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The Opportunity - Shifting Public Awareness 機會

點 – 大眾 之覺醒
Throughout the world the “green movement” is starting to
mobilize corporations, government, and the public as a whole.
While this movement found its roots through initial focus on
personal health concerns it has been accelerated through the
growing, global awareness about the decline of the
environment. 透過世 界各 地的“ 綠色 運動 ”正在 開始 動員企 業, 政府和 大眾 之
一體 利益 。雖然這 一運動推 究其根 源, 通過最 初的 重點是 著重 在個人 的健 康問 題之考
量已 日益 加速長, 與對環境 衰退之 全球 性覺醒 。
According to The U.S. Lawn and Garden Market, the concerns
over fertilizer contamination and water waste that have long
plagued the industry could have a positive effect on the
market if addressed correctly. 根據美 國草皮 與園 藝市場 分析 , 對於肥料 污
染與 廢水 長期癱瘓 工業之關 注若被 正確 強調有 可能 會對市 場產 生正面 影響 !
“Consumers who want to tend to their yard in an ecologically
sound manner will pay big money for the right tools, and as
the industry stands right now the big players are missing out
on all of that revenue." “ 那些想用一生態方式照顧其庭院之消費者將需要為
正確之工具付出一大筆錢 , 而目前市場上之大廠都忽略此一所有之利潤 !”

Don Montuori, Acquisitions Editor for Packaged Facts.

The Opportunity - Lawn & Garden Consumable
$4.8 billion in 2001 機會 – 草皮與庭園消 費市場
2001 年 48 億美元
Residential sales dominate the lawn & garden market in North
America. These sales are evenly split between retail outlets &
professional lawn care companies.
住宅銷售 占北美 草皮 與庭園主力 市場 ,
此銷貨額 平均分配在 零售點與專 業草坪照顧 公司
The Opportunity - Lawn Care Market Gap 機會 – 草 皮
照顧市 場缺口

Chemical 化學的
*Maycontain toxic waste, harmful
chemicals 可能 包含有毒廢 棄物 , 有害化學物 質
Organic 有機的
*Maycontain recycled materials, animal
by-products, sewage sludge 可能 包含回收物 , 動物
性副 產品 , 污水污泥

What is the next generation of lawn care products?

什麼 是下一代之 草坪照顧產 品 ?
Food and Feed Grade
食品 與飼料級
 Contain food and feed-grade ingredients only
僅包含食 品與飼料級 成份
Brand Positioning – Background 產品定 位 – 背景
 The Retail market is dominated by chemical manufacturers with
a 95% market share
 零售 市場被化學 製造廠所主 導 , 占 95%
 Natural/organic alternatives share the rest
 自然 / 有機替代 占 5%
 Chemical manufacturers position themselves on performance
and results, simple and easy for the consumer
 化學 製造廠把自 己定位在績 效與結果導 向 , 對消費 者簡單與易 行者
 It is estimated that 35% of chemical users are ready and want to
use a more natural alternative
 估計 有 35% 之化學使用 者已準備好 並要使用一 更天然之替 代品
 But they don’t want to compromise on results
 但他們不 願對 結果妥 協
 The natural alternatives offer the advantage of being
environmentally friendly and therefore safer, but they haven’t
consistently delivered on the performance side
天然 之替代品提 供對環境更 友善因此更 安全 , 但是 他們在績效 上並不能達 成一

UNTIL NOW !!!……………………

直到現在 !!!................
The Program 本解決 方案

A line of products including wet and dry fertilizers,

soil conditioners and weed control that:
一包 含濕式與乾 燥肥料 , 土壤調節與雜 草控制之產 品線 :
 Are the result of 30 years of research &
development for maximum effectiveness on
lawns & gardens
為 30 年對草坪 與庭園最大 效益之研究 成果
 Are made from original food/feed-grade
ingredients only
 為僅 從原始食物 / 飼料等級成份 所製造
 Contain no animal products or by-products
 不包 含動物性產 品或副產品
 Contain no rendering waste or composted
 不包 含渲染性廢 棄物或堆肥 產品
The Program 本解決 方案
 Non-polluting to water or soils (no run-off
不對 水或土壤產 生污染 ( 無流失之 疑慮 )
 Non-toxic to plants
 對植 物無毒性
 Non-poisonous to animals or soil micro-organisms
 對動 物或土壤微 生物無毒性
 Neighbor-friendly where drifting occurs
 對漂 流 ( 移 ) 發生時之鄰近 友善
 Free from industrial spent acids containing
hazardous heavy metals
不含 工業排放酸 性有害重金 屬

Products that are totally safe!

