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Presented By :PRAVEEN DUBE MBA 2nd SEM


Introduction Meaning Definitions Characteristics Functions Public Relations Vs Advertising Marketing Public Relations Roles (M.P.R) Major Tools in Marketing PR Major Decisions in Marketing PR Conclusion References

A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on a companys ability to achieve its objectives.
Public relations(PR) include a variety of programs to promote or protect a companys image or individual products.

In the context of Marketing, public relations may be defined as deliberate and planned effort to establish and enhance a positive image of an organization and its products among its public.

According to World Assembly of Public Relations Association, "Public relations is the art and social science of analysing trends, predicting their consequences,counselling organization leaders, and implementing planned programmes of action which will serve both the organization and the public interest.

Websters New World Dictionary defines public relations as Relations with the general public ,as through publicity; specially, those functions of a corporation, organization etc.,concerned with attempting to create favourable public opinion for itself.

It is a two way communication between an organization

and its public through which they both try to understand and co-operate with each other and eliminate misunderstandings. It is method of establishing mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

Characteristics of Public Relations(contd.)

It is an important promotion-mix tool of a firm which

involves a variety of programs. It helps in developing favorable or positive image of an organization and its products among its public.


information about organization in the most positive manner.

Product publicity:

Press Relations: Through press relations PR dept. presents news and


PR dept. do product publicity by sponsoring events to publicize specific products. the organization through internal and external communication.
Corporate communications: Promoting understanding of



promote or defeat regulations and legislation.


Lobbying: To deal with legislation and government officials to

issues and companys position and image during good and bad times.

Counseling: PR dept. advices the management about the public



Public relations

The basic purpose of advertising is to motivate people to buy product. No personal relation is established in advertising. It does not depend on public relations and can be executed without public relations. There is a full control of advertiser(firm) on advertisement. Certain amount is paid for advertisement by the advertiser.

The basic purpose of public relations is to build goodwill and positive image of the firm and its product. Personal relations may be established through public relations. It depends on advertisement. A firm has little direct control over how its public relations activity is subsequently handled and interpreted. NO amount is paid for public relation by the firm. Only remuneration to public relations agency is paid.

Marketing Public Relations

Many companies are turning to MPR to support corporate or product promotion and image making. The old name of MPR was Publicity , the task of securing editorial space-as opposed to paid space -in print and broadcast media to promote or hype" a product, service, idea, place, person and organization.MPR goes beyond simple publicity and plays an important role in the following tasks:

Launching New Products.
Repositioning a mature product. Building interest in a product category.

Influencing specific target groups.

Defending products that have encountered public

problems. Building the corporate image in a way that reflects favorably on its products.

Major Tools in Marketing Public Relation

Web Site Public Service Activities News

Identity media

Audiovisual Materials Written Materials

Special Events


Publications- companies rely extensively on

published materials to reach and influence their target markets. Events- company can draw attention to new products or other company activities by arranging specials events, such as news conferences.


Sponsorships- companies can promote their brands

and corporate name by sponsoring sports and cultural events and highly regarded causes. News- one of the major tasks of pr professionals is to find or create favorable news about the company, its products, and its people and to get the media to accept press releases and attend press conferences.


Public Service Activities- Companies can build

goodwill by contributing money and time to good causes. Identity Media- Companies need a visual identity that the public immediately recognizes. The visual identity is carried by company logos, stationery, brochures, signs, business forms, business cards , buildings, uniforms, and dress codes.

Major Decisions In Marketing PR

Setting Public Relations Objectives

Choosing the Public Relations Messages and Vehicles

Implementing the Public Relations Plan

Evaluating Public Relations Results

Public Relations is all about creating, building and maintaining the relationships with the customers for the long-term profits.

Marketing Management- By Philip Kotler , Kevin Lane

Keller, Abraham Koshy , Mithileshwar Jha. Marketing Management- By Kothari.


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