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CRCT Practice Language Arts Review

Declarative Sentence
Declarative - A declarative sentence

makes a statement. A declarative sentence ends with a period. Example: The house will be built on a hill. It rained four inches on Saturday.

Interrogative Sentence
Interrogative - An interrogative sentence

asks a question. An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark. Example: How did you find the card?

Exclamatory Sentence
Exclamatory - An exclamatory sentence

shows strong feeling. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark. Example: The monster is attacking!

Imperative Sentences (command)

Imperative - An imperative sentence

gives a command. Example: David, try the other door. Sometimes the subject of an imperative sentence (you) is understood. Example: Look in the closet. (You, look in the closet.)

What type of sentence?

The laser can perform many startling

operations. Clean your room before you go out. The alert citizen called the police. What time is the play? Pass your papers, please.

Parenthetical Expression
Interrupts the sentence and is separated by

Ryan, I think, was absent yesterday. This, I believe, is the book you requested. People, I feel, sometimes judge too quickly. My brother, by the way, is visiting tomorrow.

Follows and renames the subject. Jack, my brother, has a computer business. Christine, my best friend, lives in my neighborhood. My best friend, Christine, lives in my neighborhood. Dorian, a student in my class, giggles all the time. A student in my class, Mikera, giggles often.

Direct address
Direct address is the written name of the

individual being addressed. It is NOT the subject. Devonte, bring me your paper.
Note: Devonte is NOT the subject. Since this is a command, the subject is YOU.

Bethany, your writing is fantastic! I believe, Tyler, that your pirate costume was truly

original! I made this soup for you, Mom.

Context clues
1. Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. Its

time to implement it and see if its as brilliant as you claim.

a. instrument b. take apart c. change d. carry out

2. If your plan fails, well have to find someone who

can devise a better one.

a. design b. dislike c. appliance d. to use peanut butter as toothpaste

Context clues
Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue

playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match. When you describe an event as transient, you are saying that __________. a. it sounds like a train b. it is quite harmful c. it helps you win d. it doesn't last long Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music. A dispute is a __________. a. musical instrument b. choice of music c. discovery d. disagreement

Reference Materials
A reference book that lists words and their synonyms a. atlas b. encyclopedia c. thesaurus

Reference Materials
Which resource will give pronunciation,

antonyms, etymology and parts of speech?

Encyclopedia Almanac Thesaurus Dictionary
Explain guide words.

Sentences complete or not?

1. Honestly telling everything he knew.

2. He was honestly telling everything he knew. 3. Eating too many olives for her own good. 4. Jamar wondered why the chicken soup was green. 5. Dogs who think that theyre cats. 6. Putting her gloves on backwards. 7. I saw it.

Find the Verb

Deondra carefully avoided the boiling milk

that was on the stove. While blissfully bathing in his wading pool, Jeremy failed to notice the hungry little shark. Be honest and fair when you deal with others.

Verbals Identify as gerund, participle or verb

Gerund - ing used as noun Participle - ed or ing used as adjective Verbs show action or being Weaving is a fine art. The weather was threatening. The annoying barking ceased when Fido recognized our voices. Cassie gazed into her looking glass and studied her sparkling eyes.

Verbals - Infinitive
To walk, to run, to sing, to dance Infinitive phrases can function as nouns,

adjectives, or adverbs. Look at these examples:

To make a paper airplane takes time. To make a paper airplane functions as a

noun because it is the subject of the sentence.)

Tiara has learned to use weights. She is trying to strengthen her muscles.

Clauses-Independent or dependent?
Unless Natasia will go with me

Summer is my favorite season.

When I graduate from high school

That you remember

The lobster fears few enemies If the earths climate grows warmer Tulips add color to the yard

Simple, compound or complex?

Some preferred the program Life on

Earth, but I liked The Living Planet better. Lindsay fed the ducks and swans that swam quickly toward her. Shelbi understand that we will leave right after the play. Eagles soar.

