Translite English - Indonesia

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Translite English - Indonesia

Group 5 Ibnu Nugroho S Ida Nadia Saumi Indah Nur Abidah Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II

Text 1
Swimming Pool A swimming poll, swimming bath, wading pool, or simple pool, is container filled with water intended for swimming or water-based recreation. There are many standard sizes; the largest is the Olympic-size swimming pool. A pool can be built either above or in the ground, and from materials such as concrete (Also known as gummite), metal, plastic or fiberglass. Pools that may used by a few people or by the general public are called public, while pools use exclusively by a few people or in a home are called private. Many health clubs, fitness centers and private clubs have public pools used mostly for exercise. Many hotels and massage parlors have publics pools for relaxation. Hot tubes and spas are pools with hot water, used for relaxation or therapy, and are common in homes, hotels, clubs and massage parlors. Swimming pools are also used for diving and other water sports, as well as for training of lifeguards and astronauts. Chemical disinfectants such as cholrine, bromine or mineral sanitizers, and additional filters are often used in swimming pools to prevent growth and spread of bacteria, viruses, algae and insect larvae. Alternatively, pools can be made without chemical disinfectants by using a biolfilter with additional carbon filters and UV disinfection. In both cases, pools need to be fitted with an adequate flow rate.

Swimming Pool A swimming poll, swimming bath, wading pool, or simple pool, is container filled with water intended for swimming or water-based recreation. There are many standard sizes; the largest is the Olympic-size swimming pool. A pool can be built either above or in the ground, and from materials such as concrete (Also known as gummite), metal, plastic or fiberglass. Kolam Renang kolam renang, kolam mandi, kolam rendam, atau kolam renang sederhana, adalah wadah yang diisi dengan air dimaksudkan untuk berenang atau rekreasi berbasis air. Ada banyak ukuran standar, yang terbesar adalah kolam renang ukuran olympic. Sebuah kolam renang dapat dibangun di atas atau di dalam tanah, dan dari bahan seperti beton (juga dikenal sebagai gummite), logam, plastik atau fiberglass.

Pools that may used by a few people or by the general public are called public, while pools use exclusively by a few people or in a home are called private. Many health clubs, fitness centers and private clubs have public pools used mostly for exercise. Many hotels and massage parlors have publics pools for relaxation. Hot tubes and spas are pools with hot water, used for relaxation or therapy, and are common in homes, hotels, clubs and massage parlors. Swimming pools are also used for diving and other water sports, as well as for training of lifeguards and astronauts.

kolam yang dapat digunakan oleh banyak orang atau oleh masyarakat umum disebut kolam renang publik, sementara kolam yang digunakan secara eksklusif oleh beberapa orang atau di rumah disebut kolam renang pribadi. Beberapa klub kesehatan, pusat kebugaran dan klub pribadi tertentu memiliki kolam renang umum yang sering digunakan untuk latihan. Banyak hotel dan panti pijat memiliki kolam renang umum untuk relaksasi. Bak air panas dan kolam renang spa dengan air panas, digunakan untuk relaksasi atau terapi, dan biasanya terdapat di rumah, hotel, klub dan panti pijat. Kolam renang juga digunakan untuk menyelam dan olahraga air lainnya, serta untuk pelatihan tim penyelamat dan astronot.

Chemical disinfectants such as cholrine, bromine or mineral sanitizers, and additional filters are often used in swimming pools to prevent growth and spread of bacteria, viruses, algae and insect larvae. Alternatively, pools can be made without chemical disinfectants by using a biolfilter with additional carbon filters and UV disinfection. In both cases, pools need to be fitted with an adequate flow rate. Bahan kimia desinfektan seperti klorin, bromin atau mineral lainnya, dan filter tambahan sering digunakan di kolam renang untuk mencegah pertumbuhan dan penyebaran bakteri, virus, ganggang dan larva serangga. Sebagai alternatif, kolam dapat dibuat tanpa disinfektan kimia dengan menggunakan biofilter dengan menambahkan filter karbon dan desinfeksi UV. Dalam kedua kasus, kolam perlu dilengkapi dengan kecepatan aliran yang memadai

