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By Stacie Bouchard, Morgane Milliet,

Ramez Hanna, Michael Kasparian and

Robert McQuillen
Know your purpose

Decide what you want to accomplish.

Decide what you want your listeners to remember at the end of
your presentation.
Ask yourself the following questions:

What do I want to tell them?

What do I want them to DO as a result of this talk?

What do I want them to BELIEVE as a result of this talk?

What can I realistically achieve in this presentation?

What will need written or other support?

Know your audience

Analyze your audience, anticipate its reactions and make

appropriate adaptations.

Ask the following questions:

How will this topic appeal to the audience?

How can I relate the topic to their needs?

How can I earn their respect so that they accept my message?

What would be most effective in making my point?

Facts? Statistics? Personal experiences? Expert opinions? Humour? Analogies?

What measures must I take to ensure that this audience remembers my main points?
1. Tell them what you’re going to say
2. Say it
3. Tell them what you told them

Should achieve 3 goals:
7. Capture listeners’ attention and get them involved
8. Identify yourself and establish credibility
9. Preview your main points
Should focus on a few key ideas.
The body could be organized chronologically, by topic, by importance,

Should achieve 2 goals:
7. Summarize the main themes of the presentation
8. Include a statement that allows you to leave the podium with poise
Useful to spotlight organization and key ideas.
Use « bridge » statements between major points, for example:
« I shall now discuss... » or «On the other hand » 

Appearances can help sway the audience: Dress for the audience and pay
attention to details.
Use gestures to animate your presentation, keep the audience’s attention and
communicate feelings. Minimize gestures like playing with coins, etc.
Vary the tone, volume, pitch and pace without forgetting to pause after
important points
Avoid being planted to the podium but use movements allowing yourself to
look natural and comfortable
These can be overhead transparencies, handouts, PowerPoint
slides, etc.

Choose the appropriate type of visual for the presentation.

Make sure it is simple and dynamic to attract the audience’s


Always begin by talking and then use the visuals.

Speak slowly and use your visuals to make the ideas clearer.
Pros Cons
 Audience can better  They require extra work
understand your ideas. and organization.
 They announce each point  Some visuals can seem
of the presentation. like old fashioned
 They make your methods.
presentation memorable.  The speaker can lose the
 They give an accurate audience’s concentration.
representation of the
Computer programs such as PowerPoint.

They are easy to make and deliver professional presentations.

Avoid putting too much information (Summarize).

Elaborate on points.( Do not simply read off the slides).

Make sure your audience listens and retains information easily.

Stage fright is a phenomenon experienced as a fear or anxiety of public

Symptoms: voice cracks, tremors in the legs, trembling

hands, facial nerve tics, dry mouth, etc

Problem solving: Controling emotions and nervousness with

relaxation, stretching and breathing techniques.
In order to perform better:

 Be yourself
 Get a good night’s sleep
 Work preparation thoroughly
 Avoid distractions during performance
 See your presentation as a celebration, not as atrial
 Ignore stumbles; give no apologies
 Make your listeners your partners.
Identify clearly the audience and adapt to satisfy their

Keep in mind that others may not share the same

cultural background

Pick your medium of visual aids accordingly.

Be careful of your body language.

When you finish, distribute translated handouts or

Be Ready

Know your subject through extensive research

Rehearse thoroughly

Plan use of visual and memory aids

Familiarize yourself with presentation room

DO NOT “Wing It”

Start slow or with a pause

Memorize first line to sound confident

Do not speed through, take your time

Maintain constant eye contact

Do not go off topic (use notes when needed)

Summarize to assure full absorption

Distribute handouts with data that the audience will

Ask and encourage for questions.

Repeat questions before answering them to maximize

audience hearing.

Always keep the entire audience involved.

Signal the end of the presentation before taking the last


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