Coordinating (link Subordinating

words, phrases or sentences) F A N B O Y S

conjunctions (begin a dependent clause) Examples include Because When Until Unless Can you think of others?

Soccer (is,are) the A typical apartment

most popular team sport. They (use, uses) their feet or heads to move the ball. Insects (have, has) been seen there. They (is, are) lighting the torch.

house in southern Spanish towns (is, are) bright white. A staff of 36 people (is, are) required to run the train. Few of the worlds sharks (grow, grows) to be 60 long.

Agreement of pronoun and antecedent

Everyone in the girls prep school decorated

(her, their) dormitory room. Each of the mail carriers delivers (their, his, his or her) mail before noon. The musicians play (his, her, their) own instruments. I hope everyone remembers (his or her, their) passport.

Nominative (subject)

Objective (direct & indirect object)

Possessive (shows ownership)
Which case is the underlined word?

This shelfs name is the continental shelf. A shelf can slope many fathoms under water. These shelves attract many explorers. Divers wear oxygen tanks when they explore.

The divers tanks are just one part of their equipment.

Divers also wear fins and masks.

Who or Whom - Practice

Do you know (who, whom) he is?

To (who, whom) should I address my

question? Judge OConnor, (who, whom) I admire, is on the Supreme Court. (Who, whom) did he ask for a date? Coretta Scott King is a woman (who, whom) I respect.

Good and well

We didnt have (good, well) seats at the

concert. The band performed as (good, well) as we had hoped. The soda tasted (good, well). It was so hot in the gym that I didnt feel (good, well).

Of the five paintings, I like this one (better,

best). Jill is the (fast) runner on the team. Double Negatives need correcting I hardly knew nothing about the opera. We werent scarcely in our seats before the curtain went up. I hadnt never seen anything like it before!

Underlining & Quotation Marks

Underline Books Plays Periodicals Works of art Films TV programs Albums Long musical compositions Trains, ships, aircraft and spacecraft
Use quotation marks for

short stories
Poems Articles Songs TV episodes Chapters and parts of books

Practice with titles

Have you read the latest issue of Sports

Illustrated? Parts of the wreck of the Titanic were found. The Treasure of Lemon Brown was a good story. Our class is reading The Devils Arithmetic. The Atlanta Journal was the first to report the story. Did you read the article entitled Flooding in Atlanta?

Paragraphs are groups of sentences having a

common topic or main idea. Every sentence in a paragraph should support the theme of that paragraph. When a writer wants to use a sentence that doesnt meet that requirement, its time to start another paragraph.

Which one of the two sentences that follow the

paragraph belongs in that paragraph?

Landon is very athletic for a three year old. He

can run faster than most kids twice his age. He throws and catches a basketball with ease. He is an accomplished tennis player and golfer. _______________________________ a. Ryan can even roller skate backwards on one foot. b. Ryan can even read second grade level books.

Dont be so quick to buy an SUV. They are

more expensive than many equally comfortable automobiles. _______________ They consume fuel faster than you can say, Fill er up! These trucks are clearly not for everyone. a. They tend to be much safer in collisions than other vehicles. b. They are less stable and harder to control in emergency situations.

The penguin is another bird that cannot

fly. Its wings are flippers that carry it through the water instead of the air. _______________________________ a. Swimming is the penguins version of flight. b. An ostrich is no better at flying than a penguin.

Using transitional words and phrases

helps papers read more smoothly. They provide logical organization and understandability and improve the connections and transitions between thoughts Transitions indicate relations, whether within a sentence, paragraph, or paper. This list illustrates "relationships" between ideas, followed by words and phrases that can connect them.

