre-shift and during critical hours

4 5

Improve KPC fatigue alarm system to enable notification to dispatcher

Review shift roster to minimize potential fatigue after long day offs Radio messages on critical times (FM & communication radio)

Proposal to be submitted to Mgt

Options reviewed (need further study) On going

Milestones completed to date : Stickers Ngantuk Lapor installed in equipment cabin Fatigue Management for Spouse Training Material has been reviewed and facilitators training conducted Fatigue Awareness Training material for shift workers reviewed (facilitator training scheduled) Proposal for upgrading KPC fatigue warning system has been submitted (cost US$ 55,000.00)


FI FR After Project
To see the affect of this project, we try to look up FI-FR after 2009 (started from Jan 2010). Based on data FI FR from 2010 until March 2013: -Average FI FR was reduced to 0,672 -Moving Range was reduced to 0,36 Link data after project : link

Chart Limit After Project

Range Limit After Project

To check the capability for achieving FI-FR target to 0,5, it can be checked based on before project and after project:


0,543 0,341

X? 0,875 0,672

USL 0,50 0,50

LSL 0 0

Cp 0,153 0,244




(0,23) Out of Control Not Capable (0,17) Out of Control Not Capable


The successful implementation of project initiatives has resulted in: Average FR reduced during from Jan 2010 March 2013 from 0,88 to 0,672.

The intangible benefit realized so far : YTD 2009: No fatigue incident resulted in potential fatality (PF) compared to 4 fatigue incidents resulted in PF in 2008


How To....
In Control FI-FR:

To make Capable to achieve FI-FR = 0,50 :


Maintain Gains (Sustainability Plan)

Monitor on going implementation of Fatigue Management Training and refresher for shift workers and for spouses by trained facilitators at each div/dept/contractors. Monitor the implementation of fatigue check by supervisors (pre-shift and at critical times) Line management to perform random check of fatigue check by supervisors

Review implementation of dispatch improvement to

enable notification to dispatcher

What Next?
Continue review of SOP / Guidelines on

Fatigue Management and get appropriate

approval for implementation.

Further review of alternative shift roster

for MOD


Lessons learnt
Valuable experience gained by all team members during

involvement in the project: new knowledge,

perspectives, and team work. Challenges faced during project:

difficult to maintain good team members attendance

due to urgent matters, e.g. incidents. collecting and compiling data and surveys

Enrichment from sharing programs and experience from

other divisions / contractors involved.



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