Text 2

Laundry is the washing of clothing and linens, the place where that washing is done, and/ or that which needs to be, is being, or has been laundered. Laundry can be considered a room or areas, as in a home or apartment building, reserved for doing the family wash. Laundry was first done in watercourses, letting the water carry away the materials which could cause stains and smells. Laundry is still done this way in some less industrialized areas and rural regions. Agitation helps remove the dirt, so the laundry is often rubbed, twisted, or slapped against flat rocks. Wooden bats or clubs could be used to help with beating the dirt out. These were often called washing beetles or bats and could be used by waterside on a rock (a beetling-stone), on a block (battling-block), or on a board. They were once common across Europe and were also used by settlers in North America. Similiar techniques have also been identified in Japan. Various chemicals may be used to increase the solvent power of water, such as the compounds in soap root or yucca-root used by Native American tribes, or the ash lye once widely used for soaking laundry in Europe. Soap, a compound made from lye and fat, is an ancient and common laundry aid. Modern washing manchines typically use powdered or liquid laundry detergent in place of more traditional soap.

Laundry is the washing of clothing and linens, the place where that washing is done, and/ or that which needs to be, is being, or has been laundered. Laundry can be considered a room or areas, as in a home or apartment building, reserved for doing the family wash. Laundry was first done in watercourses, letting the water carry away the materials which could cause stains and smells. Laundry is still done this way in some less industrialized areas and rural regions. Binatu adalah kegiatan mencuci pakaian dan kain linen, dimana tempat cuci yang dilakukan, dan / atau apa yang perlu, sedang, atau telah dicuci. Binatu dapat dianggap sebagai ruang atau daerah, seperti di rumah atau apartemen, yang disediakan untuk melakukan kegiatan mencuci keluarga. Mencuci pakaian pertama kali dilakukan di sungai, dengan cara membiarkan air membawa pergi bahan yang dapat menyebabkan noda dan bau. Laundry masih dilakukan dengan cara ini di beberapa daerah yang kurang maju dan daerah pedesaan.

Agitation helps remove the dirt, so the laundry is often rubbed, twisted, or slapped against flat rocks. Wooden bats or clubs could be used to help with beating the dirt out. These were often called washing beetles or bats and could be used by waterside on a rock (a beetling-stone), on a block (battling-block), or on a board. They were once common across Europe and were also used by settlers in North America. Similiar techniques have also been identified in Japan. Agitasi membantu menghilangkan kotoran, sehingga mencuci pakaian seringkali digosok, diplintir, atau ditamparkan ke batu yang datar. Kayu pemukul dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengeluarkan kotoran keluar. Ini sering disebut mencuci kumbang atau kelelawar yang dapat digunakan di tepi sungai di atas batu (aBeetling batu), di blok (battling-blok), atau di papan. Hal ini umum digunakan di seluruh Eropa dan juga digunakan oleh pemukim di Amerika Utara. Teknik serupa juga telah diidentifikasi di Jepang.

Various chemicals may be used to increase the solvent power of water, such as the compounds in soap root or yucca-root used by Native American tribes, or the ash lye once widely used for soaking laundry in Europe. Soap, a compound made from lye and fat, is an ancient and common laundry aid. Modern washing machines typically use powdered or liquid laundry detergent in place of more traditional soap. Berbagai bahan kimia dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan pelarut air, seperti senyawa dalam akar sabun atau akar yukka yang digunakan oleh suku-suku asli Amerika, atau larutan abu yang banyak digunakan untuk merendam cucian di Eropa. Sabun, suatu senyawa yang terbuat dari alkali dan lemak, adalah bantuan untuk mencuci sejak lama dan umum digunakan . Mesin cuci modern biasanya menggunakan bubuk atau deterjen cuci cair dibandingkan sabun tradisional.

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