Transitions (examples)

also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly Consequence: accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, for this purpose, hence, otherwise, so then, subsequently, therefore, thus, thereupon, wherefore Illustration: for example, for instance, for one thing, as an illustration, illustrated with, as an example, in this case Emphasis above all, chiefly, with attention to, especially, particularly, singularly
and so on

1. The prefix ex adds 3. The prefix anti adds

the meaning __________ to a word. a. in b. out c. chosen d. not 2. The prefix in often adds the meaning __________ to a word. a. not b. under c. again d. always

the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. under c. against d. not 4. The prefix inter often adds the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. after c. within d. between

5. The prefix intra adds 7. The prefix re adds

the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. after c. within d. between 6. The prefix ir adds the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. under c. again d. not

the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. under c. again d. not 8. The prefix sub adds the meaning __________ to a word. a. before b. under c. again d. not

The plane is depart at noon. (ing, ish) departing

Football is a very excite sport. (est, ing)

The doctor gave her an inhale to help her breathe.

(en, er) Your opinion is certainly debate. (able, ist) This is the big SUV ever manufactured. (er, est) The colonists rebel against the king. (ed, ish) You did a very fool thing! (ish, able)

The old picture was bad faded. (ment, ly)

badly The governor made a state to the press. (ful, ment) Their loss caused much sad. (ness, less) Mr. Keyes is a force speaker. (ful, ty) The fox sly hid his motives. (ful, ly) He richly deserves that punish. (ness, ment)

Their were ten broken eggs in the carton.

There were ten broken eggs in the carton.

Did Taylor and me borrow the wrong car.

how many people seen the strange object?

Randall said, Its too late to go out!

The title of the book is a piece of Toast.

Id like to invite joan to visit us in florida.

Synonyms or Antonyms?
I couldnt recall her name and I dont even

remember where we met. Chris wasnt in his seat when the teacher passed out the morning assignment. He was tardy as usual. Then he missed the bus and was late for supper. I thought I had a rare old bicycle that was worth a fortune. It turned out to be a common model that nobody wanted to buy. What is that awful smell? Troy asked as Melinda entered the room. That wonderful fragrance is my perfume! she replied.

Trudy does not understand her new assignment.

doesnt Sam rarely laughs while he is sleeping. Bill likes chocolate but he has stopped eating it. We have tried to be fair to everyone. Karen and Kassy think they are cuter than you. Maria refused to admit that she had put the butter in her pocket. I wonder if it is proper to eat broth with a fork and knife.

Apostrophes are
Used to show ownership

Used in contractions
NOT USED FOR PLURALS! A days pay the Smiths house Mens shirts peoples rights Jamess book
Its = it is its shows ownership

Spelling rules
I before E except after C Exceptions: either, neither, leisure, weird Write ei when the sound is not long E Exceptions: ancient, conscience, friend, mischief Supersede is the only word ending in sede -ceed proceed, exceed, succeed. All other words with this sound end in


Find the Adverb

We had a badly damaged house after the

storm. That Christmas song is very beautiful. A well written story is a pleasure to read. The cruise ship was incredibly huge. Sue's eating spree gave her face a slightly greenish color.

Find the error

Adam watches silently as a large flock of birds fly

over the yard. Harriet dont like eating with chopsticks. That television belongs to all the girls. Mrs. Shark wouldnt like that fish joke! The cars are approaching the finish line and there coming fast! One pair of shoes are all I need for the winter. I wonder how many people are in the audience?

Verb Tense regular & irregular

To make the past tense or past participle form of

most verbs (regular verbs) we simply add ed at the end. Examples using the verb walk: Past Tense: I walked through the maze. Past Participle: I have walked through the maze. (The past participle form is used in the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. The above example is written in the present perfect tense.)

Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs are not that simple. We

sometimes need a dictionary to help us write the different forms of irregular verbs. Examples using the verb see: Past Tense: We saw the secret maps. Past Participle: We have seen the secret maps.

Change the verb to its past tense form.

