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3Squared Consulting Group

BUSN 460 CanGo Video Analysis Week 1&2

Team Leader; Derek J. Carillo Team Members; Lakisha Dixson, Nekeysha Lewis, Shelly Olliff, Charles Shrum and Dequanchay Simmons

Week 1 Overview
Organization Communication Lack of Goals (Planning) Motivation Training Competitive Advantage

Presented by
Nekeysha Lewis
Shelly Olliff Lakisha Dixson Dequanchay Simmons Charles Shrum Derek Carillo

Organizational Skills
By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Nekeysha Lewis


Most important job skill Help sort out different projects Help with prioritizing

Lack of Planning
A company can only go so far without proper planning Can cost the company money -Spending unnecessary time on a project - Not having everything that is needed to launch a new project.

Coordinate Resources
Scheduling -meetings with key players - meetings with out sourced players Allows brainstorming Allow for the company and stakeholders an opportunity to see if the project is beneficial to the company

Cost Benefits
Can hinder your ability to get where you want to be professionally Decrease Productivity Cost employees time and money

Sheahan, K. (2011). The Effects of Poor Organizational Skills? Retrieved from Sheahan, K. (2011). What are organizational skills? Retrieved from l-skills-275.html

Poor Communication
By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Shelly Olliff

Issue: Poor Communication

Critical to all core functions of a business:

To convey information and influence behavior Influences people to take action toward the organizational objectives.

Set objectives- purpose

Define goals- Strategic planning- purpose and disciplined methods of development, implementation and measurements.
Define stakeholders and audience

Identify tools- Set up tracking system (journals, written communication, electronic)

Recommendations cont.
Time table Training Managers to Deliver effective communication Share vision, mission and strategic goals

Evaluate for effectiveness

Lack of Goals
By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Lakisha Dixson

Lack of Goal
Lack of a definitive goal or purpose Theres no definitive plan in place that defines the purpose of the companys venture into a different market. A plan must provide a goal that will give the company a sense of direction or path for the company to work toward

The team must all agree on one common goal or sets of goals Chart out a clear cut plan and develop short term and long term goals in order to maximize your resources The team or company must come up with an executive summary, a well thought out and written plan that each member of the company can access and see for themselves.

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Dequan Simmons

Unmotivated team members Division amongst team members

Negative conversing behind one another backs Deviation from initial plan

Strong teams are reliable Strong teams get the job done no matter what obstacle Strong teams get the most projects Strong teams have a solid mgmt. foundation Motivated team members have a happy work environment Team building/ morale boosting Sense of pride for the team

Competitive Advantage

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Derek Carillo

Competitive advantages give a company an edge over its rivals and an ability to generate greater value for the firm and its shareholders. .
The more sustainable the competitive advantage, the more difficult it is for competitors to neutralize the advantage

Since the market is very competitive, CanGo must focus on a comparative advantage
Comparative advantage or cost advantage.

Retrieved October 26, 2011, from

Week 2 Overview
Lack of Direction Manager Training Staff Communication Lack of Planning Product Delivery system AS/RS

Presented by
Dequanchay Simmons
Lakisha Dixson Charles Shrum Shelly Olliff Nekeysha Lewis Derek Carillo

Lack of Direction
By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Dequan Simmons

Lack of direction
Team seem to be lost when given a task
No mission and vision statements Nothing to shoot for. No goals

The team did not understand the vision for the company

Understanding of the company Understanding of the goals of the company

Creation of a mission statement

Creation of a vision Team members understand that they each have a specific goals in the accomplishment of the project

Training for CanGo Managers

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Lakisha Dixson

Training for CanGo Managers

It is part of a managers job to delegate but they must also be able to give direction as well as motivate They should be effective leaders in the organization A manager helps to develop an employees strengths rather than showcase their weaknesses

Week 2 Resolutions
Management training Training can be internally supplied and customized for the company and implemented as ongoing management development Hire qualified individuals to conduct the training or current employees to receive specialized training Online training is accessible and affordable The benefit of implementing an effective management program can result in better time management, work ethics, and improve task management for all employees.

Lack of Online Game Project Plan

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Shelly Olliff

Lack of Online Game Project Plan

Processes to evaluate include: Game Development Hardware expense Software licensing costs Implementation and Maintenance fees Customer satisfaction and retention Financial Audit

Project Plan Life Cycle:

Defining Planning Execution Delivery

Resolution: Define Project Scope Establish Priorities Creating WBS Project Deliverables Integrating WBS in Organization Project Deliverables Risk Management Plan Implementation and Execution Monitoring and Controlling Project Closing

500% Increase in Sales

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Derek Carillo

500% increase in sales

AS/RS Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

Benefits associated with AS/RS are; dramatic improvements in operator efficiency and storage capacity, reduction of work-in-progress inventory, improvements in quality and Just-in-Time performance, provides make-to-order capability in addition to maketo-inventory production and Inventory control and instantaneous reporting functionality

Product Delivery System

By: 3 Squared Consultant Firm Presented by: Nekeysha Lewis

Lack of Storage
Comparison - Onsite storage - Offsite storage Cost comparison - Onsite storage $119 per month - Offsite storage $5 per square feet

Comparison -Buying a truck - Renting a truck Risk of buying Benefits of renting

Delivering Products
Marketing and Distribution team Local Stores Online Stores Methods of payments

Livedrive for business. (2011). Retrieved from Interesting facts about 18 wheelers. (2011). Retrieved from Pods. (2011). Retrieved from Truck rental. (2011). Retrieved from

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