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New Employee Orientation Seminar

University of Makati
January 26, 2012 Employees Lounge Administration Bldg.

We warmly welcome you all to UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI!

Outline of Presentation
About the Organization Brief History of UMak Vision, Mission, Philosophy Organizational Structure Decision Making Bodies Payroll Flowchart Performance Evaluation Policies and Procedures on Absences, Tardiness, Leaves Dress Code Participation in University Functions Academic Policies on GWA, Retention Policies Admission Policies Benefits and Privileges

Brief History of UMAK

May 13, 1972Ordinance No. 64 was passed authorizing the establishment of a tuitionfree college known as the Makati Polytechnic Community College.

April 24,1987
Ordinance No. 07, Series of 1987 renaming Makati Polytechnic Community College to Makati College. December 19,1991 Ordinance No. 433 was passed converting Makati College into Pamantasan ng Makati. December 27,2000 Pamantasan ng Makati was changed to UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI (Ordinance No 111 Series of 2000)

Makatis Vision-Mission
Makati shall lead the Philippines into the 21st century: its global and national enterprises, leading the creation of a new, responsible and sustainable economy; its citizens productive, empowered and God-loving.

2002 2001 2000

Through breakthrough technologies and enlightened, citizen-centered governance, the city shall promote intense, enhancing and enabling interactions among members of its community driving the national and global leadership of its resident enterprises, and ensuring richer, fuller and God-centered lives for its citizens.

All efforts anchored on 3 Development Agenda

Action on Revenue, Infrastructure, Social Services, and Education


Makati BEST
Best Place to Live in Excellence in Education Superior Place to do Business Top Local Government Civil Servants

Makati 21

Development Agenda for the 21st Century for Makati

UMak and the City of Makati

Social Development Sector Education and Culture Subsector

Health SubSector

Social Welfare Sub-Sector


City Library


University of Makati

UMAK Mission-Vision
We envision the University of Makati as the primary instrument for leading the people of Makati and its contiguity towards local, national and global preparedness and competitiveness in the tradition of excellence through affordable quality, creative, innovative, progressive and sustainable program.



To achieve our vision, UMak shall pursue and commit to develop competent professionals through its research, trainings and valuesoriented technical, baccalaureate and graduate programs that are relevant to the needs of education, business and industry.

Institutional Philosophy
University of Makati is the university of the City of Makati. We serve the children of its less-privileged citizens, so that they can actively participate in and competitively partake of the Citys economic progress. and WHAT WE HAVE TO DO FOR THOSE FOR WHOM WE ARE

We must never forget, WHO WE ARE,


Prof. Tomas B. Lopez, Jr.

Organizational Chart
Board of Regents (BOR) Office of the President Office of the University Secretary

Office of the Executive Vice President

Office of the Registrar

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Administration

College of Arts Sciences and Education Physical Education Recreation, Dance & Culture College of Business Administration Budget Office Center for Performing & Digital Arts Accounting Office

Human Resource & Development Office

Supply & Property Management Office

University Clinic College of Governance and Public Policy NSTC College of Technology Management Testing & Admission General Services Office Cash Office University Facilities Reservation Office

College of Computer Science

Research & Library

College of Nursing

University Officials


Makati City Mayor and Chair Board of Regents


University President

University Officials


Executive Vice President


University Secretary

University Officials


Vice President for Academic Affairs


Vice President for Administration

Administrative Vision-Mission

We envision the Administrative Division to be a dynamic partner of the academe in providing quality education for the less privileged citizens of Makati

Towards this end, the Administrative Division shall: A DVOCATE the 8 Norms of Conduct in Public Service, D-IGNIFY work at all times, M-ASTER personal leadership I-NNOVATE continuously for a quality delivery of services, and; N-URTURE a culture of excellence.

8 Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees

Commitment to public interest ALWAYS uphold public interest over and above personal interest Professionalism perform duties with HIGHEST degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill Justness and sincerity true to ALL people at all times; shall not discriminate against anyone Political neutrality serve anyone REGARDLESS of party affiliations or preference Responsiveness to the public extend PROMPT, COURTEOUS, and EFFICIENT service Nationalism and patriotism LOYALTY to the Republic and the Filipino people Commitment to democracy UPHOLD Constitution; maintain principle of public accountability Simple living lead MODEST LIVES appropriate to position and income


Board of Regents
Add Your Text

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Add Your Text Add Your Text

The governing body Add andYour corporate powers of the University Text shall be vested and exercised by the Board of Regents thru the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

University Council

Formulate the programs of study, including opening and /or revision of curricular programs, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents.

Prescribe requirements for admission as well as for graduation and conferment of degrees.

UC Powers

Have exclusive power to recommend Students for graduation or persons to be conferred with honorary degrees.

Personnel Selection Board (PSB)

A. Powers: - Recommends to the Board of Regents (BOR) matters related to hiring, firing and promotion of faculty and administrative personnel and other matters related thereto. B. Composition: VP-Academic - Chair on Academic Matters VP-Administration - Chair on Admin. Matters City Personnel Officer - Vice Chair

Faculty Representative - Member

PnMAEA Representative Member HRDO Head - Board Secretary/Member


Employment Status




Requirements for FULL TIME faculty members: - Personnel Data Sheet (PDS) - Transcript of Records (Original & photo copy) - Certificate of Eligibility - Position Description Form

- Certificate of Assumption
- Medical Certificate

- Oath of Office
- Police & Barangay Clearance

Requirements for PART-TIME faculty members: - Personnel Data Sheet (PDS) - Transcript of Records (original & photocopy) - Affidavit if working full-time in a private company