I did all my homework in study hall.

do She ____________ of a better way to do it. think Sam ____________ us to lock the doors. remind They ____________ their names on the list. put Who ____________ my new shoes? borrow We never ____________ his real name. know

Change the verb to its past participle form

I have never ______such a wonderful car! drive Frank had ____________ the whole pizza before

we arrived. eat Theyve ____________ and trusted her for years. know Osgood has always ____________ others for his mistakes. blame The candidates have ____________ their opinions on our site. write Hes ____________ his favorite song for the ceremony. pick

Identify irregular plural nouns

The hunters never noticed the two deer by the

apple trees. Are the geese chasing the other farm animals? Do turtles have teeth? The children told their parents about the matches. You should place the knives and spoons to the left of the plates. The children stood on boxes to see the parade. We took pictures of the oxen as they pulled the wagons.

Active or Passive Voice?

1. James was chosen by Kathy to be her assistant. 2. This awful mess was made by your friends!

3. Everyone in need is helped by Michael.

4. You will be made well by this medicine! 5. Many inventions were created by Edison.

Find Direct and Indirect Objects

Bring the book to me.

Bring me the book.

The climb up the mountain was difficult.

Mitchell showed me an old book.

Keelee showed her teacher a favorite book.

Transitive or Intransitive?
The boys left.

The boys left their notebooks.

Americans elected Roosevelt four times.

Roosevelt suffered from polio.

He was a popular president. Rodney whistled a tune.

Predicate Nominative or Predicate Adjective?

The child seemed frightened.
Van Gogh was a great artist. Adam was unhappy with the results. Richard saw 20 laps in the pool. The winner was Brandon.

Michael loves singing.

1st, 2nd or 3rd Person?

As you sail into the harbor, you will believe that

time has been reversed. Linda and Samuel were afraid that their father would never return alive. We were afraid that our father would never return alive. I agreed to work for the president because I thought he was an honorable man. Morgan realized that it would be very difficult to make money in her new business.

Identify subject and verb

The sadly silly salesman sold simple Sedgwick a

saw. The tiny sea turtles turned instinctively toward the ocean. Sometimes I almost believe what you say. The crystal snowflakes fell endlessly through the night. You should always count your fingers after petting his dog. Who ate all my onion flavored cornflakes?

Identify the underlined words.

Steve wishes he had a dog.

The genie granted me three wishes!

The crowd greeted the team with a loud cheer. The crowd greeted the team with a loud cheer. Hampton sadly admitted his part in the crime. Fried bacon is not allowed in Miss Mouses diet. Mike baked the bread and fried the fish.

Correct possessive nouns

Your brother attitude got him into trouble.

Amy report card was wonderful.

The little babies nursery had twelve beds. I didnt know I was eating your cat chopped tuna. The Indians religion caused them to respect the

visitors. A turkey intelligence is not overwhelming. The girls outfits were exactly the same.

Punctuation the colon

Use a colon [ : ] before a list or an explanation

that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself. Think of the colon as a gate, inviting one to go on: There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time.
The charter review committee now includes the

following people: the mayor, the chief of police, the fire chief , and the chair of the town council Also use a colon in the salutation of a business letter Dear Sir:

Punctuation the semicolon

Use a semicolon when you link two

independent clauses with no connecting words. For example:

I am going home; I intend to stay there. Or I am going home, and I intend to stay there. It rained heavily during the afternoon; we managed to have our picnic anyway.

It rained heavily during the after, but we managed to have our picnic anyway.

Punctuation Quotation marks

Place commas and periods inside, not

outside, quotation marks. Place all other punctuation outside quotation marks unless it was contained in the original source.
The court held that "physical injury is not a required element of a sexual harassment claim," and the plaintiff went on to win her case.

Quotation Mark practice

In the following sentences put in quotation

marks wherever they are needed, and underline words where italics are needed.
Mary is trying hard in school this semester, her father said. No, the taxi driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the

airport in fifteen minutes. I believe, Jack remarked, that the best time of year to visit Europe is in the spring. At least that's what I read in a book entitled Guide to Europe. My French professor told me that my accent is abominable. She asked, Is Time a magazine you read regularly?

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