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Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- pronunciation
Look at the pictures and answer the questions

1. 1.
many arepencils
five (pencils).
are there on the
2. It
is a is
it? .
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- pronunciation
Practice reading these sentences:
1.Look at these pictures.
2.The plane took off despite the fog.
3.Mrs. Brown’s quite old.
4.She’s from Australia.
5.She has many friends in London.
6.It’s upstairs.
7.Tom used to live here.
8.Put on your helmet, please.
9.I want to move into the new flat
with some friends.
10.Don’t forget to turn off the lights.
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Look at the pictures and make comparison:

Eg: Bicycle is cheaper than motorcycle.

Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Double Comparis on.
Situation 1:
2: What will happen to Lan?
“Every is the price
I eat twoof loaves
of bread
‘Two years ago., I went to Hanoi by
and a glass of milk for breakfast. I have
plane. I spent 1,500,000 VND for the
return chicken
ticket. and a
Now, little rice for
In the evening,
different. It takesI often
me havenearly potato, beef
andto fly
VND pork.
there”I don’t like fruit and
 Lan is getting fatter and fatter.
The price of traveling is becoming more
and more expensive
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Double Comparis on – S tr ucture s:
Structure 1:
S + V….. Comparative + and + Comparative
•Short adjectives:
Eg: harder and harder, bigger and
bigger, better and better……
•Long adjectives:
Eg: m ore and more difficult, mo re
and more expensive..
•Us e: We u se th is stru ctu re t o say
that something is in creasin g a ll th e
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Exercise 1: Matching

1. Finding a job is becoming a. more and more

2. Traveling is becoming nervous
b. bigger and bigger
3. As I waited for my interview,
c. more and more
I became
4. That hole in your pullover is d. more and more
getting talkative
5. As the conversation went e. more and more
on, he became expensive
6. The suitcase seemed to get f. better and better
7. Her English is improving; g. heavier and heavier as
it’s getting I carried it upstairs
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Exercise 2: Completing the sentences
1. His visit to New York seemed to get (short) ……….
shorter and shorter
because he was very busy at work.
2. Eating and traveling in this city is getting
more and more expensive
3. As the day went on, the weather got worse (bad)….……
and worse
4. We had to stop the discussion because the question
was becoming (complicated)……..
more and more complicated
5. Your English is OK now, your pronunciation has got
better and better
6. Little John is becoming (active)…………..
more and more active
7. As it was getting dark, it was becoming (difficult)…
more and……
moreto see everything in the house without
8. I feel happy as my birthday is coming
(close) ……………
closer and closer
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Double Comparis on.

Situation 2:
Mai spends more time practising
English everyday. So she speaks
English more fluently.
 The more Mai practises English the
more fluently she speaks English.
 The more Mai practises English the
better English she speaks.
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Double Comparis on – S tr ucture s:
Structure 2:
The + comparative S + V …, The + comparative
S + V ….
1. Short adj ecti ve:
• The sooner…, the better….
• The younger…., the easier….
2. Long Adjecti ve:
• The more expensive…., the more
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language
focus- Grammar
Exercise 3: Matching
1. The warmer the a. The faster you will
weather learn
2. The more you
practice your b. The more impatient he
English became
3. The longer he c. The higher your bill
will be
4. The more
electricity you use d. The more I liked him
5. The more
expensive the hotel e. The better I feel
6. The more I got to f. The more you want
know him
7. The more you have g. The better the service
Unit 13: The 22nd Sea Games -Language

- Do the exercises again.

- Do “Language focus” part in sts’

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