產品完 全安全 !
Heavy Metal Analysis 重金屬分析

 Our products have been tested for heavy metal

content by Thornton Labs in Florida (US registration
 我們 的產品有被 佛羅里達州 Thornton 實驗室作重金 屬成份檢測 ( 美國註冊 要
 Our products are consistently and dramatically
below the tolerable levels (based on Washington
State Metals Standard)
 我們 的產品一致 性地與顯著 性地遠低於 可容許水準 ( 基於華 盛頓州金屬 標準 )
 Of 80 measurements conducted most were
over a 100 times lower than the tolerable
80 種量測值大部份低於可容許水準之 100 倍以下 !

The heavy metal analysis confirms that our products

are totally safe!
重金 屬成份檢測 確認我們的 產品完全安 全 !
No pesticides are used,
不用 殺蟲 劑 , 因此 :

• No Exterminators
license required
• 不需 滅蟲 許可證

• No rubber boots or
rubber gloves
• 不用 橡膠 靴子或橡 膠手套

• No warning signs
• 不需 警告 標誌
…and no special storage
• … 且不需要特殊儲存要求
No new equipment is needed:
不需要新 設備

• Just simply clean and

calibrate your system to our
application rates.
• 只要 簡單 清潔與 校正 你的系 統至 我們的 施用 率

• You use the same type of

equipment you use now.
• 你使 用現 有使用 之設 備

• No equipment re-training
• 不需 設備 重新訓 練
The Difference – An example

 Most natural/organic fertilizers contain animal by-

products like feathermeal, bonemeal and bloodmeal.
 The feathermeal nitrogen, for example, does not work
in cool spring weather. The soil temperature needs to
be 55F before microbes in the soil can break down the
nitrogen. The feathermeal will not show much
greening or plant response until later in the spring.
However, turf and plants need nitrogen in the cool
temperatures more than in warm temperatures.
 To be different, and better, our products contain a
combination of nitrogen ingredients
 Pharmaceutical grade urea – performs in cooler weather, and
provides quick green up
 Nitrate of soda – the only natural nitrogen source that is
immediately available regardless of soil temperature. It is
available in cooler weather, when the grass and plants need it
 Corn Gluten – broken down by microbial activity, provides slow
release and long lasting green up.
 The results speak for themselves …….
The Difference - An Example 差異 – 一個案例

• Most natural/organic fertilizers contain animal by-products like

feathermeal, bonemeal and bloodmeal. 大部份之天然 / 有機肥含動物副產品 ,
如羽毛 , 骨頭或血
• The feathermeal nitrogen, for example, does not work in cool spring
weather. The soil temperature needs to be 55F before microbes in the
soil can break down the nitrogen. The feathermeal will not show much
greening or plant response until later in the spring. However, turf and
plants need nitrogen in the cool temperatures more than in warm
temperatures. 羽毛之 肥 , 在寒冷之春天天氣是無作用的 , 土壤之溫度要達到
12.8C 微生菌才能分解此氮肥 , 因此施放後無法看到作物變綠 , 需等到晚春之後 ; 然
而 , 草皮及作物在寒冷之溫度下對氮肥需要量比溫暖時還多 !
• To be different, and better, our products contain a combination of
nitrogen ingredients 和一般之肥料不同 , 且更優質 , 我們的產品包含一系列氮成
份所組成 :
• Pharmaceutical grade urea – performs in cooler weather, and provides quick green up 製
藥等級尿素 – 在較寒冷溫度下作用 , 提供快速綠化
• Nitrate of soda – the only natural nitrogen source that is immediately available
regardless of soil temperature. It is available in cooler weather, when the grass and
plants need it most
• 蘇打 之硝 酸鹽 – 唯一之 天然 硝酸 鹽來源 , 不管土壤 溫度 如何 , 可讓 作物 直接吸 收 ; 在
較低 之溫 度草坪與 植物最需 要的時 候可 即被吸 收
• Corn Gluten – broken down by microbial activity, provides slow release and long lasting
green up. 玉米麩質 – 由微生物活動分解 , 提供緩慢釋放與持久性之綠化
• The results speak for themselves ……. 結果自己會做宣傳 …… .
Testimonials 見證
Products have been used successfully in a commercial
basis by:
產品已 被商業化成 功使用 :
 The Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlingto
 Burlington 皇家植物園
 Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto
 多侖 多 Woodbine Racetrack
 Como Golf Course in Hudson, Quebec
 魁北 克 哈 德森 之 Como 高爾 夫球場
 Lawn care companies in Ontario and Quebec
 安大 略與 魁北克 省草 坪照顧 公司
 2003 testing results from Chemlawn in Quebec,
Prairie Turfgrass Institute in Alberta and Town of
Abbotsford in B.C. due out this fall/winter
2003 年秋天 / 冬天在魁北克省 Chemlawn 公司 , 亞伯丁省之草原草皮研究機構與英屬
哥倫比亞 Abbotsford 鎮之測試結果
 Used successfully in the U.S. by vineyards, farmers
and professional growers in Pennsylvania and on a
variety of private estates in both Canada and the U.S.
 在美 國之葡萄園 , 農友與賓 州專業農場 與重多之加 拿大與美國 地產公司非
常成 功之使用結 果 !
Photo Album

