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Digital Signal Processing EEE-3603

Dr. Md. Shakowat Zaman Sarker

International Islamic University Chittagong

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Syllabus Group-A( 30 Marks)

Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP): Signal, System and processing, Advantages and limitations of DSP, Components of DSP, Classification of Signals, Concept of Frequency, Sampling Theorem, Nyquist Rate, Aliasing, Quantization. Coding, Classifications of discrete time signal and systems, Implementation of discrete time systems, analog to digital conversion Impulse response: Finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) of discrete time systems Natural Response and Forced Response. Solution of Difference equation: Convolution, transient and steady state response

Z-transform:Properties, transfer function, poles and zeros and inverse Z transform. Correlation: circular convolution, autocorrelation and cross correlation Discrete Time Harmonic Analysis: Discretetime Fourier series, discrete-time Fourier transform & their properties

Group-C (30-Marks)
Discrete Fourier transform: DFT definition and properties, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast Fourier transform Digital Filter: FIR filters - linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods IIR filters: specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear Z transformation Leastsquare methods and finite precision effects

Recommended Books
1. J. G. Proakis& D. G. Manolakis 2. Lawrence R. Rabiner& Bernard Gold Digital Signal Processing, 4th Edition Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing

3. Alan V. Oppenheim & Digital Signal Processing Ronald W. Schafer

Richard G. Lyons
William 5 D. Stanley

Understanding Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing

What is Signal?
A signal is a physical quantity which varies with respect to time, space and contains information from source to destination. Example: Audio signal, video signal, speech signal, image signal, communication signal, geophysical signal, radar signal, medical signal and musical signals.

Signal Processing
Signal processing deals with operations of signal or analysis of signals, or measurements of time-varying or spatially varying physical quantities.

Analog Signal Processing

Analog signal processing is for signals that have not been digitized, as radio, telephone, radar, and television systems. Processing is done by linear electronic circuits such as: -Passive filters, active filters, additive mixers, integrators and delay lines.

Digital Signal Processing

Digital signal processing is the processing of digitized discrete time sampled signals. Processing is done by computers or by digital circuits such as ASICs, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) or specialized Digital Signal Processors (DSP chips). Examples of algorithms are the Fast Fourier transforms (FFT), finite impulse response (FIR) filter, Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, and adaptive filters such as the Wiener and Kalman filters.

Advantages of Digital Signal Processing over Analog Signal Processing(1)

i) A digital programmable system allows flexibility in reconfiguring the digital signal processing operation simply by changing program. Reconfiguration of analog system usually implies a redesign of the hardware followed by testing and verification to see that it operates properly. ii) Accuracy considerations also play an important role in determining the form of signal processor. Tolerances in analog circuit components make it extremely difficult for the system designer to control the accuracy of an analog signal processing system. On the other hand, a digital system provides much better control of accuracy requirement.

Advantages of Digital Signal Processing over Analog Signal Processing(2)

iii) Digital signal are easily stored on magnetic media without loss of signal iv) Digital signal is transportable and can be processed of line in a remote laboratory. v) The digital signal processing method allows for the implementation of more sophisticated signal processing algorithms.

The Goals of Signal Processing

The goals of signal processing can roughly be divided into the following categories. Signal acquisition and reconstruction: Which involves measuring a physical signal, storing signal and rebuilding of original signal Quality improvement: such as noise reduction, image enhancement, and echo cancellation. Signal compression: Includes audio compression, image compression, and video compression. Feature extraction: Such as image understanding and speech recognition.

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