- Permit to Teach if working full-time in government agency

- Certificate of Assumption - Medical Certificate - Oath of Office

No documents No appointment

Processing of Payroll
UMak Cash Office for encashment/payment

Step 8
Cash Division

Step 7
City Administrator Office

Step 6
Special Assistant Office

Step 5
Accounting Department

Step 4
Budget Division

City Hall- HRDO

Step 2
UMak- Accounting

Step 1


On Leave Credits
Administrative employees
15 days vacation leave 15 days sick leave 3 days special leave

Academic employees

Teaching personnel shall not be entitled to Vacation and Sick Leave but to PROPORTIONAL VACATION PAY (PVP) of 70 days of summer vacation plus 14 days of Christmas Vacation. A faculty who has rendered continuous service in a School Year without incurring absences without pay of not > 1 days is entitled to 84 days of proportional vacation pay.


Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Sabbatical Leave Study Leave Terminal Leave

For sixty (60) calendar days

Who are entitled? - Casual and regular personnel who render an aggregate of two (2) or more years of service. (with Full pay) - An employee who has rendered one (1) year or more but less than two (two) years of service shall be computed in proportion to their length of service. - For teaching personnel, maternity benefits can be availed even if the period of delivery occurs during the long vacation in which case, both the maternity benefits and the proportional vacation pay shall be received by the instructor concerned.

For married male employees 7 working days For first 4 deliveries of legitimate spouse Non-cumulative Non-convertible to cash May be availed continuous or intermittent Can also be availed in case of miscarriage

On Vicarious Learning Activities


All funds sourced from the university shall be used with prudence and in accordance with COA rules on allowable expenses. It shall also be liquidated within the period prescribed by law. In general, collections from students, other than allowed by the university, are discouraged. Vicarious learning activities (VLA) and other similar activities that supplements and complements classroom teaching that necessitates collecting money from students to conduct such activities should be approved by proper authorities prior to conduct of such. Otherwise, the activity is deemed unauthorized and proper sanctions shall be imposed.

Conditions for Renewal

Performance Evaluation


Renewal of Appointment

Teaching Load (Faculty)

Recommendation of Dept. Head

Performance Evaluation
A performance evaluation system is a management tool which enables the University of Makati to gauge its performance. It identifies high and low performers and therefore guides the university in maximizing its human resources.

In the university, performance rating is still the major basis for all personnel actions.

Forty-Hour Work week (Rule XVII, Sec 5) for nonteaching and teaching but not-teaching personnel NMT 6 hours of actual classroom teaching a day Encode grades within the prescribed period. Observe dress code. Report for work on time. Come to class on time Participate in University functions Observe B-16 File leave immediately after return from leave (Rule XVI, Sec 16)

Attendance when work is suspended

Sec. 32, MC # 14 S. 1999 Absence on a regular day for which suspension of work is announced.
Where an official or an employee fails to report for work on a regular day for which suspension of work is declared after the start of the regular working hours, he shall not be considered ABSENT FOR THE WHOLE DAY. HE SHALL ONLY BE DEDUCTED LEAVE CREDITS OR THE AMOUNT CORRESPONDING TO THE TIME WHEN OFFICIAL WORKING HOURS START UP TO THE TIME THE SUSPENSION OF WORK IS ANNOUNCED.

Responsibilities of a Teacher
Manage the conduct and supervision of classroom instruction, assessment of students class standing performance Develop, review and enrich syllabus Accomplish and submit documents related to students performance Assist in the enforcement of campus discipline Attend regular and official meetings and assemblies

HONORARIUM. Full-time Instructors who are ABSENT during their regular teaching load, shall not be allowed to claim honoraria for that day, as per University policy. Parttimers are exempted from said policy since they do not have regular teaching load. Honorarium will be cancelled from the time when the suspension of work is announced. The exact time of suspension onwards wherein the honorarium time falls will be cancelled. No Honorarium will be allowed to instructors who render half-day (1/2) service for a particular day whether in the morning or in the afternoon likewise to those who did not complete their six hours official time.

An officer or employee in the civil service shall be considered habitually absent if he incurs unauthorized absences exceeding the allowable 2.5 days monthly leave credit under the leave law for at least three (3) consecutive months during the year ( MC No. 04, s. 1991).

Any employee shall be considered habitually tardy if he incurs tardiness, regardless of the number of minutes, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2) months in a semester or at least two (2) consecutive months during a year ( MC No.04, s.1991).


Conditions for Regularization

At least 3 years in service VS in the last 2 ratings period Appropriate CS Eligibility for admin personnel For Acad Revised MPP that is in conformance with MC # 19 S. 2005 MC # 10 s. 2012

Public Officers Welfare

Pag-Ibig GSIS PhilHealth Employees Compensation Commission Contribution


STANDARD BENEFITS those benefits that are given to all government employees nationwide
Additional Compensation Allowance (ACA) Personal Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) 13TH Month Fringe Benefits Cash Gift (P3,000 from National Fund & P2,000 from LGC of Makati) Rice Allowance 14th Month


File resignation Secure clearance Apply for Cash Surrender Value to GSIS thru HR

To our new partners

Thank you and we hope you will be an active partner in our goal of providing quality tertiary education for the less privileged sector of Makati!


Institutional Philosophy
University of Makati is the university of the City of Makati. We serve the children of its less-privileged citizens, so that they can actively participate in and competitively partake of the Citys economic progress. and WHAT WE HAVE TO DO FOR THOSE FOR WHOM WE ARE

We must never forget, WHO WE ARE,


Prof. Tomas B. Lopez, Jr.


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