Before Picture: After Picture:

Taken September 4, 2001 Taken September 20, 2001
Photo Album

Middle of October and the lawn is still green and lush.

Photo Album
Photo Album
Product Descriptions 產品描述
Natural Herbicides:
天然除草 劑
Our herbicides are truly breakthrough market products.
These safe products are made of food and feed grade
ingredients only. There are no harmful chemicals in our
我們的 除草 劑是真 正的 市場 突破性 產品 , 這些安全 產品 全部僅 由食 物與飼 料級 成份所
做成 , 不含任 何有害 之化 學物質 在我們 的除 草劑內

 Extremely effective natural alternative

 非常有效天然之替代物

 Selective herbicide – kills over 100 broadleaf

 選擇性除草 – 可除超過 100 多種寬葉雜草

 Non-selective herbicide – kills all weeds and small

 非選擇性除草 – 可除所有雜草及小型植物
Photo Album

48 hours 60 hours
Photo Album (continued)

72 hours
Photo Album
Lawn and Garden Coverage - Retail


Soil Conditioner for Indoor Plants – 1.7 kg tub 1 tablespoon per pot
Soil Amendment for Gardens and Flowers –
108 sq. m. = 1,160 sq. ft.
2.95 kg box
Soil Supplement for Trees and Shrubs – 2.27 2.27 kg per mature tree = 5 lb. per
kg box mature tree
Tomato Fertilizer 8-12-14 – 2.27 kg box 12 sq. m. = 125 sq. ft.

Rose Fertilizer 6-14-12 - 2.27 kg box 15 Rose Plants

100 sq. m. = 1.080 sq. ft. (pH
above 6.0) or
Custom Soil pH Amendment – 9 kg bag
33 sq. m = 360 sq. ft. (pH below
Spring Lawn Fertilizer 17-6-2 - 9 kg bag 312 sq. m. = 3,360 sq. ft.
Late Spring/Summer Lawn Fertilizer 12-5-3 -
222 sq. m. = 2,390 sq. ft.
9 kg bag
Winter Prep Lawn Fertilizer 5-4-12- 9 kg bag 222 sq. m. = 2,390 sq. ft.

All-Season Lawn Fertilizer 8-2-2 – 9 kg bag 149 sq. m. = 1,600 sq. ft

Retail Pricing – Canada (excluding shipping)
Cost d Margin
Soil Conditioner for Indoor Plants – 1.7 kg tub $5.00 $8.79 43%
Soil Amendment for Gardens and Flowers –
$7.00 $12.29 43%
2.95 kg bag
Soil Supplement for Trees and Shrubs – 2.27
$6.50 $11.39 43%
kg bag
Tomato Fertilizer 8-12-14 – 2.27 kg bag $7.00 $12.29 43%

Rose Fertilizer 6-14-12 - 2.27 kg bag $7.00 $12.29 43%

Custom Soil pH Amendment – 9 kg bag $8.50 $14.89 42%

Spring Lawn Fertilizer 17-6-2 - 9 kg bag $14.50 $25.49 43%

Late Spring/Summer Lawn Fertilizer 12-5-3 -
$14.00 $24.49 43%
9 kg bag
Winter Prep Lawn Fertilizer 5-4-12- 9 kg bag $12.00 $20.99 43%

