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A presentation by Kelvin Gan & Liam McMurray Web Services, University of Bath

Who we are
Liam McMurray
Web Designer Mac-ophile Aesthetically driven End user

Kelvin Gan
Web Software Developer Geek Obsessive - Compulsive Engineer

"What is Cloud Computing?" "Cloud computing is a buzzword..."

"The concept, quite simply, is that vast computing resources will reside somewhere out there in the ether (rather than in your computer room) and we'll connect to them and use them as needed.

"What is Cloud Computing?"

- Liam (2 weeks ago)

"What is Cloud Computing?" "Cloud computing is a buzzword..."

"The concept, quite simply, is that vast computing resources will reside somewhere out there in the ether (rather than in your computer room) and we'll connect to them and use them as needed."
- Jonathan Weber (The Times Online)

3 aspects of Cloud Computing

1. Applications in the Cloud (SaaS):
o o o o o o

2. Platforms in the Cloud (PaaS):

Google App Engine Mosso

Google Apps Flickr

SaaS PaaS

3. Infrastructure in the Cloud (HaaS)

Amazon Web Services

SaaS PaaS Haas

3 aspects of Cloud Computing

As described by Thorsten vok Eiken at RightScale:
1. Applications in the Cloud (SaaS):
o o

2. Platforms in the Cloud (PaaS):

o o o

Google Apps Flickr

3. Infrastructure in the Cloud (HaaS)

Amazon Web Services

Google App Engine Mosso

Applications in the Cloud / SaaS

email photo sharing calendars and contacts document sharing (like this!)

Platforms in the Cloud / SaaS

- Amazon Web Services
Amazon EC2
Elastic Cloud Computing virtual servers for rent called Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) based on Xen priced on per hour from $0.10 to $1

Amazon S3
Simple Storage Service up to $0.18 per GB storage from $0.10 per GB transfer via o REST o SOAP o BitTorrent

Infrastructure in the Cloud / HaaS - Google App Engine

A web application development framework and hosting solution rolled into one That uses the infrastructure available at Google

Currently public preview Pricing to be announced Scalable? Quotas in place while in preview
bandwidth is 10 GB which is plenty but CPU is 0.2 GHz max HTTP requests per day is 650,000 o you can apply for an extension
o o o

so their servers + storage: BigTable

(currently) Python only

Microsoft Azure Services

Very new: released Monday 27th October (last week!) XaaS
Windows Azure (.Net hosting) MS SQL Services Live Services Microsoft Sharepoint Services o Microsoft Dynamic CRM Services
o o o o

Integrated support in Visual Studio Surprisingly, there are .Net SDKs for: o Java o Ruby!

Good & Bad of PaaS/HaaS-based Cloud Computing

The Good
cheap scales minimal start up costs

The Bad
vendor lock-in

resilience is someone else's problem

for a few 's I have big servers available

single point of failure not yet mature

portability very hard

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