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Lets Make Our Life Better

By: Prof Smita Sona

What will make your Life Better?

These will be your obvious answersdirectly or indirectly

May Be Few More

The List Continues

So whats the Key to all these? 5 skills required

Self Realization
Self Discipline Compassion

Will Power

But how to master these 5 skills

What is Spirituality It is not Religion (man made concept) Spirituality means knowing the consciousness within and connecting with the divine force which is irreligious. Spirituality does not mean abandoning earthly desire.

How to be Spiritual?

Understand this life is temporary Dont be either too attached or too detached from material beings and things. Be in the middle and let things go by. Meditate Be compassionate Try to be unbiased Pray for 1 min in morning and 1 min before going to sleep

What is meditation?

Meditation means focusing, concentrating and connecting to the divine. For normal human being it leads to charging up our energy with divine bliss resulting in fulfillment and ecstasy.

Various Techniques

Chanting is one way to connect with divinity Om Hare Rama Hare Krishna Gaytri Mantra Nam-Myo-Ho-Renge Kyon Other regions Mantras

Sit in comfortable posture Breathe in and out as fast as you can, though nostrils for 1 min Chant any mantra by breathing normally for about 1 min Repeat 1 & 2 at least five times.

Sit silently and remind yourself:

The universe is within you Divine force will take care of you You will get what you want You are happy with your life, family, profession, health etc Today is a new day and you have all energy to give your best Feel the energy of the divine entering you Kneel down in front of the unknown divine and offer gratitude

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