All-Season Lawn Fertilizer 8-2-2 – 9 kg bag $14.75 $25.89 43%

Excludes shipping costs. Based on 10 skids or more
Competitive Price Comparisons - Canada
Products are competitively priced to other organic fertilizers

Competition RooteinTM
Competitive Products
Sugg. Retail Suggested Retails
$20.99 - $25.49
Nutrite Superturf Supreme, Organic Based $25.99
Lawn Food - 9 kg 222 to 312 sq. m.
450 sq. m.
$23.19 $25.49
Nutrite Spring Lawn, Organic – 9 kg
195 sq. m. 312 sq. m. coverage

$21.55 $18.49
Nutrite Fall Lawn, Organic – 9 kg
195 sq. m. 222 sq. m. coverage
$20.99 - $25.49
Nutrite Corn Gluten, Organic – 9 kg 222 to 312 sq. m.
90 sq. m.
$20.99 - $25.49
Groundskeepers Pride Organic Lawn Fertilizer $19.84
10-3-3 – 10 kg 222 to 312 sq. m.
400 sq. m.
$20.99 - $25.49
MYKE Fall Fertilizer 3-3-8 – 10 kg (RONA) 222 to 312 sq. m.
300 sq. m.
Nu-Gro Green Earth Lawn Food 9-3-4 – 9 kg $20.99 - $25.49
(Organic) 222 to 312 sq. m.
320 sq. m.
Vigoro Organic Fertilizer – 9kg $19.95 $20.99 - $25.49
Coverage/Price comparison – Overview

A detailed review is needed because companies use

different application rates and different frequency of
application recommendations that makes a straight
comparison based on the coverage written on the bag
“apples to oranges”.

For example, the organic products listed generally have

application rates that require application every 4
weeks versus our food and feed grade products with
application every 7 to 8 weeks. So in essence to
compare the cost of the product you need to look at
similar coverage rates.

The next page compares the products at the industry

standard application rate of 1 lb of Nitrogen per 1000
square feet (or 1 lb of Potash for the fall fertilizers).
Over 4 applications this provides the generally
recommended level of 4 lbs of Nitrogen per 1000
square feet annually.
Coverage comparison at industry standard application rates
Manufactu Lbs of Coverage at 1 $1
Product Retai rers Nitrogen per lb of Nitrogen cove
l coverage 1,000 sq. ft at per 1,000 sq rs
Price on bag rate listed on ft sq.
Scotts Starter Fertilizer 20- m.
$20. 450 sq. m. 0.64 lbs/1000
bag 286 sq. m. 14.2
27-5 – 7 kg (Traditional
fertilizer) 20 sq ft
Nu-Gro Green Earth Lawn
$17. 320 sq. m. 0.52 lbs/1000 165 sq. m. 9.2
Food 9-3-4 – 9 kg (Organic
fertilizer) 96 sq ft
Groundskeepers Pride
$19. 400 sq. m. 0.51 lbs/1000 205 sq. m. 10.3
Organic Lawn Fertilizer 10-3-
3 – 10 kg 84 sq ft
Nutrite Spring Lawn 9-2-2, $23. 195 sq. m. 0.85 lb/1000 165 sq. m. 7.1
Organic – 9 kg 19 sq. ft
Nutrite Corn Gluten 8-2-4, $27. 90 sq. m. 1.63 lbs/1000 147 sq. m. 5.3
Organic – 9 kg 69 sq. ft
MYKE Fall Fertilizer 3-3-8 – $29. 300 sq. m. 0.55 lbs/1000 164 sq. m. 5.5
10 kg (RONA) 93 sq. ft. (POTASH)
Our Spring Lawn Fertilizer $25. 312 sq. m. (POTASH)
1.00 lbs/1000 312 sq. m. 12.2
17-6-2 – 9 kg 49 sq. ft
Our Winter Prep Lawn (43%
$20. 222 sq. m. 1.00 lbs/1000 222 sq. m. 10.6
Fertilizer 5-4-12 – 9 kg )
99 sq. ft (POTASH)
(43% (POTASH)
Notes: Our suggested retail at 43% margin (excluding shipping)
Price Coverage Comparison – Conclusions

Our Spring and Winter Prep Fertilizers are the best value versus the
organic products listed.

Our products as a whole are favourably priced to organic products,

and are competitively priced to some traditional chemical

Our products provide greater coverage than most organic products,

providing even greater consumer value.

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